I just want to have a good time

Chapter 149 149. One Fight

Chapter 149 149. A Fight

After I got home and took a hot shower, it was just in time for dinner at home.

Shi Xiao, who was already starving, and Shi Yu gobbled it up, which made Shi's father and Shi's mother feel distressed for a while, and kept helping his son and daughter with food.

Yan Xu and the others didn't come over to have a meal today, mainly because they were embarrassed, and they couldn't come to other people's house to have a meal every day.

Su Yiyuan had a thick skin, but under Yan Xu's cold eyes, he obediently returned to their residence.

In fact, Yan Xu also wanted to go, mainly because he didn't hear Shi Xiao's invitation, and thinking that Meng Xier would go home earlier, maybe he was already doing it.

In fact, as Yan Xu guessed, Meng Xier was already cooking.

His specialty is braised pork noodles.

They also laid a lot of eggs and sausages, and with the deliciousness of the mutated wolf meat, the aroma wafted straight into the noses of Yan Xu and the others who had just entered the door.

How could this scent be bearable, even Yan Xu, who could bear it, couldn't bear it.

The speed of returning to the room was obviously much faster than usual. After taking a quickened battle bath, he was still one step behind the others when he came out. Everyone sat at the dining table in the living room and ate deliciously.

"Boss, you are too slow." Su Yiyuan couldn't stop him from talking, and teased Yan Xu.

It's a pity that he was destined to sing a one-man show, Yan Xu didn't even bother to look at him, and sat in his seat to reward his already hungry stomach.

The more handcrafted Meng Xier's noodles are, the better they are, and the taste is really delicious.


In the Shi family, after Shi Yu helped his father clean up the kitchen after dinner, he was stopped by his sister.

Seeing that his sister handed him four backpacks, Shi Yu took them suspiciously, yo, there is still some weight.

He looked at his sister for some unknown reason, and also for some unknown reason, his father and mother Shi did not rest.

The two young ones were sitting on the side holding a book and looking at it, and there were murmurs of reading from time to time.

Shi Yu opened one of the backpacks, and there were grains of seeds inside.

"Isn't this a flower seed?" Shi Ma asked in surprise.

"Smile, what are you doing with so many flower seeds?" Papa Shi asked the questions in their hearts.

"Dad, of course I kept the seeds." As he said that, Shi Xiao turned his face to Shi Yu, and continued: "Later, you arrange a group of people to plant these flower seeds around the outside of the wall, remembering the distance. No less than 50 meters from the fence."

Hearing what his sister said, and thinking about his sister's abilities, Shi Yu thought he should understand what her sister meant.

My sister probably wants to use plants to add another layer of protection to the fence.

Thinking of my sister's ability, it's really feasible to do so, but I don't know what kind of plants these plants are and what their defense capabilities are.

Thinking about it, Shi Yu also asked, "Sister, what kind of seeds are these seeds, and in what order are they planted?"

Shi Xiao: "Humulus is planted on the first floor of the inner circle, roses are planted on the second floor, brambles are planted on the third floor, and jujube trees are planted on the outermost floor."

Among the plants mentioned by Shi Xiao, apart from the wild jujube tree, which are less common, the others are quite common.

Plants like roses are planted in almost every household in the countryside, which is not a rare thing at all.

After thinking about it this way, they realized that these plants were all thorny plants, especially Shi Yu, who had personally seen her sister's vines, immediately understood the key.

If these plants grow to a certain extent, they are indeed quite harmful.

My sister's vines, the biggest thorns are not much smaller than the dagger.

Even if it is a mutated animal, I am afraid that it will not dare to pass through these thorny plants. This idea of ​​my sister is really wonderful.

Thinking of this, Shi Yu was obviously a little excited, and immediately said: "Don't worry, sister, I will definitely make clear arrangements for this matter tomorrow, and try to plant all these seeds properly after the wall is built, and there will be no more seeds." Flaw."

Shi Xiao nodded, this matter was supposed to be handed over to his younger brother.

"Remember to mark each good batch, and I will spare some time every day to send energy to them." Shi Xiao explained again.

He gave his sister a reassuring look, he would never forget this step, he didn't want his sister's abilities to go to waste.

Shi's father and mother Shi, who were sitting on the side, were curious but didn't ask too much. After the end of the world, the two children suddenly matured, and the husband and wife had nothing to worry about.

Then Shi Yu told his sister about the progress of the fence, which meant that the progress would be almost the same within a week.

The specifications are all based on the drawings drawn by my sister, and the wall is two meters thick and five meters high. It is enough to block zombies in terms of thickness and height.

"My brother is awesome." Shi Xiao boasted to his brother Bangchui. This kid really deserves the praise, and he has grown up in a short period of time.

The entire Shihe Town is also managed by him in an orderly manner, although some of them have something to do with her deterrent power, but this must also require his own ability.

Shi Yu's ability is indeed incomparable to hers, in fact, there should be no one who can compare with her in supernatural ability for the time being.

But besides her, Shi Yu is still very good, and her supernatural abilities have improved much faster than others.

Now the ability has reached the early stage of the third level, only one step behind Yan Xu, and he is definitely the best among the ability users.

Therefore, the survivors in Shihe Town, including those with supernatural powers, are still convinced under his absolute crushing force.

Dissatisfaction, it's too easy to handle, just fight, this is what Shi Yu learned from his sister, it is neat and not procrastinating.

Shi Yu felt embarrassed by his sister's praise here, and casually fiddled with his hair, which couldn't be any shorter, and laughed "hehe".

Shi Yu was very happy to be recognized by her sister.

No matter before or now, although the two siblings were fighting each other, Shi Yu still worships her elder sister, and she is also the one who protects her most.

Today's sister is the object of his admiration and the goal of his efforts.

"Okay, you two should go to rest quickly, you have to go out tomorrow and you have to keep your spirits up." Shi Ma urged, with a gentle smile on her face, looking at her son and daughter lovingly.

"Yes, your mother is right, go upstairs quickly and go to bed early." Papa Shi also said with a smile.

"Well, I'm going upstairs to listen to my parents, baby..." Shi Xiao got up and looked at the two good boys on the sofa, "Baby and aunt went upstairs to sleep, you should go to bed early .”

Hearing Aunt Xiaoxiao's voice, the two children pulled their attention away from the book, and quickly nodded obediently, "Okay Auntie," the two little guys said cutely.

After touching the little heads of the children, Shi Xiao went upstairs.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Yu also went upstairs to complete the plan he made for himself every day, absorbing two hours of energy cores every night before going to bed.

Accompanied by Grandpa Shi and Grandma Shi, Zhao Pan and Nannan read the book for a while, and then went back to their room to sleep obediently.

In the room, Shi Xiao didn't rest right away, but took out a piece of paper and listed out the plan for the next half month.

Seeing that it will not be long before the water, electricity and electricity stop, and if there is no accident in memory, it will be at most a week, and these will be completely paralyzed.

Once the power is paralyzed, the few signals on the mobile phone will also disappear completely, although this signal is useless.

So after that, the original radio will replace the mobile phone and reappear in the eyes of the public.

Shi Xiao had already noticed it when he first collected supplies.

In fact, the radio is not difficult to find, the hardest thing is the radio that does not use electricity.

But it didn't bother her. When cleaning up the zombies, Shi Xiao found a few well-preserved old-fashioned radios in the surrounding farmers' homes.

 Ask for a monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass, say the important things three times, baby, move your little hands to get rich ()

(End of this chapter)

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