I just want to have a good time

Chapter 193 193. Accept

Chapter 193 193. Accept
You can't use force to coerce. This kind of practice that does nothing but harm is not advocated. Besides, this girl is so powerful, it is really not sure who will win in the end.

"Okay." These two words suddenly came to Lin Fan's ears with a blank face, and his expression paused.

"Alright, for Captain Lin's sake, I'll take over the purification of the energy core." Seeing Lin Fan's paused expression, Shi Xiao continued.

"However, my energy is limited after all. I'm afraid it will take longer. I don't know if Captain Lin can wait."

"Yes, Miss Shi, don't worry." Lin Fan said, "It's just that I'm afraid I still need a date from Miss Shi."

Shi Xiao didn't answer, his eyes drooped slightly, and he began to calculate in his heart.

Calculated according to the ratio of energy cores exchanged, the amount of purification per day is 25, and [-] will take [-] days, plus the previous month is enough.

Then Shi Xiao also silently calculated the time when winter would come, but luckily there was still time.

Even if there is an accident or something, the speed is not up to her.

After thinking about it, Shi Xiao didn't delay and said, "Within a month, I will try to hand over all the purified energy cores to Captain Lin, and the trading time will be changed to once every ten days. Captain Lin has no objections, right?" .”

Lin Fan shook his head, "No objection, we will come here every ten days from now on."

He is asking for something from others, so how dare he have an opinion.

Otherwise, it also made him see that Miss Shi has been hiding her clumsiness, and such a large amount can be completed in a month, which shows that Miss Shi's supernatural power may be stronger than they imagined.

And this is certainly not Miss Shi's limit.

Shi Xiao nodded, "Then it's settled. I don't know if Captain Lin has other things to do. If it's okay, I really have to go." Shi Xiao added.

Hearing that Lin Fan paused again, there was really a little matter.

Naturally, this scene did not escape Shi Xiao's eyes, and he wondered why he said such a word.

Lin Fan tugged at his collar, coughed, and said, "To be honest, there is something wrong. Yesterday when we went to the urban area to eliminate zombies and search for survivors, we passed Jiangcheng University Town, which has become a paradise for zombies. The number is countless.

I am ashamed that with our current manpower and ability to clean up the zombies in colleges and universities, it is really beyond our capabilities, and our ability is not up to it.

The abilities of Ms. Shi and other heroes and talents are different. They are all very strong. I think Ms. Shi is not worried about the existence of the ticking bomb in the university city.

So what I want to say is, I don’t know if Ms. Shi can cooperate with us to clean up the university town together and pull out the time bomb in advance. Of course, this is just my personal idea, and it’s okay if Ms. Shi disagrees. "

Lin Fan, who had finished speaking, did not have the seriousness and indifference he had when he was the head of the regiment at this moment.

Sure enough, strength determines everything at any time.

Even a strong man like Lin Fan had to lower his posture when meeting someone stronger than him.

Wang Le, who had been standing by the side, was a little stunned by such a group leader. This was the first time he saw a group leader like this.

In his eyes, the head of the regiment is always such a majestic, tall and brave person, a tough guy who would rather bend than bend.

However, he understands the head of the group. From time to time, if he acts superior to someone who is stronger than him, hehe, why should he spoil you.

Of course, this is not to say that the head of the group deliberately pleases, the head of the steel temper can't do such a thing, but he has found his own position and lowered his posture a bit.

Shi Xiao was touched by Captain Lin's words, and it really touched Shi Xiao's heart. She was indeed worried about the zombies in the university city, and she also had plans to go to the university city in her heart.

As Captain Lin said, the zombies in the university town are like a ticking time bomb, and they must be removed as soon as possible.

Originally planning to go, Captain Lin's proposal, Shi Xiao, never thought of refusing, nor was he prepared to refuse, after all, the original intention was to eliminate the zombies.

Of course, if someone else made such a proposal, Shi Xiao might not even consider it, but Shi Xiao is still willing to believe Captain Lin.

They are soldiers, which is an advantage, as well as Shi Xiao's own eyes and mental power.

Lin Fan's eyes are very straight, which is also the main reason why Shi Xiao chose to expose the space in the first place.

She has the ability to live a good life for herself, so why should she hide it? It's no different from her previous life.

Making life easier and better for her and her family is her current goal, and she is approaching this goal.

Shi Xiao withdrew his thoughts and looked back at Captain Lin who had been waiting for her answer.

Lin Fan's heart shuddered the moment he looked at the watery eyes. Thanks to years of self-control, he didn't look away, and the expression on his face remained unchanged.

The mother and fetus have been single for more than 30 years, and it is the first time that he has such a pair of eyes to see him, and it makes him feel so beautiful for the first time.

Shi Xiao: "I agree with this matter, Captain Lin will set a time."

Lin Fan suppressed the feeling of strangeness, and smiled, "Miss Shi is really righteous, thank you, as for the time, let Miss Shi decide, we will fully cooperate."

"Okay, if that's the case, let's do it tomorrow." Shi Xiao replied simply, "We'll meet at the intersection of Huxin Road in the university city around 7 am tomorrow. Captain Lin is fine."

Lin Fan: "No problem." As he spoke, Lin Fan took out several large bags of energy cores in the space.

Shi Xiao glanced at it, thinking Captain Lin had forgotten.

"There are a total of 4 pieces in it. We have confirmed the quantity. Sister Shi Xiao can confirm it again."

Unexpectedly, Shi Xiao just weighed it with his hands, and then put it into the space.

"I believe in Captain Lin's character. Since you said the number is correct, then you are right. See you later."

Lin Fan looked at Shi Xiao with deep eyes, and the corners of his mouth curled up, "See you later".

Shi Xiao and others who were sent out of the hotel quickly got into the car. After the people outside the car signaled, the car quickly disappeared here.

Shi Xiao wanted to go back a long time ago, but today's time is tightly arranged by her, there are too many things to do, and if she wastes a while, her plan will be interrupted.

Liu Yunhao's driving speed has always been known for being fast, it is an exaggeration to say that he returned to SJZ village in a few blinks.

After bidding farewell to everyone, Shi Xiao went straight home.

Entering the door, "Why is it so fast today?" Papa Shi who opened the door asked strangely.

"I didn't go out of town today, I just delivered some things elsewhere, and I came back after delivery, Dad, are you okay now, if you're okay, go with me to bathe those dirty guys in the backyard. Dirty, too smelly, too stinky."

Shi Xiao didn't say a few words that made Shi's father refuse. He cast a sideways glance at his daughter and walked towards the kitchen in the house.

Papa Shi really has something to do. There are still some freshly picked vegetables that have not been blanched. He and his wife have been busy.

After the girl said this, the rest can only be handed over to the wife. Fortunately, there are not many left, and the cuts that should be cut have already been cut and just need to be boiled.

He reported to his wife and adults in the kitchen, and walked towards his daughter who had been standing in the yard waiting for him.

The two brothers Shi Xiao hooked their father's neck tightly, "Dad, Mom didn't kill you, did you?"

Shi Xiao didn't ask, it was fine, but when he asked, Dad Shi immediately rolled his eyes, "What do you think? Your mother kicked me out of the kitchen because she said I value girls over wives."

Shi Xiao grinned when he heard it, but he knew that his mother was not really angry with his father, maybe it was a little fun between their husband and wife.

The relationship between parents will not be affected by them, that's okay.

 One more update today, I have tried my best (﹏ )
(End of this chapter)

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