Chapter 182

This scene made the wolf run faster. Although he was unwilling, everything seemed insignificant compared to his life.

As long as it is still there, it will soon develop a strong family again.

The speed of the wolves is very fast, but Shi Xiao's ability output is faster.

The vines were chasing after the wolves at an extremely fast speed, and soon, the distance between the two was getting closer.

While chasing, several vines suddenly exerted force, and the rapidly increasing branches and leaves swept across the several mutant wolves closest to them in an instant.

There was panic in the howling of the wolves, several wolves were tightly wrapped by the vines, and while struggling violently, the middle fingers of the vines pierced the long thorns into the thick fur of the mutant wolves.

Immediately afterwards, the smell of blood permeated the air, and this smell of blood caused the dozen or so giant wolves that were running to unleash their final potential abruptly, and their speed increased by [-]%.

Just will it work?The answer is definitely no.

There were more than a dozen wolves who were running, and they stopped suddenly, and their bodies quickly changed shape, facing the plants that were approaching them with their fangs and claws.

How could Shi Xiao let these dozen or so wolves run out of her mental range.

So after releasing some vines specially designed to chase down the mutant wolves, they sent more abilities from the outer side and used vines to start outflanking.

This is also the reason why these mutant wolves will stop.

Their front and rear paths were all blocked, both front, rear, left, and right were full of moving plants, and the wolves in the wolf pack except the alpha wolf had already started to panic.

More than a dozen wolves attacked the vines that rolled towards them, and the wildness was completely stimulated at the moment when their lives were threatened
Long-term experience tells them that they must never give up even at the last moment.

The mutant wolves became ruthless, paying full attention to the situation around them. When the vines shot towards them, they dodged extremely quickly, stretched out the sharp blades hidden between their fingers, and swung them, trying to cut off the plants that attacked them.

In fact, it did use the sharp blade on the claws to break off the vines that rolled towards them, but if this one was broken, more roots would grow rapidly and spread out more vines.

Even though they were already moving very fast, with their mouths, claws and even their tails constantly waving and biting, they were still not as fast as the growth of the vines.

Gradually, there were still more than a dozen mutated wolves in the pack, but in the fierce battle with the vines, the number became smaller and smaller, and the battle became more and more difficult.

Due to the engrossing, there is no time to take a breather, the mutant wolf consumes a lot of physical strength, and this will also be very fatal.

No, without paying attention, several mutant wolves were wrapped in vines and turned into mummies.

Even the howling of struggling and pain was completely blocked in the plant.

At this time, only a few mutant wolves including the alpha wolf were left alive in the vine enclosure.

The ground around their bodies was covered with plants cut off by sharp claws, and more plants continued to fall on the ground.

So many wolves of the same kind disappeared, which made the few remaining wolves very nervous.

They formed a circle tail to tail, and even if they had to change their shape due to the attack of the vines, they would eventually return to their original state very quickly.

Only in this way can they protect themselves to the maximum extent, and when there are omissions, other mutant wolves will be busy plugging the omissions, so that the vines will not easily catch the opportunity.

Especially the alpha wolf, the fiercest and strongest of them all.

The sharp armor on the claws was exceptionally sharp, with one swipe, several vines fell to the ground in an instant, and at the same time, the huge mouth was not idle.

When they first opened their mouths, they stabbed their mouths hard, and the blood poured directly into their mouths. Then the wolf realized that there was something dangerous in this plant that would cause their mouths to hurt and hurt. A sharp tooth, once cut, let go of the mouth immediately.

It can be said that the ability of these mutant wolves to persist until this point has a lot to do with the head wolf.

In this intense scene, in fact, less than a minute passed between the appearance of the mutant wolf and the escape.


On the other side, Shi Yu ran towards her sister as fast as she could.

When he was less than 100 meters away from his sister, Shi Yu saw a piece of green suddenly appear hundreds of meters away, spreading rapidly at a terrifying speed, which was very spectacular.

Thinking that her sister is the creator of this green ocean, Shi Yu's blood boiled immediately.

My sister made a move, and Shi Yu who had stopped quickly sped up again.

When he was about to approach, Shi Yu slowed down to prevent the sound of his running from disturbing his sister.

Approaching carefully, Shi Yu was suddenly attracted by several huge mutant animals entangled in vines and about to lose their vital signs.

It was also at this time that Shi Yu knew that the mutated animal that was going to attack them was a wolf.

Except for these mutated wolves entangled in vines, looking around, except for patches of green plants, Shi Yu saw no other mutated animals in sight.

However, Shi Yu didn't think that there would be real peace in the turbulent green ocean.

To be honest, Shi Yu's heart trembled when he found the huge gray wolf's head among the vines.

You must know that wolves are extremely ferocious animals, basically they are in groups, and it is almost impossible to get out of them when they encounter them.

These are not only pure wild animals, but also mutated wild animals. Which one of the two words "wild" is not full of wildness, which one is not bloodthirsty and cruel.

Although there are many types of engineering teams, only a small number of them are supernatural beings.

Thinking that if there was no sister, if these mutant wolves attacked, the loss would be unimaginable, Shi Yu almost couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat.

Sure enough, it was her own sister who cared about him the most, so she resolutely interrupted her plan when she learned of the progress of the fence, and followed her for two days.

Thinking of Shi Yu's eyes looking at Shi Xiao full of emotion and admiration, his sister is his most solid backer.

Shi Xiao: ...

Don't look at her concentrating on controlling plants, in fact, she is watching her brother's every move.

Shi Xiao, who was moved by something, could still understand, oh, but what was the meaning of that gaze expressed later, how could it give her the illusion that she was a generation above.

For this silly brother, Shi Xiao felt helpless deep in his heart.

Shi Yu didn't know that his sister, who turned her back to him, saw him clearly.

After he was moved, he involuntarily set his eyes on the mutant wolf that was tightly entwined by vines.

Blood stained the yellow ground under them, and the mutant wolves under the vines had given up struggling. At this moment, these mutant wolves could only breathe out but not in.

Looking at these mutant wolves who were about to lose their lives, Shi Yu's face became lighter.

The previous worries were also swept away, and he stood silently on the sidelines, vigilant, ready at any time.

Don't worry, it doesn't mean he will relax his vigilance. This is something that my sister has repeatedly emphasized in front of him.

As the saying goes, the embankment of a thousand miles is destroyed by ant nests, and one cannot relax at any time when encountering foreign invaders.


Among the vines, the battle between the plants and the mutant wolves was still extremely fierce, and the ground was covered with a thick layer of vines.

In this short period of time, the mutant wolves lost two more in the battle, and now there are only six mutant wolves that are still persisting.

And besides the head wolf, the other five were more or less wounded and dripping with blood.

What they faced was Humulus, which was magnified many times and covered with thorns.

Even though the mutant wolves moved quickly and could quickly cut through most of the vines that attacked them, there would still be a few fish that slipped through the net, and even if they had no chance to entangle, they would whip them hard.

(End of this chapter)

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