Chapter 186.
As long as they don't hurt their lives, Shi Xiao won't stop them.

Just to let the snow fox, who was suffocated in the space, relax and relax.

Well, fighting is also a way to relax, which is just right for the newly-acquainted partners to cultivate and develop feelings.

Isn't there a saying that is okay, hitting is kissing and scolding is love.

They can't speak, so the more they fight, the more they will naturally kiss.

Thanks to these two guys who didn't know what Shi Xiao was thinking, otherwise they would definitely turn around and kiss their master more without hesitation.

The two guys moved so loudly, and they yelled fiercely from time to time, how could it be possible that Shi Yu and everyone who was working intensively could not hear them, who were only a few hundred meters away.

Based on their trust in Boss Shi Xiao and the signal gunshots that did not come out, although they had some thoughts in their hearts, they still held them in their hearts and were seriously busy with their respective tasks.

A little time was wasted before, so after eating, everyone did not rest and started to rush to work.

They all wanted to drive out the construction speed as soon as possible and completely leave the range of Yunwu Mountain.

Here, everyone's heart is always on the alert, and there is no way to calm down.

No, the screams of ferocious beasts made the work under their hands speed up abruptly.

In this way, hundreds of people took two hours to completely pull the progress of the project out of the range of Yunwu Mountain.

The engineering team is still busy like a raging fire, but the two big guys on Shi Xiao's side have stopped their behavior of hurting both sides.

Cough, in fact, it is impossible not to stop. After fighting fiercely for an hour or two, not only was there a lot of scars on my body, but the most important thing was that the physical exertion was too severe.

After being separated for the last time, the two stupid big men finally lay down in the grass that was crushed by them, gasping for breath and not moving.

At this time, these two guys had already lost their original appearance. Except for the grass and fallen branches and leaves that were harmed by them, the ground was full of hair from their bodies, and there were clusters of hair all over the ground.

These hair stones laughed and thought, if they are collected together to make a sweater, it should be enough.

Xiaobai is the white fox. It should be called the blood fox now. The dazzling white hair was dyed with blood in strands, and the bright red color is also very dazzling.

His whole body was full of wounds, scratches, scratches, tears, and even his front paws were bitten.

It is estimated that if it is not for the inconvenient movement, this guy may continue to go.

Of course, leopards are no better than white foxes.

The hair on his body is no longer as smooth as it was at the beginning, and many places are bald here and there.

Needless to say the wound, the longest scratches scratched from the back to the abdomen, and blood is still oozing from the wound at this moment, not to mention other big and small scratches.

Even though the snow-white fox was a little smaller than the leopard, its combat effectiveness was no less than that of the leopard, otherwise the two guys wouldn't have been able to fight for such a long time.

They should be pretty much the same, they didn't take advantage of anyone, and they didn't let anyone suffer. They were all lying on the ground with their tongues outstretched, looking exhausted.

Seeing this miserable appearance, Shi Xiao felt a little distressed and wanted to laugh, and was glad to have moved them out of the space.

Otherwise, I don't know what the two of them will create in the space.

Shi Xiao walked to the side of the two big ones, kicking their bodies lightly with his feet.

Even though he was exhausted, when he saw Shi Xiao coming, Xiao Bai turned his head and licked Shi Xiao's feet lightly a few times, his eyes showed his trust in his master.

Even the leopard, this look of complete trust made Shi Xiao's last trace of doubt disappear.

Resisting the urge to treat them, Shi Xiao took out two basins of clean stream water and put them under the mouths of the two guys.

Healing wounds is temporarily unavailable, but water is drinkable.

Xiaobai and Xiaohua, well, they are leopards. Shi Xiao named this big guy. It's a pity that it is not called Xiaohua because it has spots all over its body.

After nearly two hours of fighting, the two guys were already thirsty, and when they saw the water around their mouths, they couldn't wait to drink it.

The cool water instantly extinguished the dry itching in their throats, and they drank half of the basin in one gulp, and then lay down on the ground again until they felt comfortable, continuing to recover their strength.

Next, it was Shi Xiao's home game, where he was preaching to the two guys.

The main purpose is to remind the two of them, the grasshoppers on a vine, to love each other, and killing each other is forbidden in the future, and if they find out, they will bear the consequences at their own risk.

As for the consequences, they took out a dead mutant wolf in a very simple and rude manner, and directly demonstrated to them what the so-called consequences are?
A mutant wolf that was many times bigger than Shi Xiao was stomped on the head by the fishtail ax that Shi Xiao took out, and it was quickly skinned and disemboweled.

This brutal scene made the two big guys close their eyes in fright, not daring to look at Shi Xiao.

Xiaohua put her two thick front paws on her eyes.

The performance of the two big guys made Shi Xiao nod in satisfaction, this deterrent should be enough.

Then it's a matter of bringing them back to where humans live.

Shi Xiao warned them seriously, under normal circumstances, they are not allowed to be malicious to humans, otherwise the end will be quite miserable.

Don't worry about whether the two of them can understand.

You must know that Xiaobai and Xiaohua had already opened up a little bit of wisdom before entering the space mark,

And the owner of the space is Shi Xiao.

Speaking of this, we need to mention that the previous space borrowed the merits of Shi Xiao in order not to collapse and disappear.

But wanting to borrow merit points is not such an easy thing, so Space and Shi Xiao are soul identities.

So Xiaobai and Xiaohua were stamped into the space, which is also equivalent to the stamp on Shi Xiao. There is a deep connection between them, and the two are only able to understand what the master said.

Seeing Shi Xiao's serious face, and looking at the mutant wolf who had been skinned and disemboweled, Xiaobai and Xiaohua nodded their big heads at the same time.

Do you dare not nod, the example is right in front of you, animals are also afraid of death, okay?

"Well, that's right, I knew that you are all good babies, remember to get along well and be a good pair of partners who love each other." Satisfied, Shi Xiao praised the two big guys.

With a wave of his hand, the wolf's body disappeared on the ground, leaving only the internal organs and so on.

The forgetfulness of animals is fast, and without the wolf's body, Xiaobai and Xiaohua's tension gradually subsides.

Until Shi Xiao split the internal organs in two and threw them in front of them, the two big guys completely forgot about the brutal scene before.

At this moment, there is only a pile in front of them, and the speed is very fast, and the internal organs in front of them are eaten up in a few minutes.

Looking at the two big ones that were eating happily, Shi Xiao couldn't figure out why carnivores like to eat internal organs.

Especially the large and small intestines were swallowed directly into the stomach without being too dirty. To be honest, Shi Xiao really couldn't accept this scene.

As a result, Shi Xiao stayed away from them when Xiaobai Xiaohua was eating, for fear of wasting what he ate at noon.

Time passed by like this, the intensity of the sun was also weakening bit by bit, and the sun was about to set.

After a few hours, Xiaobai Xiaohua's spirit has recovered a lot, but of course the appearance still looks a bit miserable.

A few hours is enough for the two big guys to get acquainted. Perhaps Shi Xiao's words have worked, and the atmosphere between the two guys is not as tit-for-tat as before.

Although it still looks like the other party doesn't catch a cold, it can be regarded as being able to get along peacefully.

Shi Xiao was about to take them away, in order to make them look more miserable, Shi Xiao wove vine nets out of vines and prepared to drag them away.

(End of this chapter)

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