I just want to have a good time

Chapter 107 106. Surprise

Chapter 107 106. Surprise
Of course I agree to Shi Xiao’s name calling!Immediately they nodded their heads and said yes, and then heard Shi Xiao continue to say:

"Here are 80 you share equally. As for these energy cores, you can rest assured that they have been purified, and their purpose is to enhance and replenish abilities."

"The method is very simple. Hold it with both hands and feel it with your own abilities. As long as you successfully establish a connection, you can naturally absorb the energy in the energy core."

It was too late, Shi Xiao didn't dawdle, just went to the topic and directly said the method of energy core absorption.

What Shi Xiao said was very happy, Che Jun and the two were shocked by the sudden amount of information, you look at me, I look at you, and at the same time look at the energy core on the coffee table.

After a while, as if he suddenly realized it, a light called surprise burst out of his eyes, and he wanted to weld his eyes to the energy core.

It turned out that their conjecture was true before, and this thing can really improve the ability?That's right, how could there be such a thing in the zombie's body for no reason.

But although the two of them were very pleasantly surprised, they did not lose their heads because of the surprise. Shi laughed and said that it was the purified energy core.

That is to say, this thing cannot be absorbed directly, but must be purified. It can be seen that the original energy core really contains harmful substances to the body.

so close!Fortunately, although they had some ideas before, they didn't really take action, otherwise something really happened.

"That Shi Xiao...Shi Xiao, may I ask, if this energy core has not been purified, what will be the consequences after absorbing it?"

Li Qiang couldn't bear the doubt in his heart and asked.

Shi Xiao nodded, this is indeed a curious question.

Said: "The unpurified energy core is full of energy, but because it is dug out from the zombie's body, the energy will naturally carry a part of the zombie virus.

So if you absorb it rashly, there is only one result, being assimilated, that is, you will become a zombie with a high probability. Of course, people who are gifted and able to resist this virus cannot be ruled out. "

It's just that such people are too rare.

Sure enough, Li Qiang and Che Jun didn't have any luck in his heart.

"As long as you follow what I said, there should be a breakthrough in the supernatural ability soon, and you will find out the rest when you go back to your room and find out by yourself. That's it, I should go."

Speaking of which, Shi Xiao stood up. It was getting late and she still had energy cores to continue delivering, so it was impossible to delay here for too long.

Hearing this, the two hurriedly expressed their thanks, and it was not easy to keep two big men, after all, men and women were different, and it was not appropriate for them to say something to keep them at night.

So he could only politely send Shi Xiao and the two big guys out of the courtyard.

Then, they couldn't wait to take their energy cores and go back to their rooms, and tried to absorb energy according to the method Shi Xiao just said.

Although there were some twists and turns in the process, and it took a little longer, in the end the supernatural ability successfully penetrated into the energy core, established a connection with it, and absorbed the energy contained in it.

At the moment of successful absorption, they felt a surge of gratitude from the bottom of their hearts, it was gratitude to Shi Xiao.

Although they didn't ask how to purify, they also knew that the process would not be easy.

She could have kept such a good thing privately, but Shi Xiao gave it away generously, which touched them very much.

Shi Xiao was already sitting in the house where Liu Neng, Jin Yunchang and the others were staying when the two were successfully absorbed.

At the same time, there were several other supernatural beings who lived with them. Except for one surnamed Song who didn't go to clean up the zombies together, the others all participated.

After these people arrived, she repeated what she had said to Li Qiang and the others.

Of course, it was unavoidable to watch everyone's shocked and surprised appearance again, and it was also unavoidable to explain, and then left amid everyone's thanks.

A few big men couldn't say how to persuade them to stay, it was too inappropriate after all.

After Shi Xiao left, they, like Li Qiang and Che Jun, couldn't sleep anymore, and started to try with their share of energy cores.

As long as you are not extremely stupid, it is not difficult to absorb the energy in the energy core.

Then Shi Xiao went to another house, and left after leaving enough energy, and then went to the last house of this trip.

Seeing how many houses she went to, she didn't actually go very far, adding up to a distance of several hundred meters, without even turning a corner, and she didn't go out of the village at all.

The last household, which is Yan Xu's accommodation, is done, and she can go back to rest.

To be honest, this girl is already sleepy. She has already visualized from the space and fell asleep at this time.

After successfully entering their living room, the two bodyguards squeezed in without hesitation and squatted by the door.

The one who opened the door was the taciturn Liu Yunhao, who was tall and thick, unexpectedly quite vigilant.

Shi Xiao couldn't help but take another look at him. Usually, he didn't pay much attention to this big man, mainly because he was with the director. The others suddenly looked dim and were subconsciously ignored.

When Shi Xiao was sitting in the living room, Yan Xu also walked to the living room, looking at Shi Xiao who appeared in the living room in surprise, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He really didn't expect it to be her. After being awakened by the knock on the door, he thought something happened, so he came down to take a look when he was worried.

"Brother Yan" Shi Xiao also saw Yan Xu who came to the living room, and was about to stand up when Yan Xu pushed him down again.

"Sit down, you don't need to get up, we are not outsiders." Yan Xu moved his hand away reluctantly, and took the opportunity to get closer with a thick-skinned face.

Shi Xiao smiled, and didn't think there was any problem with these words.

They were colleagues in the first place, even if they were subordinates, they could be regarded as friends, but now they are comrades-in-arms in the trenches, and it is not wrong to say that they are not outsiders.

Then Yan Xu took out a bottle of pure water and screwed the cap on and handed it to Shi Xiao, "If you have anything to say, drink some water first."

He didn't think that Shi Xiao would come to them at night for no reason, there must be something important, and it was very important.

Seeing that Shuishi smiled and didn't refuse, he went to a few places and talked so much, he was indeed a little thirsty, even if the bottle caps were unscrewed, it would be a waste if he didn't drink.

Shi Xiao drank several sips in a row with dignity, and when he put down the bottle, he saw Director Yan looking at her with a smile on his lips, his eyes were focused and deep, and his bright black eyes were like stars in the night sky, bright and attractive.

For some reason, Shi Xiao was suddenly looked a little embarrassed, and felt a sense of panic in his heart.

A very strange feeling made her subconsciously stagger the eyes of Big Brother Yan, and turned to Liu Yunhao who was at the side.

Then he said, "Brother Liu, please call Xiao Su and Meng Xier."

Without looking at Yan Xu after speaking, he picked up the water in his hand and drank two more, as if he was very thirsty.

"Ah? Oh, I'll go right away" Liu Yunhao didn't expect that he would be called by name, he glanced at the boss and then at Shi Xiao, who was drinking water with his head down, always felt a little strange, but he still ran up the stairs.

The smile in Yan Xu's eyes deepened, he could see that the girl was uncomfortable after working with her for so long.

Shi Xiaoduo is a big-hearted person, it is difficult to see her uncomfortable appearance, and she is also very courageous.

Does this mean that the girl has a little feeling, thinking of this, Yan Xu looked at Shi Xiao's eyes more and more tenderly, without hiding it at all.

At this moment, silence speaks louder than sound, Shi Xiao was surrounded by an inexplicable aura, and she almost drank a bottle of water.

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(End of this chapter)

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