I just want to have a good time

Chapter 297 297. Mutant Tiger

Chapter 297 297. Mutant Tiger

Immediately afterwards, another yellow and black claw stretched out, and then a large piece of white snow suddenly rose into the air, and large pieces fell to the ground, splashing pieces of white snow mist.

A huge beast stepped out of the white snow mist.

Its yellow hair is mixed with black stripes, its limbs are thick and powerful, its tail is like a steel whip, its huge head is big and round, especially the big "King" character on top of its head, all of which show its identity.

The king of the forest, the overlord level tiger.

At this moment, the tiger's nostrils sniffed, and its eyes suddenly looked in the direction. The tiger's eyes shone brightly, astonishingly bright, as if it had discovered something.

Immediately after flicking its long tail like a steel whip, the tiger disappeared into the world with the sound of an explosion, leaving only a deep and long snow mark.

But at this moment, Shi Xiao and the others were still immersed in cooking, unaware that the robbers were coming soon.

When Shi Xiao noticed a big thing approaching, in a blink of an eye, the thing was about to rush to the door of the hotel at a frightening speed. It was a huge tiger.

It wasn't her carelessness, but the speed of this tiger was too fast.

After arriving in the urban area, Shi Xiao's mental strength has been kept at a distance of several hundred meters, and he has not relaxed.

When she noticed that she raised her head, the tiger had already leaped [-] meters in an instant. When she put down the tableware and stood up, the tiger had almost reached the hotel entrance.

Yan Xu, who always kept Shi Xiao in his heart, was the first to notice the abnormality.

When she stopped eating and looked at an unknown place through the door, Yan Xu also stopped the chopsticks in her hand and looked serious.

The two stood up almost at the same time, and it was also at this time that the others noticed the abnormality, stopped what they were doing, and looked at the two bosses in puzzlement.

Then he followed the gazes of the two bosses, and what they saw really scared them a lot.

If Liu Yunhao hadn't reacted quickly and covered Su Yiyuan's mouth, the frightened guy would have screamed out.

It's okay to bark, the main thing is that I'm afraid of startling things outside the glass, if it's startled, then there's nothing wrong with it.

Liu Yunhao, who has always been emotionally seldom, glanced at Su Yiyuan in disgust, he might as well laugh at the two girls beside the boss.

Although his eyes were wide open and he looked frightened, he was self-aware. He actively covered his mouth with one hand, and held the laughing boss tightly with the other hand.

At this time, the huge monster that frightened everyone had its huge head against the glass window of the hotel, its fist-sized yellow eyes were staring at it tightly, its big mouth was slightly opened, and it seemed to be leaking something suspiciously. Toss until firm.

The sniffing frequency of the black nose was several times faster than in the forest where it was resting. The tiger's eyes became brighter and brighter, then turned its head, and its body disappeared into the glass window.

"Smile...smile, this...this...is a tiger, right?" Li Ruyi was a little nervous, with a small hand still tightly grasping the corner of Shi Xiao's clothes, staring at the animal that disappeared through the glass window and said in a daze.

The appearance of this mutated animal, the hair and the looming king character on the forehead all tell everyone that it is a tiger.

Shi Xiao nodded, his eyes followed the movement of the tiger, until he stopped in front of the hotel gate, Shi Xiao's eyes tightened, then he grabbed Song Qian and Li Ruyi and called Brother Yan, then quickly ran towards the lounge behind the hotel counter .

The entire hotel lobby is empty, except for the safe passage elevator, this is the fastest place to hide recently.

Such a big thing, if you can't do it if you can't do it, if it's really impossible, Shi Xiao doesn't mind trying how delicious the mutated tiger meat is.

Hiding does not mean that you are afraid, but that you don't want to directly confront them.

Just as they stepped into the counter, there was a huge impact and the sound of the hotel door breaking, and this huge tiger forced its way into the hotel.

After entering, he shook his body vigorously a few times, as if to relieve the uncomfortable feeling of being squeezed into the door, then glanced lightly at the people hiding in the counter, stomping tiger steps and went straight to the rest area.

It seems to be a little different from what they expected!
If they were not mistaken, the tiger's light glance just now didn't seem to be very interested in them.

Then everyone who looked at each other finally understood why the tiger was not interested in them.

Standing at the entrance of the lounge, they stared dumbfounded at the King of the Forest, who was almost at the same height as the hall, and stopped at the place where they had eaten just now in the rest area, lowering their heads and sniffing.

There is still half a pot of rice that has not had time to tighten up the space, and a half pot of braised pork that has not been eaten in time.

Could it be the aroma of these meals that attracted it, the expressions on everyone's faces were a little hard to describe for a while.

Then I saw the tiger's halazi dripping down the corner of its mouth to the ground, pulling out an ice thread nearly two meters long.

Then the tiger opened his mouth, buried his mouth in the basin, licked half of the basin of braised pork, and even the half basin of rice next to it, and licked his mouth up and down after eating. smell.

This is a tiger that is not picky eaters, and this idea came to everyone's mind at the same time.

Then, the tiger took advantage of the situation and lay down beside the table, its huge body instantly squeezed the sofa table to the corner.

Looking at Shi Xiao and the others with a pair of piercing tiger eyes, his eyes were calm, and he even half-lyed on the ground, his tail slapped his face every now and then, making a slapping sound, which was somewhat different from his status as the king of the forest. do not match.

For beasts of prey, aren't all creatures food in their eyes?How can you be indifferent?

The tiger lay down with a contented appearance, which confused them, so they should continue to hide or not.

Everyone looked at Shi Xiao and Yan Xu involuntarily, so what should we do.

Neither of them spoke, and their attention was on the lying tiger.

Shi Xiaoyan Xu and the others felt a little familiar with its leisurely lying down posture and its non-malignant gaze.

The eyes of the two met and communicated silently, and at the same time, they thought of the tiger at the gas station. Could it be the tiger they met at the gas station?

The main reason is that animals of the same species look so similar that it is really difficult to tell if they are the same one.

Whether it is or not, all they have to do now is to leave this hotel. Who knows when this tiger will leave, and they can't spend it here all the time. Uneasy.

Song Qian and Li Ruyi are still holding Shi Xiao's hand tightly.

To be honest, facing such a huge mutated tiger directly, without losing their composure and collapsing, it shows that the two girls are already very strong and courageous enough.

Then Shi Xiao moved his eyes to the door, communicating with everyone with his eyes.

Glancing at the tiger lying on the ground, Yan Xu nodded, and Su Yiyuan and the others followed suit. No one wanted to stay here with a ferocious beast.

After the silent exchange, seeing that everyone had no objections, Shi Xiao walked out of the counter carefully and lightly, but stopped after she had just taken two steps.

With the movement of Shi Xiao, the tiger who had put his head on the ground and half-closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes and looked up. His eyes were puzzled, as if wondering what the human in front of him wanted to do?
Shi Xiao tried to move another step, the tiger was still looking at her, but made no further movements.

(End of this chapter)

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