I just want to have a good time

Chapter 153 153. The Trip to the South District

Chapter 153 153. The Trip to the South District
Of course, if Shihe Town is completely on the right track, the situation may be different.

There is a saying that is good, there is no rule without rules.

Once the wall is built, the rules must be established.

If you want to be protected by her, you must abide by her rules, which is the same no matter in any security base.

But now the survivors of Shihe Town are still free.

Shi Xiao's speed is too fast, Yan Xu, Su Yiyuan and the others are incomparable, they can only touch and close with their hands, and the speed is much slower.

In fact, the method is not much different from Shi Xiao's mental power.

To be correct, they are also using mental power, but the mental power is too weak to realize it.

Yan Xu's ability level is higher, and his mental power is also quite strong. His speed can't be compared with Shi Xiao's, but he is much faster than Su Yiyuan and Liu Yunhao. Every time he collects a small piece.

Here they were not in a hurry to hold Shi Xiao, they were waiting in the warehouse, strolling around.

Suddenly, Shi Xiao paused, frowning and looking in the direction of the door.

Under mental strength, a dozen zombie dogs rushed towards the warehouse where they were.

Obviously they were discovered, and the goal was very clear.

I don't know where these zombie dogs were hiding before, Shi Xiao didn't find any.

After thinking about it, the factory area is so large, it's normal for her to hide in any corner, and she can't find it.

Shi Xiao turned around and walked directly to the door of the warehouse. There were only a dozen of them, and she could handle them.

Shi Xiao's move caught the attention of Yan Xu who had been paying attention to her.

He stopped, explained to Su Yiyuan and Liu Yunhao also walked straight to the door.

It wasn't until Shi Xiao stood beside Shi Xiao that he realized why the girl came to the door.

At this time, a dozen zombie dogs were less than a hundred meters away from them.

Helplessly glanced at Shi Xiao, Yan Xu raised the gun in his hand, although he didn't think there might be a place for him to use it.

Sure enough, in the next moment, the familiar vines spread out and shot at the zombie dog. Without even a round, the zombie dog wrapped in the vines and penetrating its head completely stopped moving.

Seeing this scene, Yan Xu couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at the gun he was holding and put it down silently.

When Su Yiyuan and Liu Yunhao found something unusual in the warehouse, there were only a dozen corpses of zombie dogs left on the ground.
"I'll go." Seeing the corpses of zombie animals on the ground, Su Yiyuan couldn't help breathing out the fragrance.

Immediately, his admiring eyes turned to Mr. Xiaoxiao.

This episode passed quickly, and the few people quickly walked around the solar photovoltaic plant while solving the zombies of the caught fish.

The harvest is plentiful, and the finished solar photovoltaic panels received are not enough for the entire Shihe Town, but Shijia Village is inexhaustible anyway.

During the search, the bodies of more than a dozen normal people were found in an office. They were emaciated and severely dehydrated. It looked like they had died of starvation and thirst.

Seeing these corpses, Shi Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

Sometimes she can't figure it out, dying of thirst and starvation is also death, why can't she fight for her own life.

There are more than a dozen people, how do you know that there is no hope of escape?

The zombies in the early days of the end of the world are really not as powerful as they imagined. As long as they are not surrounded by all directions and really want to run, the chance of escaping is very high.

Alas, it's just a pity.

The goal has been achieved. After leaving the photovoltaic factory, Shi Xiao and the others aimed at the generator factory in the industrial park.

Generators, although noisy and expensive, are sometimes more useful than solar photovoltaic panels.

Solar photovoltaic panels must have a necessary condition that is sunlight.

It doesn't matter whether it's spring, summer or autumn, but once it enters the winter, when the sun comes out during the long winter, it can be said that there are very few, and it can't supply the electricity used for a day at all.

At this time, the generator shows its importance.

They found the generator factory according to the markings on the map paper.

The scale of this factory is obviously not as large as that of a solar photovoltaic factory, so it should be regarded as a small and medium-sized enterprise.

Therefore, the resistance to entering the factory is relatively small.

This time, he arrived safely in the factory without using Shi Xiao's ability.

Not only did they successfully collect the required generators, but they also accidentally discovered a large amount of coal in a corner of the factory area.

This is a good thing, it can be used for heating and cooking in winter.

It was a pleasant surprise.

This actually reminded Shi Xiao, maybe she can go to see factories like smelters and steel mills.

Where high-temperature smelting is required, coal should be used as a fuel, and the industrial park happens to have both types of factories.

So I've come here, I'm really sorry if I don't go and have a look.

The industrial park is divided according to the four directions of east, west, southeast, north, east, and north, where most of the people's livelihood industries such as cotton and linen clothing are located in the east area and the north area, and most of the chemical industry and some heavy industries are in the west area of ​​the south area.

So they left the power plant and rushed straight to the East District.

Shi Xiao never let go of anything he found useful along the way.

In order to save time, Yan Xu, Su Yiyuan, Liu Yunhao and the others turned into tool men next, without any chance to make a move.

All dangers were immediately contained by Shi Xiao among the vines all over the factory area.

Regardless of the seasons, clothing and shoes are not limited, and the collection is over. There are also various quilts and mattresses, and even a lot of cotton is collected.

In this way, it took nearly a day to receive from the East District to the North District, but the harvest was gratifying, and a lot of important things were collected.

Including winter cotton clothes and a pharmaceutical factory, all anti-inflammatory, cough and fever-reducing products are accepted.

A lot of iron and steel chemical materials and a large amount of coal accumulated for their production have also been collected in the southern and western districts.

When Shi Xiao got into the car and set foot on the return journey, he was still excited.

The first trip was really worth it, and all the things she needed were collected in one go.

In the next time, there is no need to travel long distances, just clean up the zombies and collect supplies nearby.

Shi Xiao suddenly felt a lot more relaxed in his heart, this feeling is really very comfortable.

He couldn't help closing his eyes comfortably, leaning against the car to rest.

Yan Xu at the side also noticed the difference in Shi Xiao's mood, he seemed to be much more relaxed than before, and the slightly upward arc of the corner of his mouth all told that the girl in front of him was in a good mood.

Looking at Yan Xu's gaze somehow fell on Shi Xiao's perfectly shaped plump red lips.

The peach-like fresh and tender color on the lips flashed an attractive luster, and this luster made the darkness in the depths of Yan Xu's eyes even darker.

It seemed that the sleeping position was a bit uncomfortable, Shi Xiao corrected his sleeping position unconsciously, and turned his head to the side without glass.

At this moment, Yan Xushou closed his long and narrow eyes, completely hiding the darkness in his eyes.

What Yan Xu didn't know was that the moment he closed his eyes, Shi Xiao, who turned his head slightly, closed his eyes again.

At this time, Shi Xiao was in a daze. The way the director looked at her just now was too different, which made it difficult for her to deceive herself.

Although her eyes are closed, don't forget that in order to prevent any unexpected situation on the road, her mental power has not been withdrawn.

It was also because of this decision that she intuitively felt the director's difference to her for the first time.

In fact, when the director first started to see her, she knew it, but she didn't pay much attention to it.

After all, it's no big deal if you just take a look.

 Asking for a monthly ticket, monthly ticket, monthly ticket, thank you for your recommendation and support monthly ticket support ()*.

  Thanks to Zhao Yilin Zi for the 100 book coins *(ˊˋ*)*

(End of this chapter)

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