I just want to have a good time

Chapter 174 174. White Fox

Chapter 174 174. White Fox
No matter what, it can last for a few days, and when there is no water to take a bath, I will find another way.

Fortunately, several large barrels were found from the room where the materials were stored. To be honest, Yan Xu didn't even know when these things were brought in.

After doing this, even if Yan Xu's movements have been subconsciously minimized, there will still be some movement.

This movement made Liu Yunhao, who was always vigilant, immediately stop absorbing the energy core, and walked out of the room with the weapon in hand.

Although he didn't think anyone would break into their house so blindly.

Then he found out that Boss Yan made the noise, Liu Yunhao looked at everything that happened years ago in surprise.

Under the faint light of the torch, the whole living room was full of water buckets. Liu Yunhao didn't know if they were filled with water, but he did know that the boss in the bathroom was struggling with water, but it was a fact.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Liu Yunhao didn't turn his mind for a while.

"As you can see, it's receiving water." Yan Xu glanced at the stupid man.

Liu Yunhao: ...

Blame him, there is a problem with the way of asking questions.

Liu Yunhao scratched his head, "Why?"

Yan Xu: "The power is cut off."

"I know this," Liu Yunhao nodded.

"A power outage means a water outage."

Liu Yunhao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

That's right, I heard from my parents before that as long as there is a power outage, the water will also stop here, which is very annoying.

Thinking of the water cut off, Liu Yunhao also moved immediately.

The boss is too thoughtful and really needs to store more water.

On the second day, the rows of buckets startled Su Yiyuan and Mengxier, but the two of them were so absorbed in absorbing energy that they didn't notice the outside world at all.


In the space, Shi Xiao didn't enter the hall to visualize for the first time, but called out Xiao Yuanling and asked him to take him to see the snow fox that tightened the space before.

She was so busy that she almost forgot about this mutant fox.

Walking out of the fence with the little doll, there is a lush green field in front of you, full of vitality everywhere.

Looking at these crops such as wheat seedlings, rice, corn, etc., Shi Xiao felt inexplicably in a good mood. With these, he didn't have to worry about food.

And all of this is due to Xiao Yuanling, Shi Xiao now looks at the little doll more and more pleasing to the eye.

The gurgling streams around the field made the sound of rushing water. This pleasant sound made Shi Xiao stop when he was walking.

Speaking of which, this was the first time she stood by the stream since she had space.

The water of the stream is crystal clear, and the bottom of the stream is full of small pebble-like pebbles that have been scoured naturally. With them, the stream is even more clean.

Shi Xiao couldn't help but squatted down and stretched his hands into the stream, not to mention the coolness, which was quite comfortable.

Then Shi Xiao folded his hands together and picked up a puddle of clear water, observing carefully in front of his eyes.

It was indeed very clear and clean, not inferior to the spring water on the mountain at all, Shi Xiao now believed what the little baby said that the water was edible.

They walked along the stream until they reached the back of the stone house, where there were several fences surrounded by the little Yuan Ling.

Chickens, ducks, and geese are kept in three of the pens, all of which are mutant species, and the last pen, the white fox, is in it.

The fox stayed inside obediently, and did not appear manic in strange places.

The white fox noticed Shi Xiao the first time he appeared. He was lying lazily on the ground, but when he saw Shi Xiao, he immediately turned into sitting on the ground, tilting his snow-white head, and looked at Shi Xiao very intimately. .

Yes, close.

The moment the white fox was taken into the space, its soul had already been imprinted on its own, and it had a spiritual closeness to its master.

Due to the connection established between the master pets, the branded animals can understand the master's instructions, and they cannot do anything against the master's wishes.

It can be said that everything in it belongs to Shi Xiao, the owner of the space.

The moment he saw the fox, Shi Xiao felt the white fox's simple emotions, as well as a sense of closeness and dependence on her.

To be honest, this feels really good.

The fox is a very cute animal, and Shi Xiaoben has no resistance to furry animals.

This fox is now her pet, Shi Xiao couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately stepped forward to stand outside the fence.

The white fox quickly stood up and walked in front of Shi Xiao, lowering his head docilely, with a cute look of begging for touch.

The snow fox didn't know why he liked the human beings in front of him so much, but he just liked it, and he couldn't think of any bad thoughts in his heart.

Subconsciously, the human being in front of him is as important as its life, and he wants to protect this human being.

Here, Shi Xiao also felt its emotions, but he didn't try to get close to petting it immediately, but tried to order the white fox to sit down.

Then this huge monster sat on the ground so obediently, a pair of slender fox eyes actually looked at her with a smile, and opened a slender mouth, and its thick tail swayed non-stop. with.

This is to please her, Shi Xiao felt the emotion of the white fox.

As soon as the excitement came up, Shi Xiao continued to issue a series of instructions, standing, rolling, jumping, and all these white foxes did it exactly.

This scene made Xiao Yuanling very speechless, no matter how he looked at it, he felt a little childish.

He couldn't help complaining in his heart: He had clearly made it clear to his master before that as long as they were not fully enlightened animals, they would not be able to have a double heart for their master when they entered the space.


Shi Xiao didn't know what the little baby was complaining about. In her opinion, knowing it was one thing, but witnessing it personally was another.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, there will always be some drums in your heart.

Now Shi Xiao was relieved, released the white fox from the railing, pointed to the grain field in the space and told it not to cause harm.

The white fox glanced at the field with disgust and then took it back. There was no good food in it, so it was not interested in doing harm.

Instead, he turned his head to the fence of the chickens, ducks and geese, and it was very interested in it.

"Those are not allowed to cause harm," Shi Xiao, feeling its thoughts, looked at the white fox very seriously.

There weren't many chickens, ducks and geese in it, and they were all reserved for laying eggs. If they were harmed by this guy, it would only be enough for him to eat one or two meals at most, Shi Xiao would not be willing.

Sensing the seriousness of the master, the white fox looked regretfully at the chickens, ducks and geese inside the fence.

It really wanted to eat it before, but unfortunately it couldn't get out of the fence.

Obviously there is nothing, but it just can't get out. After trying many times in a row, it can only give up.

In the end, I can only drool while looking at these delicacies, and now it is even more hopeless.

The white fox nods his head reluctantly, if he doesn't want to eat it, he won't eat it.

Satisfied with this, Shi Xiao took the fox back to the small courtyard.

As soon as he entered the small courtyard, the fox immediately forgot the previous reluctance, because it found a very comfortable atmosphere.

Uncontrollably, his body came to the side of the pool on the side of the small courtyard. Just as he approached the side of the pool, there was a very comfortable breath rushing towards him, and his comfortable hair stretched out.

The white fox stuck out its tongue and salivated at the pond water, what should I do if I really want to drink it?But my intuition tells it that it is best to stay still.

"Want to drink?" Shi Xiao looked at the white fox with a funny face, this guy looked at Tanshui with too much eagerness, and his eyes were shining.

These words made the white fox prick up its ears and nod its head quickly. The long and narrow fox eyes looked at the master eagerly, wanting to drink too much.

(End of this chapter)

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