Chapter 451 Sudden confession

After a while, there was a knock on the door of Lin Xuan's room.

Presumably the woman came to look for herself after changing her clothes.

Lin Xuan thought, walked over and opened the door.

The woman stood outside the door pretty, with a shy expression on her face.

Women's clothing at this moment is very different from before.

The previous woman dressed like a village girl, although she had a beautiful face.

But those clothes couldn't set off her temperament at all.

Now the woman has obviously dressed up carefully, and it has completely changed from before.

The woman at this moment put on a white skirt, revealing two slender legs.

Wearing a pair of high heels on the feet, it looks very dazzling.

The skirt and high-heeled shoes are brand new, and the girl who thought they bought them hadn't worn them since they bought them, but kept them for a long time.

The turban on the woman's head also disappeared, but her hair was shawl.

The eyes that were originally closed and only opened a slit are now fully opened.

The big eyes are watery, and the long eyelashes are flickering, very cute.

The woman does not have makeup, but she adds decorations to her clothes without makeup.

Still unbelievably beautiful.

Rao is that Lin Xuan is used to the peerless looks of Xiao Qingyao, Hua Jieyu, Yu Shengxiang and others.

At this moment, I couldn't help but praise the woman in my heart, what a beautiful woman!

"You came."

Lin Xuan opened the door very gentlemanly, and made way sideways.

When the woman walked in, it was obviously her own home, but she felt like she was coming in for the first time.

The woman sat shyly on the chair, lowered her head and said nothing.

Lin Xuan saw that the woman's hands were constantly stirring the edge of her skirt, so she knew that the woman was very nervous now.

The woman's eyes secretly looked at Lin Xuan, and her face immediately became more rosy.

She hadn't seen it before, and she didn't know what Lin Xuan looked like.

When she was just able to see, she rushed to hug Lin Xuan and only saw Lin Xuan's back.

When he first came in, he walked in in a daze and sat on a chair.

Only now did he have the chance to take a look at Lin Xuan's face.

Seeing this, the woman's spring heart immediately surged.

Where has she seen a man in her whole life?
Now when I saw Lin Xuan's handsome face for the first time, I immediately fell for it.

In addition, he saved him first, and then he healed his eyes.

At this moment in the woman's heart, Lin Xuan has occupied a very important position.



The two spoke at the same time, and both said a word.

Seeing that the other party was about to speak, they immediately shut their mouths.

"Cough, what's the girl's name?"

It was Lin Xuan who broke the awkward atmosphere first and asked the woman.

"I, my name is Yan Bingchen..."

"After I lost my parents, everyone called me a blind girl at first."

"Afterwards, I lived here alone, and no one called me by my name."

Yan Bingchen is a pretty good name.

However, no one should know her name for a long time, right?

Lin Xuan thought to himself after hearing this.

"Miss Yan, in order to repay you for saving my life."

"I healed your eyes for you, so let me repay you."

"The medicine I gave you is called Tongmai Pill."

"While curing your eye disease, it also helps your body improve your aptitude."

"If you are willing to practice hard, then it will definitely be no problem to reach the C level."

Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Ah... Bingchen, thank you for your kindness of rebuilding."

"Bingchen misunderstood you earlier, I hope you don't mind."

After listening to Lin Xuan's words, Yan Bingchen thought of the scene where she had just expelled impurities from her body, and suddenly felt shy.

Afterwards, Yan Bingchen bowed and said softly to Lin Xuan.

"Don't be so polite, it's nothing to say."

"I see you were blind before and were always bullied."

"Now your eyes are healed, and you can start practicing on your own."

"I think there should be no more problems, and it is enough to protect myself when I encounter danger."

"Then, I'll leave first."

"We will have an appointment later."

Lin Xuan helped Yan Bingchen up, and said gently.


"You, you want to go?"

"You, don't you stay here?"

"Lin Xuan, don't go..."

Yan Bingchen was shocked when he heard Lin Xuan's words.

She didn't expect Lin Xuan to leave after curing her eyes, and she was very surprised.

Lin Xuan first saved himself under the hands of those bullies, and then healed his eyes.

Yan Bingchen had already developed a different kind of emotion towards Lin Xuan.

Before I could say a few more words to Lin Xuan, I heard that Lin Xuan was leaving. How could Yan Bingchen be willing?

"Miss Yan, is there anything else?"

"If you need help from me, I will definitely not refuse what I can do."

Seeing that Yan Bingchen was trying to keep him, Lin Xuan thought that Yan Bingchen needed his help to solve some troubles, so he asked.

If there is a real difficulty, it is natural for Lin Xuan to act.

Hearing Lin Xuan's voice, Yan Bingchen didn't speak, but her pretty face turned red.

"Miss Yan, why don't you speak?"

"No matter what difficulties you have, I will help you."

"Don't be embarrassed to speak, just say it."

Seeing Yan Bingchen sitting there with his head bowed and not speaking, Lin Xuan thought it was something serious, so he asked.


"I saved you once before, and you saved me once."

"This, this is evened..."

"But you helped me heal my eyes again, I, I'm very grateful..."

"Since I was born, no one has been so kind to me..."

"I think, I think..."

"If you don't dislike, don't dislike me."

"I will, I will be your...girlfriend..."

Yan Bingchen grasped the hem of her skirt with both small hands, and said softly.

Especially when he said the last two sentences, his voice became smaller and smaller.

It's like the sound made by mosquitoes.

If it wasn't for the silence here, and Lin Xuan's hearing is still good, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to hear what she was saying clearly.

After saying these few words, Yan Bingchen turned red from the neck to the ears because of shyness.

After finishing speaking, Yan Bingchen waited for Lin Xuan's answer awkwardly.

She naturally hoped that Lin Xuan would agree.

She has been blind for so long, although she has a good heart and has been doing good things.

But others always look at her differently, which makes her very inferior.

Even those who have been favored by her have no good attitude towards her.

Although she believes that good people will be rewarded for doing good deeds, she hopes that she can really heal her eyes.

But those humiliation and other people's gossip have been stinging her heart.

If it were a normal person, he would have given up on himself long ago.

But Yan Bingchen still persevered, and always insisted on his original intention, and continued to do good deeds.

(End of this chapter)

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