I just want to have a good time

Chapter 141 141. I'm afraid it's not a mother

Chapter 141 141. I'm afraid it's not a mother
Just leaving like this, Shi Xiao really couldn't figure out this operation.

For this reason, Shi Xiao secretly sniffed the smell on his body, it's okay, there is no unpleasant smell!
Shi Xiao thought that her little trick was being done secretly, but Yan Xu had noticed her little trick, and looked at her with doting eyes.

She was still immersed in the mood of dissecting mutant tigers, and it seemed that she was really not interested in them.

Whether in the previous life or in the present, it was the first time Shi Xiao encountered such a strange animal.

In his mental strength, it was not until Mutant Tiger walked out of the gas station yard that Shi Xiao tugged Yan Xu's sleeve to remind him, and the two walked out of the warehouse where they were hiding.

Shi Xiao found that when the two of them stepped out of the warehouse, the mutant tiger who had already been walking in the gas station stopped, turned his head and glanced in their direction, then continued to pace, stopped on the road and lay down there.

Coincidentally, the place where it lay down was only a few meters away from their car.

Seeing this scene, Shi Xiao couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

No matter, since this thing has no plans to attack for the time being, she will collect supplies first.

After collecting good things, we will have a good meeting with this mutant tiger.

So Shi Xiao began to collect all the gasoline and diesel in the yard and warehouse into the space as if he had forgotten that there were mutated animals.

Yan Xu, on the other hand, hid in the backyard door, staring intently at the mutant tiger lying on the road, just in case.

The mutated tiger flicked its tail very comfortably, shook its head and glanced this way from time to time.

Soon, Shi Xiao, who had collected the supplies, stood beside Yan Xu, and glanced at the mutant tiger who was still standing still.

"Brother Yan, let's go out." Shi Xiao didn't want to waste any more time.

Yan Xu nodded, he also had the same meaning, always hiding is not an option.

Having decided that the two of them would not hesitate any longer, they quickly walked out of the warehouse yard and stood still outside the supermarket at the gas station.

And when the two started to move, the mutant tiger who had been lying leisurely on the ground also stood up.

Looking at Shi Xiao and the others across the gas station like this.

To be honest, Shi Xiao has never seen such a calm mutant animal.

However, this behavior is probably precisely because they did not take them seriously.

As if they were already in its pocket.

They didn't have time to look at it from afar here, and what should be collected has already been collected. As for the supplies in the gas station supermarket because of this big guy, Shi Xiao is also ready to give up, and Shi Xiao is not short of things in the left and right.

Shi Xiao took the lead and walked towards the car next to the mutant tiger. If the mutant tiger didn't stop him, Shi Xiao would get into the car.

Yan Xu also followed closely, and his body was on high alert. In this way, the distance between the two of them and the mutant tiger became closer and closer.

Finally, it stopped tens of meters away from the mutant tiger.

During this period, the mutant tiger was still standing very calmly on the road, showing no sign of wanting to move.

Even so, Shi Yu and Yan Xu did not dare to take it lightly, and were still on high alert.

The guy didn't move but the tiger eyes didn't move from either of them at all.

The distance was too close, Shi Xiaoyan Xu moved forward cautiously, you could say he was testing.

Seeing that the big guy still didn't move, could it be that she was thinking too much, the Mutant Tiger really didn't have the slightest interest in them, Shi Xiao couldn't help thinking.

It would be great if that was the case, she really didn't want to do it.

As the distance got closer, the Humulus seeds that Shi Xiao had already prepared had also been activated.

The two people who were ready slowly moved towards the car.

When it was about to approach the car, the mutant tiger moved.

"Hey, it's finally moving." Shi Xiao also let go of the heart that she had been carrying all along, so she can do it with confidence.

To be honest, Shi Xiao really couldn't bear to do it when the mutant tiger was so leisurely and didn't take the initiative to attack.

Not her Heart of Mary, her principle has always been that people will not offend me and I will not offend others, and animals are the same.

Just when Shi Xiao was about to make a move, who would have expected that the mutant tiger would move, and unexpectedly turned around and walked towards the opposite direction of their car.

This operation made Shi Xiao hold back, and the vines that were already about to strike stopped abruptly.

I'm afraid it's not a tigress, or else why her mind is so changeable is unpredictable.

Shi Xiao looked dumbfounded at the mutated tiger walking away from the field, and it really left, this operation was absolutely perfect.

Also surprised was Yan Xu, squinting at the mutated tiger that was drifting away, he was rarely emotional, and couldn't help but be surprised.

He had made all the preparations, and the mutant tiger left just like that, which was too unexpected.

The two of them just looked at the gradually disappearing mutant tiger, no matter how they thought about it, they felt that the scene in front of them was really incredible.

Is this tiger a vegetarian tiger? It is really hard to understand.

Or is it that they really exude a smell that tigers hate, so they walk away far away.

The mutant tigers that had gradually moved away from the gas station quickly disappeared into the fields.

The scorching sun swept across the earth, and a point below the ear tips of the mutated tiger shone with a metallic luster under the sunlight.

There is a metal ear tag studded there, small and exquisite hidden in the mutant tiger's hair.

Shi Xiaoyan, who was puzzled at the gas station, quickly got in the car and left here after the mutant tiger left.

The two of them wished they could not fight, and they were not fighting madmen.

Then continue to the next target gas station, which is also a large state-owned gas station, more than 20 miles away from here.

It's more than 20 miles, and it takes about ten minutes to drive, so we arrived soon.

Looking at the wandering zombies, it is obvious that this is also a gas station that no one has visited before.

The number of zombies in the gas station is nearly double that of the previous one, which is probably why no one comes.

Shi Xiao still didn't use her hands. After Yan Xu held the rifle for a while, Shi Xiao started her craniotomy, and then retracted it.

Generally large gas stations will have warehouses, what Shi Xiao has to do is to put the warehouses together.

The whole time wasted in this gas station was no more than ten minutes and then continued to set off.

Just a few hours passed, even if the summer days were longer, it was time for Shi Xiao and the others to go back.

At this time, the two were in a place dozens of miles away from Shihe Town.

This is a medium-sized gas station, which is their last target today.

It is said to be medium-sized, but the floor space is not small, except that there are two or three less fuel tanks.

The terrain here is more remote, and there is not even a house in the surrounding area for a few miles, let alone people.

Of course, except for the people in the gas station, even if these people have turned into zombies.

Except for the zombies near the fuel tank, Yan Xu killed them with a few shots.

To be honest, the gun is a very important weapon no matter what period of the last days, especially the initial lethality is even slightly better than the ability.

Then Shi Xiao opened his hands, chopped, lifted, and picked the energy core, and the whole process was done in a few seconds.

Then collect the fuel, and go straight to the gas station warehouse with a clear goal.

Apparently, the luck was not very good this time. There were only a few barrels of fuel in the warehouse, and there was no time to replenish it.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. Shi Xiao didn't dislike it and received the space.

In fact, it is normal. It is impossible for every gas station to have sufficient stock in its warehouse.

Even so, Shi Xiao gained quite a lot this day.

Many medium and large gas stations within dozens of miles in the southeast, northwest, and north of Jiangcheng City were run away by Shi Xiao, and Shi Xiao didn't know exactly how many.

In short, the fuel stock collected this time is conservatively estimated to be used for several years or even saved for more than ten years.

The purpose of collecting the things has been achieved, seeing that the sky is getting darker and darker, Shi Xiao glanced in the direction of the gas station and supermarket, and called Yan Xu with dim eyes to prepare to go back.

As early as the first time they entered the gas station, Shi Xiao discovered the survivors in the supermarket.

(End of this chapter)

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