I just want to have a good time

Chapter 178 178. Difficulty

Chapter 178 178. Difficulty
On the way, Dad Shi came up to deliver water several times, and he grinned openly when he saw the solar photovoltaic panels laid on the roof of his house and the protective net that was being erected.

These children are so careful that they even thought of the protective net.

In fact, Papa Shi thinks it shouldn't be a big problem, but this is their wish, and Papa Shi won't stop it.

Now, the more I look at Yan Xu, the young man, the better he feels.

Yan Liu Yunhao and the others who returned to the living room after everything was completed were warmly received by Shi's father and Shi's mother.

"Thank you for your hard work, come here, eat a watermelon to relieve the heat." Papa Shi brought a large plate of watermelon.

"Thank you, Uncle Shi." Wei Dalong was so happy to see the watermelon, he got up and thanked him, and then took a tooth and ate it.

It's really hard to be polite, the main reason is that the watermelon is too delicious and the temptation is too great, Wei Dalong can't resist it.

Nowadays, the fruit of watermelon can only be found at Sister Xiaoxiao's house. Who can eat fruit at this time.

"Thank you, Uncle." Yan Xu also got up to thank him, and so did the others.

"You're welcome, eat quickly," Dad Shi said with a smile.

They were indeed not polite. After a while, a big watermelon was wiped out by several big men.

After eating, Yan Xu took off his high-cold coat, stopped by Papa Shi, and diligently cleaned up the coffee table, then threw the melon skin into the dog bowl outside, and the black ball and Huang Ya chewed it without waste clean.

Shi Xiao didn't know that Yan Xu and the others were so efficient. At this time, she was holding a book and reading it leisurely on the recliner in two different places.

Leaving aside the bustling crowd at the side and ignoring the tall and straight giant tree behind her, her leisurely appearance really makes it hard to believe that she is in the end of the world at this moment.

In short, no abnormalities have been found so far, and the construction has reached Xiaoliu Village, which is about a kilometer away, and the construction of the wall is beyond the range of Yunwu Mountain.

But according to the progress of the project, I'm afraid she will have another day with her tomorrow.

It's already nearly half of the afternoon, so it's definitely impossible to finish.

Time flies, especially for those who are busy. In a blink of an eye, the sun has set and the twilight is approaching. This day has passed safely.

The big guy was obviously in a good mood, he packed up his things and went back to each car with a smile on his face. Shi Xiao also put the seat into the space and followed into the car.

Shi Xiao and Shi Yu, the driver, left after all the vehicles left.

Half an hour after they left, a group of huge mutated animals quickly ran down from Yunwu Mountain, and stopped when they reached the edge of the wall.

They sniffed all the way along the wall, then stopped in the midst of howling wolves, then turned around and ran back to Yunwu Mountain under the gaze of a bigger and more ferocious mutated animal.

The last one to leave, that is, the tallest mutant animal, took a deep look behind the wall with its icy eyes before leaving.

At this time, Shi Xiao and Shi Yu had already returned home, simply washed up and sat at the dining table to enjoy the food.

And after learning from his parents that the solar photovoltaic panels at home have been installed, Yan Xu also carefully installed the protective net.

I knew that it was right to leave this matter to Brother Yan, and the efficiency was not to be said.

When she was happy, Shi Xiao ate two more bowls of rice, which made the eyes of the two little fellows on the dining table follow Aunt Xiaoxiao with admiration.


On the road more than 40 miles away from Shihe Town, a convoy was running at extreme speed.

Ten minutes later, they stopped at Dayang Town, twenty miles away from Shihe Town.

Soldiers in a bit of a panic stepped out of the car, and they were Lin Fan's team.

A few people were still helped out of the car by their companions, and everyone was more or less stained, obviously after a battle.

"Arrange the wounded soldiers and make some delicious food to replenish their nutrition. It's been a hard day." Lin Fan said to Li Yong behind him while walking.

"It's the head of the regiment," Li Yong replied, and then looked at the blood-stained head of the regiment and said with some distress: "Head, you should rest quickly, you haven't rested this day."

"I'm fine." Lin Fan waved his hand, and after entering the temporary residence, he took out a map of Jiangcheng City and looked at it carefully.

Seeing this, Li Yong had no choice but to turn around and leave.

In the past two days, their footsteps have not stopped, and they have been cleaning up the zombies.

Starting from yesterday, it spread outward along Shihe Town to clean up the surrounding zombies one by one.

During the cleanup, they found that the streets of the towns closest to Shihe Town seemed to have been cleaned up, and the number of zombies was obviously very small.

After thinking about it for a while, it becomes clear that this is probably Shi Xiao and the others' handwriting.

In other words, if they had such a powerful ability, it would not be so hard to kill zombies.

It took the team two days to clean up the neighborhoods and villages in several nearby towns.

That is to say, they have guns in their hands, otherwise how could so many towns be cleaned up in a short period of time.

Although the time is short, the process is still very difficult.

Especially in the face of zombie animals, they are still relatively dangerous.

I encountered more than a dozen zombie animals in two days. These zombie animals appeared too suddenly, and several soldiers were lost because of this.

Thinking of the lost soldiers, Li Yong felt sad for a while.

Turning his head to look at the team leader who was seriously pondering over the map, Li Yong sighed and left quickly.

Right now, we need to arrange for people to get the food out quickly, they are all starving.

Here Lin Fan is looking at the map seriously. The entire urban area of ​​Jiangcheng City is not big or small. To be honest, with their current strength, if they want to completely eliminate the zombies in the urban area within a certain period of time, then It is simply a fantasy.

It is impossible to complete the task in a short period of time, not counting the main roads, not the bustling areas, and the number of large and small communities in all directions of the urban area is not less than a few hundred, and this is not counted as individual communities Shopping malls, supermarkets, schools, hospitals, etc. in the street.

The difficulty during this process can be imagined, Lin Fan needs to think carefully.

Now they are in the northern district of Jiangcheng City, and there are many roads to reach the urban area.

One of them passes through the University City, which should be the shortest road leading to the urban area, but it is also the most dangerous road.

It can be seen from the map that there are seven colleges and universities in the university town.

There are still seven universities, Lin Fan couldn't help frowning.

What does this mean for the seven colleges and universities? If the number of teachers and students in a college is less than 1, the number of teachers and students in the seven colleges and universities is 7. Excluding those who escaped, the number is still an astonishing number.

With their current team of less than 300 people, they really dare not face so many zombies easily.

Even if they don't enter colleges and universities, the base number of zombies is still a terrifying number. He can't make fun of the lives of soldiers, so this way was firmly ruled out by Lin Fan.

Maybe... maybe if we team up with someone, we should be able to go.

Lin Fan still remembers Shi Xiao's powerful supernatural ability when he saved them that day. Even if so many mutant wolves are invincible, the lethality against zombies should be even more terrifying.

Lin Fan pondered the feasibility of it, and after much deliberation, he thought he could give it a try.

So Lin Fan decided to try to communicate with Miss Shi Xiao on the day when he got the energy core.

(End of this chapter)

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