I just want to have a good time

Chapter 180. 180. Hope for the Stars and the Moon

Chapter 180. 180. Hope for the Stars and the Moon
"Afraid", to be honest, Shi Xiao really didn't have it in his heart.

No matter how many mutated animals come, with her ability, Shi Xiao is confident that they can take them all, just to store the meat for winter.

The only thing I was worried about was that some tricky mutant animals would not play their cards according to common sense, dodge her vines, and attack Shi Yu's side instead.

That's why she went to tell Shi Yu specifically.

Shi Xiao seemed to be very leisurely sitting on the recliner, but in fact, I didn't relax my mental strength to pay attention to the surrounding situation.


On the other side, Lin Fan was already fighting zombies in the community on the northern outskirts of the urban area.

The dense gunshots rang out in this area, and the gunshots traveled far, far away. Not only the survivors in the community in this area heard them, but they could also be faintly heard from farther away.

Immediately, the survivors in various communities couldn't sit still after hearing these movements, they were excited.

They look forward to the stars and the moon and finally hope that the rescuer will come, and if they don't come, they really can't hold on.

Before the power outage, with water and air and some food mixed with it, it was still possible to have a full meal, but the misfortune never comes singly because the power outage happened two days ago.

Then only one night later, the water vapor also stopped, if it weren't for the coming of the end of the world, their vigilance would be much higher.

After the power outage, most of the survivors were sensitive to the fact that something was wrong. Many people had prepared in advance to collect a lot of water overnight, otherwise some people might not be able to persist until now.

Of course, there are also relatively dull ones, who can only live on the little water left before.

go out?If they dared to go out of the house, they would have left here long ago.

So when I heard the gunshot, I was so excited that I burst into tears.

These gunshots sounded too timely, and they really couldn't stand it if no one came over.

The excited survivors couldn't sit still, they packed their belongings as quickly as possible, and when the rescuers arrived, they could go out as soon as possible.

Of course, among these survivors, there are not without capable people.

When this group of people heard the gunshots getting closer, they knew it was time to leave.

He quickly put away his things, took their weapons, opened the door and walked out without hesitation.

Among them are those with supernatural powers, those with high skills and courage, or alone or in twos and threes, or a family or a team. In short, they hold the weapons in their hands and rush towards the gunshot in the battle with the zombies. go.

In fact, part of the reason why Lin Fan didn't force the gun to install a silencer was because the silencer was too badly damaged.

Some of them really had the idea of ​​reminding the survivors to prepare them, and it would be even better if they dared to go downstairs in advance.

This can also save them more time, after all, there are several communities in the northern periphery.

The result of doing so is that a large number of zombies are attracted. Zombies who hear the sound and smell can't help it like a cat smelling fish.

No matter whether they were close or a little far away, the zombies who were eager to replenish their energy were all moving towards the place where the sound was made.

While the zombies are attracted away, it also provides a good opportunity for the survivors, of course, the prerequisite is courageous.

Lin Fan's team was divided into four groups, with dozens of people in each group, pressing into the community in four directions.

Not only that, while Lin Fan and the others pressed in to eliminate the zombies, they also separated 20 people into groups of two to quickly clean up the zombies in the unit building.

Soldiers are soldiers after all, and their level is much higher than that of a team composed of normal people.

The zombies attracted by them fell to the ground one by one under their guns, unable to get within ten meters of the team at all.

Especially Lin Fan, the leader who is the idol of the soldiers, held guns in both hands, never letting go of the guns, and the zombies fell down one by one.

Originally a sharpshooter, Lin Fan's eyesight was even more astonishing now that he became a supernatural being, killing zombies as much as he could.

But the other fighters were not bad either. With everyone's joint efforts, hundreds of zombies were quickly wiped out under the fierce force attack.

But it only gave them a few minutes to breathe, because the zombies who were attracted by the gunfire from afar were about to arrive again.

But a few minutes is enough, Li Yong shouted in the laughing area with a tweeter.

"Survivors in the community, listen up...we are the rescue team sent by the XXX Corps, please pack up your belongings as soon as possible, and go downstairs to gather in half an hour, remember that it is only half an hour, and half an hour is over. .”

The community is too big, and it is too unrealistic for the soldiers to go in to search and rescue every household, and the time does not allow it.

The zombies wandering in another community have been almost wiped out by them, and the conditions have been almost created. If the survivors in the community still dare not come down, then they will eventually be eliminated by this cruel society.

Then there was another burst of gunshots, and the zombies attracted by the gunshots arrived.

Just as Lin Fan and the others were fighting the zombies to rescue the survivors, tens of thousands of energy cores transported by the military had already arrived at the temporary stronghold in Dayang Town.

At the same time, there were hundreds of survivors who were rescued by escort soldiers along the way.

Wang Le, the squad leader of the third squad who was staying at the temporary station, was in charge of reception. First, he sent someone to arrange the survivors, and then after repeatedly confirming that the arrival was correct, he handed it over smoothly and handed over the space bag handed over to him by the squad leader to the one in charge of transportation. Colonel officer.

The officer didn't stay at the station for too long, but set off to go back and forth immediately after the handover.

The things in his hands are too important. When he came, the chief of staff (base chief) had repeatedly told him to turn back the things as soon as he got them.

As a qualified soldier, the first thing is to obey orders, so they didn't even have a rest, and drove back immediately.

And Yan Xu in Shijia Village was not idle either, and left the keys to the small courtyard where the team members lived before the team set off early in the morning.

The team members also trusted Yan Xu with the key, they were not worried.

There is nothing to worry about, not to mention that each of them has a separate room, and the supplies are locked in their own rooms.

The materials in their room alone are not as large as Boss Yan's. The main reason is that a person as cold as Boss Yan doesn't care about their things at all, and would not do such a thing if he disdains them.

There is also the installation of solar photovoltaic panels, which is their benefit as team members, because of their contributions during this period, and it would be foolish to refuse.

You must know that even the original villagers in Shijia Village do not have this benefit.

Of course, except for those who participated in the project construction in the village, they also wanted to enjoy certain benefits.

According to Shi Yu, as long as people who participate in the construction of the project, they can exchange points for what they want.

Under normal circumstances, 100 points can be exchanged for a solar photovoltaic panel, because there is a contribution value, they only need 15 points.

It can be said that as long as it is a person who participates in the construction of the project, even women with few points can afford to install it.

At the same time, it also means that those who do not participate in the labor force will have to pay a greater price to exchange solar photovoltaic panels.

Of course, what you want can also be exchanged for points by participating in labor in the future, but you only need 100 points.

 Ask for monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass─=≡Σ(((つ3 )つ宝
(End of this chapter)

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