I just want to have a good time

Chapter 168. Chapter 168

Chapter 168. Chapter 168
If her parents are really okay, she can also follow the convoy and take them out of the city safely.

The sudden action of Wang Mei getting out of the car made the people in the convoy behind stunned for a while, wondering what the woman was going to do again.

Here Wang Mei quickly found Shi Xiao in the pharmacy.

In fact, it was not difficult to find, because the pharmacy suddenly became very empty, so that as soon as she entered, she saw the face that made her very jealous before.

Her arrival made Yan Xu on the side immediately alert, and quickly walked up to Shi Xiao, looking coldly at the woman he hated like an old father protecting a calf.

"I'm sorry, don't get me wrong. I came here to apologize. I know I shouldn't have said those exaggerated words before. It was my fault. I was jealous of this young lady's beauty and that's why I said such words. I don't ask you. Forgive me, I came here to ask if you could wait for me for a while, my parents' house is not far from here, just give me 15 minutes, I will definitely be back in 15 minutes."

Yan Xu looked at the woman in surprise, what he said was beyond his expectation, he thought that the woman would start to find fault again, and he was ready to never tolerate it this time.

As a result...he had to slowly put down his ready-to-go hand, but his face was still cold.

Shi Xiao was also unexpected. She didn't expect this woman to make her look different at this time.

A person who still thinks about his parents is so bad and so bad.

Based on this, Shi Xiao was ready to wait for her for 15 minutes, and she was never ready to leave after a while.

There are quite a few pharmacies under the first courtyard, so you can't miss them if you come here, so even if the woman doesn't come to beg them, they won't leave so soon.

"Please, you really only need to wait for me for 15 minutes. If... If I don't come back within this time, you don't have to worry about me." Wang Mei spoke in a very hasty tone, with pleading eyes.

This anxious look seemed much more pleasing to the eye, Shi Xiao nodded and said lightly: "For the sake of your filial piety, 15 minutes, don't wait when it's over."

"Thank you, thank you" Wang Mei, who was a little excited, said thank you repeatedly, then clenched the wooden stick in her hand and quickly rushed out of the pharmacy, got into the car and drove away in one go.

She had no time to waste, the car was driven by her at a flying speed, and the only thought in her mind was to quickly reach the community where her parents lived.

This operation was so fast that people couldn't figure it out, and everyone in the car behind looked at each other, wondering what this seductive woman was doing?
Could it be that when she entered the pharmacy just now, this woman completely offended those strong men to death, that's why she drove away in such a hurry.

The more the survivors thought about it, the more they felt that this was the case. Thinking of the final fate of a woman alone in a city full of zombies, some people couldn't help shivering, so it's better not to do it.

In the pharmacy, "Sister Xiaoxiao is just too kind, why agree to her." Su Yiyao couldn't help but said, in his opinion, such a woman shouldn't talk to her, her mouth is too stinky.

"Her mouth is stinky, but she can't generalize, and she can't just look at people on the surface. Some people's faces are disgusting, but it doesn't mean they are really evil. Some people are full of benevolence and morality. I also know if his heart is dark.

I see it for the sake of her filial piety. At this time, if she dares to propose to go to her parents alone, it is not hopeless, and she must give others a chance to reform. "

This reminded Shi Xiao of the betrayer in the previous life, didn't that person just laugh at everyone, full of benevolence and morality, and looked like a good old man?
And wasn't she just bewitched by such an illusion, which eventually led to the ruin of her family, thinking of that person, Shi Xiaoyan's face flashed coldly, don't worry, there will always be a time when she will meet.

Another one is that she has never been the kind of person who is unreasonable and unforgiving. She is basically the type of revenge, and the kind who can revenge on the spot.

The woman couldn't control her mouth before, and she has been taught a lesson, so there is no need to go online again.

Su Yiyuan was speechless by Shi Xiao's words, and he couldn't understand why Xiaoxiao sister was not much older than him, why these words made him feel like he had gone through vicissitudes.

Just about to open his mouth to say something more, he was held back by the cold stare of the boss.

It's because he dislikes him talking too much, forget it, he should hurry up to collect the medicine, Su Yiyuan ran to another direction quickly with a cat on his body.

Yan Xu looked at Shi Xiao's back thoughtfully, was it his illusion just now?Why did he feel a trace of killing intent oozing from Shi Xiao's body.

Wang Mei drove to the community where her parents lived in less than 120 minutes at a speed of not less than 3.

She didn't know how many zombies had been knocked into the air. Thanks to finding a high-riding off-road vehicle when looking for a car, she was able to drive to the mansion complex so smoothly.

Although the mansion district can't be compared with the high-end villa district in the west district, it can be regarded as a wealthy district in Jiangcheng City.

There is an elevator room and a villa area. Wang Mei’s house is in good condition, and she lives in the villa area at the back.

The gate of the community was open, which made Wang Mei, who had not slowed down, breathe a sigh of relief, and knocked over the gate with a dozen zombies gathered in one breath.

His eyes slid across the ground of the residual community scattered with all kinds of garbage and corpses, enduring the reluctance in his heart, he drove towards the villa area at the back of the community at top speed.

In addition to the zombies that were knocked into the air, there were also many wandering zombies on the road in the community. Naturally, they did not let go of the passing car. In the end, the car lost its target because of its speed and continued to stand still.

The sound of an emergency brake sounded in the villa area, and also knocked into the air two zombies wandering in front of Wang Mei's house, and successfully attracted several zombies wandering around.

Turning off the engine and pulling out the key was done in one go, Wang Mei had never been so fast before, and then she held the wooden stick tightly in the car, even though she was very nervous thinking of her parents and son, she resolutely stepped out of the car.

The moment she stepped out of the car, Wang Mei ran towards the two zombies who had been hit by her and hadn't gotten up yet.

At this time, I can only be faster than anyone else. The wooden stick in my hand hit the heads of the two zombies without the slightest hesitation, and Wang Mei stood up quickly at the moment her brains burst.

Then she met a zombie ten meters away from her. She didn't have much time and couldn't afford it. At this time, Wang Mei was already furious, and the wooden stick in her hand hit the zombie that stretched out her hand.

She is aware of the difference in her own strength, and she has already discovered it ten days ago.

It was because there was really no food at home, so the husband and wife had no choice but to go out to find food.

Did not dare to go far, just searched in their unit building.

A building with more than 30 floors, it is not difficult to find something to eat as long as you are brave enough.

It was when she was searching for food and encountered zombies that she realized that she was too strong. Because of this, she was able to kill the neighbor who turned into zombies with a wooden stick and collected food.

Thinking about it now, it seems that whenever there are zombies, Zhang Qiang always hides behind her, which makes Wang Mei feel a chill again.

In 1 minute, Wang Mei broke her limit and wiped out more than a dozen zombies around her house, each of which had its head exploded.

Then he ran to the front of his house and took out the key to open and close the door. Wang Mei hadn't figured out why she put the key on her body by some strange coincidence when she left home.

At the moment when she got home, she finally figured it out. She carried the key on her body because she never let go of her parents and son.

(End of this chapter)

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