I just want to have a good time

Chapter 301 301. My heart softens

Chapter 301 301. My heart softens

Meng Xier, who was saluted by everyone: "..."

"I just heard, and you all know that many animals in our country are on the verge of extinction, and many of them have been listed as protected animals. The tiger is one of them, but it belongs to the level of beasts. It is almost impossible to raise it personally. possible."

"However, this is not completely absolute. Special institutions approved by the state are still acceptable. Animals raised in such institutions will eventually be returned to the forest. Because of observation, the released animals may not be able to adapt to life in the forest. So it will be equipped with a chip, and I guess the metal ring on its ear should be the chip."

"Hill is right, there is indeed such an organization." Yan Xu added coldly.

After Hill said this, Shi Xiao also remembered that there seemed to be such an organization. She seemed to have seen an introduction on this aspect on TV, but she was too busy before, so she would not pay attention to this kind of thing.

It's just that there is such an institution in Jiangcheng?I really haven't heard of it.

But it's not impossible. There are many wild forests in Jiangcheng City, the most famous of which is the Yunwu Mountain behind Shihe Town.

Perhaps this tiger just escaped from some corner institution.

In this way, it makes sense, why this tiger is not hostile to humans, and it is afraid that it will only run to the urban area when it is hungry.

Now it finally became clear why the tiger always followed them.

Therefore, everyone's eyes are focused on the metal ring behind the tiger's ear, which also shows that the private breeding they thought before is impossible.

Also, their country is not foreign, how can some countries allow private breeding of beasts.

After they figured it out, they were no longer curious. Su Yiyuan and the others, who were no longer curious, quickly gathered these zombie and animal carcasses together, and handed over the aftermath to Li Ruyi.

After a fire, the body disappeared along with the snow, revealing the road below.

Then, everyone looked at the two bosses who were still standing beside the tiger.

So they will continue to clean up the zombies, or they will wake up with the tiger here.

In fact, Shi Xiao was also struggling. If they left the tiger here, Shi Xiao would be really worried.

In any case, the tiger fell into a deep sleep because of her energy core. When they left, something unexpected happened. Thinking of this, Shi Xiao felt a little bit ruthless.

But it's not realistic to stay here. Who knows when this tiger will wake up after swallowing so many energy cores.

"Xiaoxiao, what are you thinking? Everyone is waiting." Yan Xu's soft and warm voice interrupted Shi Xiao's thoughts.

"Ah, it's nothing, I just thought the tiger should be fine after we leave." Shi Xiao smiled at Yan Xu, then glanced at the sleeping big guy again, "No matter what, let's continue."

Yan Xu nodded, agreeing with Shi Xiao's decision.

How could he not see Xiaoxiao's worry about the tiger, it's just that he couldn't do anything even if he wanted to share his worries.

So all he can do is to support his girl's decision, even if she is here to guard the tiger, he will also accompany her.

Soon, they were back on their skis and disappeared down the street.

What they didn't know was that the moment they left the street, the sleeping tiger disappeared in the snow.

Shi Xiao finally softened his heart. In fact, there was another reason. The urban area is so big that there must be many zombie animals. The mutant tiger's careless target is lying here, isn't it naked flesh?

At that time, the mutant tiger cannot wake up because of the energy core, and if he is infected with the zombie virus due to the attack of the zombie animals, it will be a disaster.

So this is the best result, but how to release the tiger later is another problem.

Thinking of this problem, Shi Xiao felt nerve-wracking, so let's kill the zombies.


In this way, Shi Xiao took his two good girlfriends, and Yan Xu who followed them hard, and they started to eliminate zombies every day.

And the fact that zombies can't move at low temperature was deliberately spread in the base.

This news moved the supernatural beings in the base, and the zombies were frozen. Isn't this the best time to collect energy nuclear materials.

As a result, the supernatural beings at the base also joined the team to eliminate the zombies.

There were even some ordinary people with better physiques but no awakening abilities, who joined in for the sake of supplies.

And there is a prerequisite for this, that is, you must learn to ski, otherwise it can be said that it is difficult to move an inch in the urban area. After all, the snow clearing of the Shihe base is only within a few tens of miles around the base.

The snow is taller than a person, and except for skis, other means of transportation are not easy to use.

So during this period of time, the snowboards made by Papa Shi can be regarded as the best-selling items.

There are people who come to barter every day, and Dad Shi's asking price is not high. After all, this thing is not too difficult except for some wood and effort.

A snowboard can be exchanged for only five days of grain.

And such a good business will naturally be noticed by interested people, and soon there will be followers.

It didn't have much impact on Shi's father. On the contrary, it relieved him a lot of pressure. The main needs were too many people, and he couldn't do it at all, and because he didn't have time to spend with his wife, so when someone followed suit, Shi Dad is not only not angry but also very happy.

Then there was a scene in the base, both men and women endured the cold and practiced skiing in the base wearing skis against the cold wind, and wrestling was the most common scene.

For a while, the popularity of the base was boosted, unlike some time ago when the temperature was low, there were almost no people in the entire base except for patrolling patrols and people who came out to work.

Then in the following time, the teams or individuals who leave the base will go out from the initial dozens to the last hundreds or even thousands of teams.

After facing the zombies, they realized that the previous rumors were not exaggerated at all. Even ordinary people without supernatural powers can easily kill these zombies, but it takes more effort. After all, beheading is also a physical effort.

But the result is good. With energy cores, you can go to the base hall to exchange for sharp weapons, and then you can collect more energy cores. Under such a virtuous cycle, the teams that leave the base can eliminate a large number of zombies every day. , and even rescued some survivors.

Not to mention the supplies, there are a lot of gains every day, which can not help but promote the enthusiasm of the people in the base.

This kind of day lasted for a month, and it didn't end until the second heavy snow came.

During this period, both supernatural beings and ordinary people have harvested a large amount of supplies, as well as the most important energy core.

From the initial tens of hundreds of people to several thousand people, it can be said that it took a month to almost wipe out all the zombies in the urban area of ​​Jiangcheng. This was something Shi Xiao did not expect.

I really didn't expect these survivors to be so crazy in the end for the materials and energy cores. Even the women were wrapped in thick clothes and boldly entered the city to collect materials and even kill zombies.

As the instigator of this incident, Shi Xiao gave up cleaning up the zombies in order for the safety of the base personnel.

Every time she brought her girlfriends into the city, she handed them over to Yan Xu and Li Ruyi's brothers, and she spread her wings and disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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