Chapter 101.
"And I'm more inclined to think that something happened. I don't know if you found no blood stains under the eaves, and it's been a long time. These are just my speculations. You can only find out when you go in."

After Shi Yu said this, everyone noticed a few drops of darkened blood stains under the eaves of the door. There were already specks of dust on the blood stains. If you didn't pay attention, you might not be able to find them.

This blood gave everyone a bad premonition, probably something happened to this family.

Shi Xiao nodded and looked at Shi Yu. What her younger brother said was right, and she was more inclined to have an accident. She would know the specific situation when she went in, so she gave Shi Yu a look.

Upon receiving her sister's gaze, Shi Yu pushed open the half-closed door, revealing the general situation in the courtyard before everyone's eyes.

What is certain is that something has happened to this family.

Pieces of blood were scattered all over the courtyard, and corpses were scattered messily in the courtyard. The scene was miserable.

If it weren't for the fact that everyone has gotten used to it these days, half of the people in this scene would probably spit it out.

Walking into the courtyard, everyone carefully avoided the bones on the ground.

The gate of the small building in the courtyard was open, and there was no special movement. Even so, Shi Yu led people to check the upstairs and downstairs carefully.

As they felt, there was nothing in the small building.

Shi Xiao already had a premonition when she came in, so she didn't go with her, but carefully observed the bones on the ground.

It can be seen from the scattered skulls that these are two corpses, and they were eaten very clean, with some bone debris.

Zhang Tiantian and Wei Dalong resisted the discomfort in his heart, and followed Shi Xiao to observe.

The eldest brother is the eldest grandma, who can face these corpses without changing his face, which is a role model for us to learn from. The two looked at Shi Xiao with admiration.

Here, Shi Xiao used a wooden stick he picked up casually to pick up the bone fragments on the ground. Such broken bones were obviously not caused by zombies.

Zombies like flesh and blood, but they don't have the slightest interest in bones, and they don't try hard to chew these bones. The same goes for zombie animals, they are only interested in flesh and blood.

And there is obviously only one possibility for these bone fragments on the ground, and that is caused by mutated animals.

Shi Xiao couldn't help standing up and looking at the Yunwu Mountain a few miles away, his expression was gloomy.

This reminded her of the cheetah that ran to Shijiacun before. Shijiacun was so far away that animals inadvertently broke into it, let alone Xiaoliu Village being so close to Yunwu Mountain.

And she had doubts when she entered the door before. The door was obviously knocked open with great force, and the lock was broken.

These all show the great power when hitting the door, and the zombies did not have such great power before they evolved.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, what are you doing?" Zhang Tiantian was a little confused by Shi Xiao who suddenly stood up, and followed Shi Xiao's gaze to look at the distant mountains curiously. Lush green, nothing special.

"I'm wondering if the bones on the ground were made by mutated animals from the mountain."

"Mutated animals?" Zhang Tiantian exclaimed, which naturally reminded her of the cheetah and giant python.

Then Zhang Tiantian ignored the discomfort in his stomach, and began to carefully observe the human remains on the ground.

With this observation, details that were not noticed before are magnified in front of my eyes.

It was indeed not caused by zombies. They had seen corpses eaten by zombies before. They were not so clean, and the bones on the body were basically intact.

The ones on the ground were obviously different, extending from the steps of the small building to the middle of the yard, these corpses were scattered everywhere, and the most important thing was that many of the flesh and bones on the ground were crushed.

No wonder the boss suspected that it was caused by a mutant animal. This situation is indeed very similar to a mutant animal.

Just when Zhang Tiantian wanted to say something, Shi Yu led the other members to Shi Xiao and shook his head.

Then, under Shi Yu's leadership, the remains of these corpses were piled together and buried in the small vegetable garden next to the yard, which can be regarded as letting them rest in the ground.

"Let's go to another house."

Whether it is a mutated animal descending the mountain or a crowd, you will know if you go to a few more households.

So, soon they stood in the second household, Shi Xiao and the others walked in almost without pausing.

The door of this house is completely open, the difference is that there is not much blood on the ground, and the corpse is still on the ground.

As they approached, they also knew why the corpse was still well preserved.

There were three corpses in the hospital, two middle-aged people and one elderly person.

What the three corpses have in common is that their heads were smashed into pieces. These are three corpses that have turned into zombies.

No wonder they were thrown on the ground in disgust, the smell was already overwhelming, and everyone stood far away.

The situation was already clear, and everyone couldn't help but look at each other, but to be cautious, they checked it carefully.

Except for these three zombies, nothing else was found.

Then, these corpses were wrapped in sheets found in the house and pulled to the outside wall, waiting to turn back and set fire as before.

Then the next one.

As they expected, they still did not see a single survivor.

This family was just as miserable, with only bones and remains left. Like the first family, they were eaten clean, and finally buried in their yard, so that the corpses would not be left outside.

In this way, more than 20 households were checked in a row, and there was no survivor except for the two households that showed no signs of living in them.

Others, either turned into zombies and had their heads smashed, or left only corpses.

Some were eaten in the yard, and some were eaten in the room. In short, there is only one word to describe it.

When the two groups of people converged, the situation on both sides was not bad.

In a small village with dozens of households, except for those who became zombies, all the survivors were eaten, although the proportion of survivors was not high.

The state of the remains of the corpse can already be determined to be caused by mutated animals, but what kind of mutated animals cannot be confirmed.

In short, it will not be caused by an animal, because there is no such a big belly, the most suspicious ones are those carnivores who like to act in groups.

Therefore, beasts that like to walk alone can be directly ruled out.

They came too late, and the entire village was wiped out by the army, but this kind of thing is beyond their control. They can only sigh in their hearts, and don't let them leave their corpses outside to do their best.

Since there are no living people in the village, there is nothing to hesitate next, and it is natural to collect supplies.

When I came this time, the preparations were relatively complete, and Yan Xu drove out his truck before leaving, so there was no need to worry that there would be no place to put the supplies.

Besides, there are space pockets, plus several Yan Xus.

Although the space bag is only the size of a single room, the size of this room is as large as a whole apartment in other people's homes, and even larger than the entire apartment in some people's homes.

Just like the self-built houses of their farms, the homestead is relatively generous, and a room is at least dozens of square meters.

Not to mention the rich, their villas and mansions, with a room of hundreds of square meters, are rare and common.

Therefore, the area of ​​a room in the space bag naturally refers to the largest area, and the height can be much higher than the height in the normal sense.

So there is no need to worry about the problem of too many things to fit.

Don't forget that there is Shi Xiao, no matter how many things she has, it's okay to fish in troubled waters, keep secrets, and she shouldn't be too proficient in what she does these days.

What is the most indispensable thing in the village?It must be food, and the new food has just been harvested for more than a month, and every household has kept enough food for at least a year.

(End of this chapter)

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