I just want to have a good time

Chapter 170 170. Shocking, Shocking

Chapter 170 170. Shocking, Shocking

Even now, isn't she taking a gamble?

In the end, she won the bet, and her parents and son were all safe.

After getting out of the community steering wheel, Wang Mei's car drove fast, heading straight for the city's No. [-] hospital.

There is not much time left, and she must reach the road to the city's first hospital within 3 minutes.

Wang Mei was very anxious in her heart, and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

At this speed, Father Wang and Mother Wang sitting in the back tightly held the handle on the roof of the car while holding the child.

The speed is so fast, it feels like taking off.

I'm afraid but dare not speak, afraid of disturbing my daughter, if I don't know how to roll over and get into a car accident, it will be too late to regret it.

From the anxious expression of the child, they can see that they are in a hurry, and the child also said that the time is urgent.

In addition to avoiding the cars parked on the road during the speeding, other obstacles are directly hit.

If they hadn't been in their fifties and were still in good health, it would have been too much for them to bump into each other like this.

However, the couple also discovered that driving too fast is not without benefits, at least the zombies can't catch up at all, so even though they were galloping carelessly on the road full of zombies, there were still no zombies chasing after the car.

On the other side of the road of the First Hospital of the city, Shi Xiao and others have already collected four nearby pharmacies, two medical equipment and one supermarket, and the others have already boarded the car.

Shi Xiao, who was sitting in the car, looked at the watch on his wrist, counted the time, promised to wait for 15 minutes, and she would wait for such a long time. Of course, if the timeout is too long, don't blame her for being soft-hearted.

During Wang Mei's departure, some courageous ones followed Shi Xiao and the others into the pharmacy and supermarket to collect them.

Follow the boss without worrying about the zombies, because they have already been wiped out by them who went in first, so many survivors have collected a lot of things, and the car is full.

At this time, these survivors were also sitting in the car wondering, wondering why the boss in the car in front didn't drive after two minutes in the driveway.

But soon they knew why.

When there was only one minute left before the specified time, Shi Xiao put down his raised wrist.

"Brother Liu is about to start the car, you can leave." Shi Xiao, who was leaning on the back of the chair, suddenly said.

Yan Xu has been paying attention to this girl since Shi Xiao looked at the watch on his wrist, until the last time he put down his wrist, his expression suddenly relaxed a lot, Yan Xu knew that Shi Xiao must have noticed something.

Sure enough, he asked Liu Yunhao to start the car in the next moment, and just after the car started, he saw several cars rushing towards him at the intersection of the four forks.

With Yan Xu's excellent eyesight, he could see at a glance that the woman who was sitting in the leading car was the seductive woman he hated before.

Unexpectedly, this woman actually rushed back within the stipulated time.

The figure in the car told them that the woman's trip was not in vain, not only that, but also brought back other survivors.

Yan Xu looked at the girl next to him with deep eyes, she let Liu Yunhao start the car only after she found out.

There were also sharp-eyed survivors who found out that it was the previous Zuo Jing who was driving towards them. They were so surprised that she came back and brought other people with her.

Could it be that the bosses didn't leave because they were waiting for this to be perfect.

To tell the truth, such an operation really makes them unable to understand.

There was a very unpleasant scene between these two women before, and just like this, the previous suspicions were settled. Aren't women all grudges?
It has to be said that the wisdom of the masses should not be underestimated, and everyone's conjectures are already very close to the truth.

When Wang Mei's car turned from the hospital to the convoy's road, the convoy had already started to move slowly, and Wang Mei immediately followed.

The heart that had been in her throat was finally let go, and she fell tightly behind the convoy, ignoring her front and sticking her head out of the car window to call her husband.

"Meimei, isn't that Zhang Qiang? Why ignore him? What's wrong with you? Did he bully you?"

He felt something was wrong before, only his daughter came to see them. At that time, because the daughter kept emphasizing that there was not enough time, he refrained from asking, but now Father Wang couldn't bear it.

"Dad, don't ask, anyway, remember that there will be no such son-in-law in the future."

At this moment, Wang Mei was not ready to say more, but the firmness in her words told her parents that she was serious.

The couple in the car looked at each other and understood what must have happened?
Seeing the daughter driving the car, the couple finally swallowed the doubts in their hearts. There will be plenty of time in the future, and they can't add more trouble to the daughter's heart at this time.

On the other side, Zhang Qiang, who retracted into the car, looked at his wife in the driver's seat through the rear mirror with an extremely gloomy expression, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his narrowed eyes.

The convoy has been following the car of the bosses in front, and the short distance has allowed them to see the true abilities of the bosses.

When passing the Huili section, the road ahead was blocked, and there were still a large number of zombies.

It was also at this time that I realized that the young lady who looked very weak was not weak at all, so she was a bully at all.

Hundreds of zombies were wiped out in a short while under the young lady's ability.

Only then did they realize that the young lady saw the extremely lethal plants before.

This powerful ability not only shocked everyone, but also brought shock, which made some survivors with careful thinking weigh it in their hearts.

This scene made Wang Mei even more grateful for her previous apology.

At this time, she really didn't understand why she was blind enough to think that a woman who dared to come out to kill zombies was an incompetent vassal.

The zombies along the way not only didn't use the survivors to take action, even Yan Daxu and the others didn't have many chances to take action.

The main reason is that Shi Xiao didn't want to waste time. He wasted nearly half a day just by going to one hospital, so the next time can be saved. Shi Xiao is not stingy in using his abilities. After all, there are two smaller It's time to run to the hospital.

After the zombies are eliminated, the next step is to clear the obstacles on the road.

Shi Xiao kicked a car, and the strength surprised the survivors in the car.

Surprised, some survivors got out of the car to help clean up the road, including Zuojing Wangmei.

Firstly, she also wanted to show off herself, and secondly, she also wanted to see how powerful she was.

After telling her parents not to open the door and not to get out of the car, Wang Mei got out of the car resolutely and stomped on it like a beautiful woman.

Perhaps it was due to the lack of strength to control a car just under her feet, crossing the road directly and being blocked by a shop on the opposite side.

The huge crashing sound immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they stared at Wang Mei dumbfounded.

No wonder the woman dared to provoke the beautiful boss before, so she had something to rely on. At the same time, this also aroused the envy of some people.

There is no need for Shi Xiao to doubt this time, this woman is definitely a power-type mutation, and this power seems to be much greater than hers.

When the road cleared and the convoy set off again, it was already a few minutes later, among which Wang Mei and Shi Xiao's small group contributed the most.

Then the convoy followed the boss's car to Chaoyang Hospital, and the survivors on the same road were left in their car.

The dense crowd of zombies in the hospital is not something they can handle, so...

Next, the shocking scene of plants killing zombies reappeared, making the survivors who witnessed this scene unable to calm down for a long time
The scale of this hospital is much smaller than the city's No. [-] hospital, so Shi Xiao and the others charge much faster than the city's No. [-] hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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