I just want to have a good time

Chapter 151 151. Exciting News

Chapter 151 151. Exciting News
In fact, Shi Xiao hadn't left when Lin Fan and the others reached Shihe Town at this speed.

It happened so coincidentally that Shi Xiao set off more than an hour earlier because he was going to the South District, after all, the journey would take a long time.

When they arrived, Shi Xiao and the others had already left for half an hour.

In addition, it took more than ten minutes to find the exit, and it was even more impossible to encounter it.

But the luck is not the worst. In Shihe Town, I ran into the Shi Yu motorcade who was about to leave.

Li Yong hurriedly got out of the car to negotiate and inquire about Shi Xiao's situation.

Lin Fan, who got out of the car one step later, saw a man who looked somewhat similar to Miss Shi. He was a little surprised when he heard that this man was also surnamed Shi, so he knew he had found the right place.

Here, Shi Yu saw the military vehicles and the clothes of the visitors and their very obvious military temperament. When he heard his sister's name, he already knew it in his heart.

My sister told him before that I exchanged a batch of guns and energy cores with the interspatial bag. If a stranger comes to Shihe Town and is a soldier, let him pay attention.

If it weren't for the fact that there were a lot of space bags in the wooden box before, he saw it with his own eyes, otherwise Shi Yu really didn't agree with his sister's approach.

How can such an important thing be exposed so quickly? If you encounter a vicious person, don't you take danger on yourself?

Fortunately, they are quite strong, especially his sister, and the fact that the other party is a soldier makes him feel relieved.

He also believes that sometimes under absolute force, any conspiracy will be invisible, so he believes in his sister.

Because of Lin Fan's arrival, Shi Yu had to delay his departure for a while.

It doesn't have much impact if he goes to the meeting late or even doesn't go. After all, things have been arranged in advance before departure. There are Li Qiang, Che Jun and the others.

After arranging the convoy to go ahead, Shi Yu took Liao Chuan, Liu Neng and others to the soldiers who got off the car.

"You are one step late. Shi Xiao left the town half an hour ago." Shi Yu finally answered Li Yong's previous question.

"Leaving?" Li Yong glanced at the regiment leader beside him, thinking it was a coincidence.

"I don't know when to come back?" Li Yong asked again.

"Before dark, I can't tell the exact time."

"Thank you brother for telling me, then we'll wait here." Li Yong, a tough guy, showed a smile that didn't match his face.

To be honest, although the purpose of smiling is to express goodwill, but coupled with his angular face like a tough guy, plus he seldom smiles at ordinary times and his muscles are already stiff, it really doesn't look good when he smiles.

Shi Yu glanced at his distinctive smile, feeling a little hot-eyed, and then looked at another person who was obviously the head.

He noticed that the man who spoke had his eyes on this man several times.

And this aura is different at a glance, very similar to Brother Yan, but more solemn and majestic than Brother Yan.

That's right, Big Brother Yan manages employees, and his subordinates are all soldiers.

"That's fine, there is a hotel not far ahead, you can rest in it first."

"I still have something to do here, I have to leave first, you can do whatever you want." As Shi Yu turned to Lin Fan, Li Yong and the others nodded, and Liao Chuan and the others turned around and got in the car to leave.

It's really a little uneasy that the project doesn't keep an eye on Shi Yu, and there is one more task today, planting flower seeds.

As the car left, Lin Fan and Li Yong also got in the car and drove towards the hotel that Shi Yu mentioned.

If there is no accident, they will probably stay here for a whole day today.

After entering Shihe Town, they found that there were no shadows of zombies in the town. Thinking of Miss Shi's powerful abilities, they didn't feel strange about the scene before them, presumably they had been cleaned up.

Soon the military vehicle stopped downstairs of the hotel, and everyone entered the hotel except the soldiers who were in charge of guarding the military vehicle.

Under Li Yong's order, several soldiers conducted a comprehensive inspection of the hotel, and there was no risk factor.

Then under Li Yong's order, several scouts separately investigated Shihe Town.

That is to say, the news has been conveyed in more than half an hour.

According to the scouts' inquiries, there were no zombies in the entire Shihe Town, including within a few miles around Shihe Town, which meant that these things had been cleaned up as they expected.

Not only that, but the tall wall they found when they first arrived was also built around Shihe Town. For this reason, the scouts also specially found survivors to inquire about it.

"Leader, I've made it clear that both the zombies and the walls in Shihe Town are due to the brothers and sisters of the Shi family." Li Yong repeated the information he had received to Lin Fan.

"Ms. Shi, the head of the group, they want to build this place into a safe base!" Li Yong continued.

Thinking of the powerful ability that Miss Shi turned out to save them on the night when he met the wolves, Li Yong felt that this kind of thing was normal.

Lin Fan just nodded without saying a word, everything they saw clearly explained this point.

When he arrived at Shihe Town and saw a wall completely cutting off the road, Lin Fan already thought it was Miss Shi Xiao's handwriting.

If he had such a powerful ability, he might have the idea to create a safe living environment for himself and his family.

"Have you inquired about the energy core?" Lin Fan, who had been bouncing his face all the time, opened his mouth.

"I have inquired about it. The energy core that the group leader learned from the survivors in Shihe Town is different from what we know. It has been purified. Li Hao and the others have heard more than that. The purified energy core seems to be able to Absorbed by people with supernatural powers, it has the effect of increasing supernatural powers."

This news made Lin Fan's breathing a little short, but he couldn't calm down even after he had seen strong winds and waves.

"Are you sure about the news?" The news was too heavy, Lin Fan clenched his fists.

"Sure, this matter is not a secret in Shihe Town. Li Hao and the others have visited several survivors in different places. There are also supernatural beings in their village who actively participated in the mission of Shihe Town in order to obtain energy cores. They said yes As long as you accumulate enough points, you can exchange for a purified energy core, and if you have the ability, you can also exchange the purified energy core with the original energy core, food can also be exchanged.”

What Li Yong said was also full of enthusiasm. He himself is a supernatural being. When he thought that the things they got from the zombie's skull could actually increase his supernatural power, he wished he could see Miss Shi Xiao right away.

"The captain's matter is definitely not fake. No wonder Miss Shi Xiao let go of the energy core to reach the gun before." Li Yong understood everything now.

Lin Fan gradually calmed down from his initial excitement, and nodded to Li Yong, agreeing with Li Yong's opinion.

In fact, when Miss Shi Xiao suggested that the energy core could be used instead, he had some thoughts in his heart.

Thinking that none of the scientists in the military department have researched 123 on this thing, I feel that it is impossible, and I am thinking too much.

The only thing I didn't expect was that the energy core actually had the effect of improving abilities. This surprise was too sudden.

It was also requested by the scientists of the base to collect this thing at first. If they wanted to study the zombies, they would naturally not let go of the extra crystals in the zombies.

And they also felt that since this kind of thing appeared in the zombie body, it shouldn't be something simple.

What I think about the most is that scientists can use the crystals in the zombies to research the antidote or vaccine to solve the zombie virus.

(End of this chapter)

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