Chapter 176.

Another thing about solar photovoltaic panels should indeed be put on the agenda.

Although there are things such as flashlights and candles in the collection, there is always no convenience of electricity.

Seeing that Big Brother Yan agreed, Shi Xiao immediately smiled back, feeling relieved now, which is great.

After discussing it, everyone didn't hesitate any more. They left, prepared, and then they all went out.

"Xiaoxiao", Dad Shi's shout made Shi Xiao stop stepping out of the courtyard door, turned to look at his father, Shi Yu, Su Yiyuan, Meng Xier also stopped.

"Dad, what's the matter." Shi Xiao looked at his father who ran out of the living room in a panic.

"Don't worry, bring these with you." Father Shi took out a bunch of things from the space and put them on the stone table in the yard.

Then, everyone found that the original python skin on the table was still processed python skin.

"Xiaoxiao, didn't you say that python skin is very defensive? These are the protective gear that your mother and I made during this period of time. Wearing them can always play a buffer role." Shi Dad pointed to the stone table Python skin said.

Shi Xiao was so happy with these things that Dad took out.

Mom and Dad are really great, they have made so many sets in a short period of time.

Immediately, Shi Xiao turned and walked quickly to the stone table, and happily picked up the finished python leather jacket and looked through it. Although it was very simple, all the main parts were protected.

Shi Yu, Su Yiyuan and Meng Xier also surrounded him, especially Shi Yu, who took off his coat and picked up one of them to put on.

This is a good thing. They all saw it with their own eyes that day, and normal weapons couldn't cut through the python's skin at all.

If it weren't for the weapon that my sister took out, they would have no way to bring this behemoth back, let alone peel off the skin to make python leather clothes.

The clothes are very simple, just use strips cut from python skin to connect the front and rear two pieces of python skin that can protect the entire chest and back, and tie them into knots to fix them to death.

In fact, it is impossible to make it complicated, mainly because there is no needle to penetrate the python skin, and the eyes on the python skin for threading belts are holes that are pierced by the dagger that Shi Xiao took out.

There are also wrist and knee pads, both of which are extended versions, to protect as much area as possible without affecting the flexibility of the joints.

Shi Yu quickly put on a set of python skin and moved around a few times. It was so thin that it didn't affect his movements at all.

Su Yiyuan and Meng Xier were envious when they saw it. With its multi-layered defense, it was more at ease to fight against zombies.

The two flipped through it a few times, then reluctantly put down the python leather jacket in their hands.

want it?Of course I want it, who would not want such a good thing.

But after thinking about it, it was because they were good that they had to let go.

They are thick-skinned, but not to this extent.

The whole giant python was brought down by Mr. Xiaoxiao, they didn't do much at all, so how could they have the nerve to ask for such a good thing.

"Why did you put it down?" Papa Shi looked at the two young men strangely, and took it out for them to wear.

"Uncle, we don't need it." Meng Hill said.

In other words, it is more convincing to say that the eyes can be pulled out from the python fur coat when it is not needed.

"Why don't you need it? Get one for each of you and put it on quickly. There are already yours in it."

Father Shi couldn't help but find out two sets and put them on them.

Dad Shi also saw that the two children were embarrassed to take it, and since he was embarrassed, he helped them take it.

Su Yiyuan and Meng Xi'er, who was holding the python leather jacket, were a little at a loss, and subconsciously looked at Shi Xiao and his brother.

Upon receiving the gazes of the two, Shi Xiao nodded secretly in his heart, more approving of their character.

If Su Yiyuan and Meng Xier put on the python leather jacket unceremoniously, Shi Xiao would really have some thoughts about them.

What she gave was one thing, what she insisted on was another, and there was a big difference between the two.

Obviously, Su Yiyuan and Mengxier are still very principled and measured.

Shi Xiao recognized this very much, and immediately said: "You can accept it if I give it to you, don't feel embarrassed, just kill a few more zombies in the future."

When Su Yiyuan and Meng Xier said this, the embarrassed look on his face immediately receded. The boss Xiaoxiao had already spoken, and they must accept it.

"Thank you uncle, thank you sister Xiaoxiao." They were so happy that they quickly thanked Papa Shi with a smile.

"No thanks no thanks" Papa Shi smiled and waved his hands.

"Okay, put it on quickly," Shi Yu, who had already put on his coat, said with a smile.

Shi Yu saw the performance of these two big men just now, and to be honest, he was very happy. He didn't want to be surrounded by some people who didn't know how to be grateful and took it for granted.

Then the two of them quickly put on the python leather jacket inside their coats. Due to psychological effects, they seemed to feel their courage suddenly increased a lot in the first moment after putting them on.

Shi Xiao also got the same trick. She has never been a big-hearted person. Although her current ability is very good, there is no absolute in everything. In short, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

This delay passed for a few more minutes, and by the time they reached the convoy, everyone was already there.

Then the big guy saw Shi Yu and Su Yiyuan, the captains, getting out of the car with a bunch of things in their arms.

Then as long as they are members of the team, regardless of whether they are men or women, or whether they are superhuman or not, they all issued a set.

Make others who participated in the construction of the wall envious.

Everyone looked at the pattern in their hands, which was obviously made of python skin. For a while, Monk Zhang Er was a little puzzled, not knowing what the captain meant by sending such a thing.

"Captain, isn't this the python skin from that day?"

"It's python skin." Shi Yu glanced at Liu Neng who was asking the question, "You must have understood the hardness of mutated python skin. They have been processed into simple clothes by my parents. Are they useful for defense? You all should wear them." .”

While speaking, Shi Yu pulled off his thin jacket, revealing the python leather jacket he was already wearing, and showed it to everyone.

Hearing that it was the mutated python skin instantly brought everyone's memory to the hill-like mutated python that Big Brother Shi Xiao hunted that night.

As the captain said, how hard the skin on the giant python's body is, they have all seen it with their own eyes.

It is difficult for ordinary weapons and knives to leave marks on the giant python, so it is indeed a good defense.

Thinking that there are still people hesitating here, he quickly pulled off his coat, and put on the simple python skin defensive clothing in the coat.

This is a good thing to save your life when necessary.

It must be worn. At this time, no one cares whether it is too much or whether it will be hot.

Of course, the question of whether it will be hot is aimed at normal people, and it doesn't make much difference for supernatural beings to wear more clothes and less clothes.

Seeing that everyone was wearing them here, Shi Yu smiled with satisfaction, then turned around and got into the car, and the convoy left Shijia Village after a while.

Shi Xiao didn't get out of the car the whole time, so no one in the motorcade noticed her.

Naturally, these python leather clothes could be distributed with Shi Xiao's permission.

As long as the people in the team don't pick on the inside and outside, Shi Xiao is still very generous to his own people if the situation permits.

The number of these python skins that my father took out is estimated to be less than a drop in the bucket of giant python skins. There are still more than a dozen pieces of python skins that have been tanned by my father in her space, so the distress does not exist.

Of course, one's own people need to be protected. With an extra layer of protection, they can better protect themselves and survive better in this dreadful environment.

Shi Xiao still clearly distinguishes which is more important, and who should not be stingy will definitely not be stingy, just like the previous weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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