Done!The devil at the beginning ate my infatuation

Chapter 445 The terrifying power of the Wind Calling Orb!

Chapter 445 The terrifying power of the Wind Calling Orb!
Lin Xuan cursed inwardly, but he could only summon another clone to stand in front of him.

The clone didn't support for a while before it dissipated under the attack from that half-step B-level master.

The remaining strength was still not small, and it hit Lin Xuan's chest fiercely.

Lin Xuan only felt a heat in his chest, and another mouthful of blood gushed out.

Lin Xuan was sent flying out again, and fell to the ground hard.

Lin Xuan tried hard to stand up, but couldn't do it.

At this moment, a bead rolled out from the clothes on Lin Xuan's chest.

The whole body of the beads was green, and they were rolling on the ground beside Lin Xuan.

When Lin Xuan saw this bead, his eyes lit up.

I am really confused, how could I forget the existence of this treasure?
This is exactly the Wind Calling Orb that Lin Xuan found out about its location from Feng Tianyu just now.

At this moment, Huanfengzhu could not stop spinning on the ground.

It seems that he hasn't seen the sun for a long time, and he can't wait to fight with his master.

Lin Xuan picked up the Wind Calling Orb and felt a sense of intimacy from it.

This bead is full of spirituality!
However, Lin Xuan didn't use the Wind Calling Pearl, and he didn't know what its effect was.

But Lin Xuan could feel the energy inside, which was still terrifying.

Anyway, this thing is also something that Feng Tianyu condensed after he practiced Wuquan Feng Jue to the sixth level.

Thinking about it, it should have pretty good power.

Lin Xuan reckoned that Feng Tianyu at that time should at least have a B-level late stage, or even an A-level cultivation base.

Looking at the approaching half-step B-level masters and a dozen C-level late-stage masters.

Lin Xuan ate a recovery fruit again, and at the same time poured his own strength into the Wind Calling Orb.

However, no matter how hard Lin Xuan tried, Huan Fengzhu didn't respond at all.

"Boy, today is your day of death!"

"Suffer to death!"

The half-step B-level master didn't want to give Lin Xuan another chance, so he jumped up with his knife as if Lin Xuan was slashing.

Lin Xuan had an idea and remembered the scene when he found the Wind Calling Orb.

Immediately activated the Wuquan Feng Jue.

This time, Huanfengzhu responded immediately.

The Wind Calling Orb began to quickly devour the newly recovered strength in Lin Xuan's body.

The power brought by Lin Xuan eating the recovery fruit couldn't keep up with the power absorbed by this little bead.

As a last resort, in order to keep up with the absorption speed of the Wind Calling Orb.

Lin Xuan took out another recovery fruit and ate it.

At this moment, the small Wind Calling Orb actually emitted an extremely dazzling green light, floating in front of Lin Xuan.

The half-step B-level expert didn't dare to be careless when he saw this vision.

The big knife in his hand gained a little more strength, and slashed at the Wind Calling Orb blocking Lin Xuan.

The Wind Calling Orb seemed to sense that someone was attacking it, and suddenly a green light curtain formed above it.

After the half-step B-level expert slashed down condescendingly, he was easily blocked in front of the light curtain.

At this time, Feng Huanzhu stopped absorbing Lin Xuan's power.

The next moment, Lin Xuan only felt a violent storm sweeping from behind.

Before Lin Xuan could react, the storm was approaching.

Lin Xuan felt bad, and hurriedly blocked the vital position with his arm to try to defuse the damage.

But when the storm passed by Lin Xuan, it automatically avoided it!
Immediately, the storm rolled towards the half-step B-level master.


"What is this... Ugh!"

Before the half-step B-level expert could finish his sentence, he was hit by the engulfing storm and yelled loudly.

Afterwards, his whole body was swept up by the storm, constantly flying in the air.

And those C-level late-stage masters behind him couldn't stop this weird storm when they saw their own adults.

Naturally, he knew that he and the others were definitely not opponents, so he immediately wanted to escape.

They are not afraid of death, but they will not be so stupid as to directly contend with this seemingly unstoppable storm.

However, no matter how fast they are, can they be faster than the wind?
The storm quickly swept past where they were, and Lin Xuan vaguely heard a few screams coming from inside.

Wherever the storm passed, even the land was blown up.

As the storm disappeared in the distance, except for the half-step B-level master who was present, he was swept away by the storm.

The other dozen or so C-level late-stage masters were lying quietly on the ground, obviously dead.

Lin Xuan's eyes widened, watching the consequences of the power of the Wind Calling Orb in disbelief.

This, is this the insignificant treasure in Feng Tianyu's mouth?

Is it too exaggerated?

If this summoning wind bead can be used all the time, wouldn't he be almost invincible?
It seems that even B-level masters can hardly resist the power of this Wind Calling Orb.

At this moment, Lin Xuan suddenly felt his eyes go dark, and a sense of dizziness came like a tide.

Lin Xuan couldn't help but fell to the ground, holding his forehead.

But the Wind Calling Orb was floating in front of Lin Xuan at this moment, still spinning.

It seems to be asking Lin Xuan, why not continue to use it.

After a while, Huan Fengzhu saw that Lin Xuan no longer responded to it.

Then it stopped turning, and fell on the ground in front of Lin Xuan and rolled a few times.

At this moment, the light on the bead became obviously much dimmer.

The energy in it is obviously consumed more than half.

Lin Xuan picked up the Wind Calling Orb and put it in his arms, feeling the power in his body by the way.

This feeling doesn't matter, Lin Xuan was surprised to find that his strength was actually less than before eating the recovery fruit.

This small bead actually needs to absorb so much energy once activated!
Although it is extremely powerful, it cannot afford to consume it.

The power of the two recovery fruits, plus some remaining power inside the bead, can be activated this time.

And Lin Xuan felt that the reason for this happened.

There is a great possibility that Huanfengzhu thought it was Feng Tianyu himself who used it.

That's why it absorbs so much energy and has such power.

In the process of absorbing her own strength, Huanfengzhu realized that she was powerless.

So he used the power contained in the Wind Calling Orb itself.

That is to say, the power that was absorbed from Feng Tianyu a long time ago and has not dissipated until now.

Together, this is the effect.

After killing the enemy, Huanfengzhu seemed to have the idea of ​​launching an attack.

It turned around in mid-air, as if it was waiting for Lin Xuan to push it.

But Lin Xuan didn't respond, so it thought the battle was over.

Only then did it automatically stop spinning and land on the ground.

Lin Xuan probably figured everything out, and couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

If he hadn't obtained this Wind Calling Orb, it would have taken a lot of effort to get through this time.

I have to find some time to study this Wind Calling Orb carefully.

Or go to Feng Tianyu for advice, otherwise it would be too resource-intensive to use.

(End of this chapter)

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