Chapter 128

Liu Yunhao and Che Jun also nodded politely, and quickly caught up with their two bosses.

He wondered to himself if he forgot about them, he just left without even looking at them.

Lin Fan kept looking at the backs of these people until the car disappeared.

"Head, these people are very powerful." Wang Le moved to the side of the head, looked at the darkness ahead, and suddenly opened his mouth to express his emotion.

When he was attacking in the sky, he accidentally caught a glimpse that, except for the young lady, the other three people were all very powerful.

Especially the one who had just bid farewell to the group leader was a rare thunder type, and the thunder net and thunder ball kept beckoning at the mutant wolf, as if they were inexhaustible.

It's like they are calculating in their hearts when they use their abilities.

Except for the lightning-type abilities, the other two are also very good at abilities, not inferior to them at all.

It would be great if such a person came to the army, but unfortunately he can only think about this idea by himself, which is obviously impossible.

The smile on Lin Fan's face disappeared, and when he turned around, he returned to a black face. He gave Wang Le a cold look, "Is there nothing to do? Hurry up and organize the soldiers to leave here. I didn't smell such a big blood Does it smell?"

"Yes" Wang Le stood up straight like a conditioned reflex, performed a standard military salute, and his heart trembled.

Then he ran faster than a rabbit with his wind ability, which was worthy of him, and yelled at the team to gather and prepare.

The black-faced head of the squad is too lethal, and he, the little squad leader, can't resist it.

Except for the corpses of some remaining mutant wolves that could be taken away, they were piled up in the corner, and they restrained the corpses of their dead comrades with an unusually heavy heart.

The whole journey took less than half an hour until the convoy left.

By the time the smelling zombies swayed and dared to come, the convoy had already left, leaving behind large areas of blood and the corpses of mutant wolves for the zombies to eat.


At this moment, Shi Xiao had arrived in Shihe Town, and the girl didn't forget to collect the corpses of a few mutant wolves when she was about to board the car.

Shi Xiao didn't know if wolf meat tasted good before it mutated, but she did know if it tasted good after it mutated.

Because the animal has absorbed a lot of spiritual energy, the meat quality has been greatly improved. It can be said that as long as it is a mutant animal, the meat quality is very delicious.

Good things plus she also put in a lot of effort, of course Shi Xiao will not let it go.

You know, such a big head can take a lot of time to eat.

Especially since winter is not far away, eating more meat with aura is also very effective in resisting the cold.

Even Yan Xu couldn't help but follow Shi Xiao's actions when he saw Shi Xiao's actions.

Liu Yunhao and Che Jun could only look at it greedily. These were all meat, and they were all mutant animal meat.

When they were given the python meat, they heard Shi Xiao said that the meat of the mutated animal was delicious and could also replenish spiritual energy, and they felt very profound after eating it.

Looking at the mutant wolves lying on the ground, the two felt a pity in their hearts.

Their cars drove as fast as they could along the way, and they returned to Shihe Town in a shorter time than before.

At this time, Shihe Town was silent and dark. When passing through the streets of the town, Shi Xiao heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the vehicles in front of him.

It's great that I haven't returned to Shijiacun yet.

Liu Yunhao slammed on the brakes and the car stopped.

On the other side, Jin Yunchang, Liu Neng, Song Jia and the others also noticed the arrival of the vehicle. They were surprised to see the familiar car, and they couldn't wait to open the door and get out.

Everyone was very happy to see Xiaoxiao boss Yan and the others safe and sound.

They heard what the driver of the last car said, and suddenly a lot of scary things happened behind them.

If Big Brother Xiaoxiao hadn't made a sudden move, their car might have been kept.

If you stay, it will be really miserable.

The vehicle was a van with dozens of rescued survivors in it.

If they were really attacked by mutated animals, the chances of these people surviving in fright were really slim.

Everyone couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat for the last car.

Fortunately, there was a boss named Xiaoxiao, so they drove all the way to Shihe Town in fear, and everyone waited here.

Don't dare to go back to Shijia Village, there are no people here, so how dare you go back.

If Shi Yu, Su Yiyuan and the others knew, they wouldn't eat them.

So everyone decided to wait here.

At the same time, dozens of survivors were divided into empty houses in the town according to their wishes.

Of course, there are also those who want to go back to Shijia Village with them.

It was a few young women and the men who had been healed by Mr. Xiaoxiao. Three of them were still in a coma, and they were assigned to go back to Shijia Village by Mo Beibei without authorization.

"Sister Xiaoxiao" Song Jia shouted happily as soon as she saw the boss, she knew that the boss would be fine.

"En." Shi Xiao nodded slightly in response to her.

They were immediately surrounded by everyone when they got out of the car.

Everyone was a little excited when they saw them, talking non-stop, even Yan Xu's cold face was no longer afraid.

"Xiaoxiao Boss, I knew you were all right." Liu Neng's excited words were full of admiration.

"That's right, don't look at who the boss is, Xiaoxiao, she is a fairy sister who is not even afraid of giant pythons."

"That's right, I'm not afraid of anything, Sister Xiaoxiao." Song Jia was so proud that her little tail curled up behind her.

"That's right, with Mr. Xiaoxiao and Mr. Yan here, if there is a problem, it can only be someone else."


The rainbow farts in the excited people's mouths jumped out one by one, and occasionally they could take Yan Xu, Liu Yunhao and Che Jun completely reduced to tool people, and no one remembered them at all.

The two of them are already used to it, it's strange that these two big shots can think of them
Shi Xiao looked at everyone dumbfounded, he was too excited, it was the first time he was surrounded by everyone so enthusiastically.

The main reason is that no matter how old or young they are, they are always the boss or sister Xiaoxiao, making Shi Xiao nod, no, no, no choice but to nod frequently.

Fortunately, everyone had their sense of proportion, and the excitement quickly subsided, and Shi Xiao's ears also calmed down.

Then several supernatural beings from Jin Yunchang explained to Shi Xiaoyan Xu the situation after the convoy arrived in Shihe Town.

It is important to mention the survivors who were brought back. Each of them distributed a little material and found an empty house in the town for them to temporarily resettle.

There were a dozen or so people who were willing to follow back to Shijia Village, and Jin Yunchang and the others did not forget to mention it.

"Well done" Shi Xiao nodded and praised, even if they came back together, they would do the same at most.

Yan Xu also gave a positive nod.

Seeing this, Jin Yunchang and the others felt relieved.

"Okay, since there is nothing to do, let's get in the car quickly, it's already so late, let's go back to Shijia Village first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow." Shi Xiao said.

Tomorrow, she plans to let everyone take a good rest. After so long, everyone has been running at high speed like a machine, and there is no chance to take a good rest. It is time to take a good rest.

Everyone was indeed tired. Hearing what Mr. Xiaoxiao said, the crowd dispersed in an instant. They all went back to their cars and started back to Shijia Village.

Liu Yunhao, an old driver, didn't need Shi Xiao's urging, he kicked the accelerator and the car took the lead to turn in the direction of Shijiacun as if flying.

A few minutes later, the convoy arrived at Shijia Village and drove towards the back of the village.

In the dead of night, not to mention the sound of a few cars, even the sound of a car is very obvious at night.

Therefore, as soon as the convoy entered the village, some vigilant people knew about it.

Including Shi Yu and the others, to be exact, they didn't sleep.

I thought that my sister would come back in time for dinner, and prepared meals for two tables, but I didn't expect to wait and wait until my sister and the others came back.

There is no way, in order to keep warm, I can only put all the food in the space first, and when my sister and the others come back, they can take it out and eat it.

The moment Shi Yushi heard the movement of the convoy, Shi Yushi's parents and Shi's mother immediately sat up from the sofa, opened the living room door and walked out.

Heiqiu and Huangya were also anxiously humming in the yard, obviously knowing that the master was back.

(End of this chapter)

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