I just want to have a good time

Chapter 199 199. University of Technology

Chapter 199 199. University of Technology
With the perfect cooperation of the four of them, the number of zombies around them decreased rapidly at a speed not much slower than Lin Fan's.

This is because Shi Xiao didn't use his power to make his ultimate move.

If the situation is still acceptable, Shi Xiao is generally not prepared to use supernatural powers, after all, her supernatural powers are too lethal.

It will affect the road to becoming stronger for others, and the experience of facing the enemy needs to be continuously accumulated.

Although there are many zombies at the gate of the university, there are also many of them, and they are all regular troops.

Under the bullets of the regular army, these seemingly many zombies are actually not very difficult to eliminate.

The battle seemed to take a long time, but in fact it didn't take long. After only a few minutes, the number of zombies at the gate of the Industrial University decreased sharply, leaving only a few dozen here and there.

These dozens eventually fell under the bullets of the soldiers.


"Ms. Song, do you hear the sound of an explosion?" A thin-looking boy said to an older man wearing glasses who was also standing at the door.

His words also aroused the ideas of other students. For a while, seven or eight boys could not help but listen carefully in front of the door full of things.

There were also some students who were one step too late, and could only look at the boy lying in front of the gap in the cabinet, hoping that what Kong Xiao said was true.

Even Mr. Song, whom Kong Xiao was talking about, listened carefully, but unfortunately he didn't hear anything.

"Teacher Song, there really is," Kong Xiao said again.

"It seems that I heard it too," another boy said, "the voice is very small."

"I heard it too," the third person also spoke. After this person spoke, no one believed it.

Everyone suddenly had different expressions on their faces.

"Don't be too happy, maybe you just passed by." The words of a classmate poured on everyone like ice water, extinguishing the heat in their hearts.

yes!How can I forget that this kind of thing has never happened.

They have been hiding in the university cafeteria for so long, and they have indeed heard movement many times.

It's just that when they waited hopefully from day to night, they knew that no one would come to rescue them.

It might be the same this time, there is a high probability that they are passers-by.

This sentence immediately brought everyone's mood to the bottom, and they sat listlessly on the ground.

"Wang Tu, if you don't talk, no one will treat you as dumb." Kong Xiao said unhappily when he saw the students' sluggishness, his eyebrows almost raised to the sky.

"You, forget it, I don't want to talk to you, a reckless man. I just want to remind everyone, lest when the time comes, you will be more hopeful and disappointed. You really don't know good people."

Wang Tu looked at the still tangled muscles on Kong Xiaoguishou's arm, and didn't fight Kong Xiao hard.

He knew clearly that he was the one who was unlucky in the end, and Kong Xiao had already fixed him because of his speech.

But this time he really did it out of kindness, but this reckless man obviously couldn't understand it, and really doubted how he got into the university.

"I don't know good people, Wang Tu, you..." Kong Xiao pointed at himself and wanted to go forward and continue to talk, but Teacher Song grabbed him, "Okay, when will you still have the strength to argue? It’s better to accumulate more strength and see if you can persist for a while, and everyone should not be so pessimistic, maybe this time it is really like the savior we thought came.”

Although Teacher Song said words of encouragement to the students, the expression on his face was not at all relaxed, and it was really difficult to relax.

They didn't hide in the cafeteria immediately.

The moment when the disaster happened was too sudden. The teachers and classmates who suddenly turned into zombies caught everyone off guard and panicked.

Except for those who escaped boldly, the first choice for those who did not escape was the dormitory, and because of this they missed the best time to escape.

After all the food and drink in the dormitory was consumed, in order not to starve to death, some surviving college students finally boldly prepared to escape from the school with simple weapons.

Therefore, among these survivors, some were eaten or assimilated by the zombies.

These people escaped from the dormitory in order not to starve to death. As a result, the campus was full of zombies, and they finally managed to hide in the school cafeteria through the back door of the cafeteria.

Fortunately, the time of the disaster was close to the class time, and there were not many students in the cafeteria.

In some cases, at the moment when the disaster happened, they ran out in a hurry in order to survive.

So when the group of them hid in, there were not many zombies in the cafeteria, and they worked together to eliminate them.

In the next two days, several batches of students hid in the cafeteria intermittently.

A total of more than 100 teachers and students hid in the cafeteria.

He said he was a teacher and a student, but in fact he was the only one who was the teacher.

It was also because he was young and physically strong that he was able to escape the pursuit of the zombies and hide in the cafeteria in time.

Among the surviving students, boys accounted for the vast majority, and there were only a few girls, less than 20.

And these girls were able to escape from Ascension, all of them were courageous enough, physically fit and fast enough.

In this way, they stayed in the cafeteria for nearly a month.

Fortunately, they were hiding in the cafeteria, otherwise they would have starved to death.

The canteen of Gongda has three floors, each floor has an area of ​​nearly a kilometer, and they have survived until now by relying on the inventory of the three floors of the canteen.

Just imagine that even if more than 100 people eat one meal a day, the food consumption in the past month is an astonishing figure.

What's more, it is impossible for them to eat only one meal a day, after all, they are young people with strong digestion ability.

Being able to persist until now is the limit, and there is not much food left in the cafeteria.

The food has long been changed from the first three meals to two meals, and then to one meal in the last week.

To be honest, Teacher Song didn't know that they could last for a few more days. These days, the worry in their hearts and the fact that they didn't have enough to eat made the students feel a little depressed and irritable.

Teacher Song has already made preparations to rush out with the students when the food supply is not available. You can’t let the students starve to death in the cafeteria. There is still a chance of survival if you rush out. No.

His car is parked in the parking lot of the school. If there is no accident, there should be a car there. At that time, it depends on the luck of the individual. The students who can rush there may perform miracles and walk out of the University of Technology alive.

"No, Teacher Song, I don't think the voice is passing by this time. Teacher Song, listen carefully, is the voice getting louder and louder?"

Kong Xiao's sudden sound interrupted Song Qi's thoughts.

The students also stood up from the ground one after another because of Kong Xiao's words, and came to the gate where the sundries were piled up, but they still didn't seem to hear anything.

For the first time, I regretted that I had sealed the door too tightly, otherwise they would have heard some movement no matter what.

Like most of the students, Teacher Song also didn't hear the sound.

"It seems like the sound has really gotten louder."

"I heard it too."

"I seem to have heard it too," a girl said weakly, raising her hand.

So many people said that they heard it, and the eyes of the students in the cafeteria instantly burst into a kind of light called hope.

Wang Tu also settled down and listened carefully in the direction of the gate. He also seemed to hear a vague sound similar to an explosion. The sound seemed to be getting closer and closer.

Wang Tu suddenly had a feeling in his heart that there was probably nothing wrong this time, and someone really came to rescue him.

(End of this chapter)

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