I just want to have a good time

Chapter 143 143. Self-Good

Chapter 143 143. Self-Good
Shi Xiao couldn't help showing a sarcasm, the two of them were obviously not friendly.

Seeing the two of them rushing over with unsatisfactory complexions, Fang completely forgot about the corpses of several zombies lying on the ground.

The woman in the supermarket rushed to Zhao Qing angrily, with her hands on her hips, and looked at Zhao Qing with an unfriendly expression.

This sudden scene startled Zhao Qing who just nodded her head.

A person who didn't like her suddenly appeared in front of her, and looked at her with an unfriendly expression. Anyone would be shocked by that ferocious appearance.

"You are not allowed to leave here. If we hadn't taken you in, you would have been eaten by zombies long ago. How can you be alive and kicking here? You can't be ungrateful, you have to stay and repay your kindness."

What this woman said with her toes high and mighty is quite justifiable.

What Shi Xiao heard was speechless. Being able to be confident to this extent is considered a talent.

Zhao Qing subconsciously took a step back, looking at the aggressive woman in front of her.

What he said was really funny, in fact Zhao Qing really laughed too.

Yes, she has low self-esteem. In the supermarket, she really endured it. She didn't want to argue with them. It didn't mean she was really afraid of them. It just felt that one thing more is worse than one thing less.

But now that she has decided to leave, she is not used to these two being so outrageous.

"What are you laughing at? Am I wrong? It wasn't for us, you would have been eaten by zombies long ago." The woman still said confidently.

"Liu Yan, what does it have to do with you that I am alive? This supermarket does not belong to your family, and you did not save me when I entered the supermarket. On the contrary, if I didn't move quickly, you would have locked me out. Don't You said it as if you did something good, if I don’t say it, it doesn’t mean I’m stupid, understand?”

After Zhao Qing said these words, she felt very comfortable and cold, and she wanted to be angry a long time ago.

"You, how can you beat me back? If we don't let you in, can you come in? We kindly took you in, not only didn't know how to be grateful, but also said that, do you have a conscience?"

Liu Yan didn't know that her aggressive and angry appearance greatly discounted her sweet appearance.

"Whether I have a conscience or not is none of your business. It's not up to you to decide whether to leave or not. You are mine. It's useless to kidnap me with unwarranted morality."

Zhao Qing was so speechless to the woman in front of her that she didn't even want to take a look.

I'm afraid I don't think that all people will revolve around her, and the world can't revolve without her, it's too selfish.

"You..." Liu Yan trembled angrily and pointed at Zhao Qing.

How did this silent, submissive woman become so eloquent? It made her mad.

Angrily, she turned to look at Shi Xiao and Yan Xu.

Seeing this, Liu Yan was stunned.

When they were in the supermarket, there was a distance between some women. She was a little short-sighted and didn't really see the faces of the two of them clearly.

Unexpectedly, they are all so good looking, and the jealousy on Shi Xiao's face is really obvious when he sees Shi Xiao.

The man was handsome and handsome. Although he was not the handsome guy she liked, he was a restrained guy, especially with his long legs and handsome figure, which made her stunned.

Ge Tao, the man next to him, was upset by Liu Yan's nympho appearance, so he pulled her hard to block her view.

"What are you looking at?", with a jealous tone.

But Liu Yan pushed him away and moved to Yan Xu's side.

Fiddled with his hair, scratched his head and looked at Yan Xu with a shy look, this honor made Shi Xiao speechless.

I didn't realize that her hair was already oily after not washing for a long time. If the oil is controlled, she might be able to cook in the pot, and her eyes are hot.

"This handsome guy, do you think I'm right? We saved her, how could we be ungrateful and leave us behind?"

After finishing speaking, Liu Yan looked at Yan Xu shyly and cast a shy look.

Shi Xiao: ...

It's a pity that her performance is destined to be appreciated by no one.

Yan Xu walked up to Shi Xiao without even looking at it, with a dark face, obviously disgusted.

"It's time to go." With a dark face, he looked at Shi Xiao fixedly, don't think he didn't see the girl's gloating.

Shi Xiao smiled back, and hurriedly nodded. If Hades is upset, she'd better be good, and don't touch his bad luck.

Liu Yan, who was ignored, was not happy, and stared jealously at Shi Xiao, who attracted the handsome guy.

She has always been confident in her appearance, and it was because of this handsome woman that he ignored her.

Even so, Liu Yan still wanted to join the handsome guy. She felt in a good mood that it was because they didn't know each other and didn't understand, that's why the handsome guy ignored him and completely forgot what she was going to do when she came out.

Liu Yan's nympho appearance made Ge Tao's teeth itch in anger, and he quickly grabbed Liu Yan who wanted to move forward.

"Hey! What are you dragging me for? Let go." Liu Yan struggled unhappily, while still looking at Yan Xu with pitiful eyes.

It's a pity that no one is destined to look at her, so Zhao Qing followed the car with Shi Xiao's tacit consent.

Then Yan Xu stepped on the accelerator, and the car disappeared as quickly as an arrow off the string.

"Hey, wait..." Seeing the car leave, Liu Yan turned around and slapped Ge Tao backhanded in a hurry, with a ferocious look on his face again, it was all because he ruined himself.

Unexpectedly, Ge Tao turned back with a backhand. If he could have endured it before, he couldn't bear it now.

How could it be possible to endure it and dare to hook up with a man in front of him. It can be seen that what he said before saying that he likes him was perfunctory. Fortunately, he thought about treating her well in the future.

"How could you hit me?" Liu Yan's face was filled with disbelief and shock.

"You can hit me, why can't I hit you, bitch, you dare to flirt with me in front of me, you think I'm dead."

As he spoke, he slapped him again, this slap completely stunned Liu Yan.

"Come on, follow me back to the supermarket." Ge Tao grabbed Liu Yan's arm and pulled towards the supermarket.

After being staggered and dragged away for a few steps, Liu Yan came back to her senses, with a look of fear on her face.

This turned out to be a domestic violence man. She never dreamed that she would meet a domestic violence man. She completely forgot that it was her who did it first.

If she couldn't go with him, she would definitely not be well if she entered the supermarket, and she would definitely lose her health. Liu Yan couldn't help shivering when she thought of the days to come.

Looking around in panic, her brain was running fast, and when she saw a wooden stick on the right side of the supermarket gate, she suddenly had an idea.

She didn't struggle, as if she was scared of being beaten, she lowered her head and obediently followed Ge Tao to the supermarket.

The moment he opened the supermarket door and stepped in, Liu Yan'er made a move.

Breaking free from the holding hand, Ge Tao was pushed down to the ground in the supermarket by her with both hands.

Then he quickly closed the supermarket door, picked up the wooden stick on the ground and stuck it in the doorknob.

It was too sudden, Liu Yan's cuteness made Ge Tao relax for a while, and he was pushed down by Liu Yan on the inner side of the supermarket so unexpectedly.

When I got up, the supermarket door had already been plugged in from the outside with wooden sticks.

Liu Yan outside the door gave him a vicious look, then left the supermarket without looking back, and walked towards the cars in the gas station.

Ge Tao in the supermarket was so angry that he shook the door vigorously with both hands, but unfortunately it didn't help much, the wooden stick was still firmly on the door.

The anger in his chest has reached its peak. If it wasn't for the fear of destroying the door and making him feel insecure, Ge Tao wished he could smash the door down.

Just watching helplessly, Liu Yan found a car, filled up the gas and left the gas station.

Looking at the disappearing car, Ge Tao, who had already controlled himself, had a gloomy and frightening expression.

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(End of this chapter)

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