I just want to have a good time

Chapter 317 317. Discovered

Chapter 317 317. Discovered

After repeated confirmation of mental power, there was nothing in it that shouldn't be there, Shi Xiao walked into the plant with peace of mind.

The moment she came out after releasing, her right eye jumped up crazily.

No matter how Shi Xiao slapped him, his eyelids still kept twitching, looking at strange places, this was not a good sign.

The released mental power did not feed back any useful information, but Shi Xiao's sense of unreliability became stronger and stronger, just in case Shi Xiao quickly hid in the nearby vegetation.

The moment she hid, two meteors zoomed in rapidly from far to near, and finally landed a few hundred meters away from her.

Is it two people, or are they two people in ancient costumes, are they two men who look very young, pointing their swords at each other at this moment, if their eyes are like knives, the two people staring at each other at this moment are already ten thousand blades Into the body.

At this time, Shi Xiao was both excited and nervous, but he could be regarded as seeing someone, as long as there is someone, he still looks awesome.

The clothes of the two different modern people in the distance and the way they appeared told her that her previous premonition was correct, and that she had indeed entered a different world in her sleep.

On the other side, the two people who landed continued to confront each other with their swords raised.

The man in the green shirt looked wildly at the man in the black shirt opposite him, and his words were extremely arrogant, "Qin Yu, give up, you can't escape, obediently, hand over your things, maybe I can save your life .”

"Meng Changhe can hit him if he wants to. Whoever gets this thing can get it. You want to kill me...hehe." The man in the black shirt gave him an indifferent look and said coldly.

"Looking for death", Meng Changhe yelled wildly, obviously a little out of breath, the long sword in his hand stabbed at Qin Yu fiercely, and under the silver light, thousands of sword qi rushed towards the person stabbed by the sword.

Let me go, Shi Xiao, who was hiding in the vegetation, widened his eyes, full of sword aura, which was even more exaggerated than the special effects on TV.

So what kind of space did she go to? It seemed very dangerous.

Shi Xiao has minimized her existence value at this moment, and the space is unusable. If these two people have red eyes, her fish pond will suffer.

Although Shi Xiao felt that he was very powerful, after seeing these two people, he felt that his skills were scum, but his abilities could still be seen, so it shouldn't be a problem to stay here properly.

Here, Qin Tian sneered, advancing instead of retreating, the long sword in his hand spun rapidly, overlapping and overlapping sword qi formed a sword barrier, and ten thousand sword qis were dissolved and blocked one by one under the dazzling light screen.

Under such a powerful ultimate move, it was affected within a hundred meters around, the grass and plants were cut off, and the remaining flowers and broken leaves were flying all over the sky under the sword energy.

Shi Xiao, who watched this scene, was shocked, and calculated the distance between himself and them. Fortunately, there was some distance, and he hoped that they would hurry up and leave.

The fight between the two was extremely fierce, and Shi Xiao looked extremely nervous, because the battlefield was getting closer and closer to her side.

At this time, the two had already given up the weapons in their hands, and began to fight with each other. The air was filled with the sound of punches piercing through the air. If this punch hit an ordinary person, they probably wouldn't even be able to hear it.

Then the scene that Shi Xiao didn't want to see appeared everywhere, the man in the black shirt was hit in the shadow of the fist wind, and immediately landed in Shi Xiao's hiding place.

The man in the black shirt glanced at Shi Xiao in amazement, and turned around at an incredible speed to face the man in the green shirt who was chasing him.

And the man in the green shirt had already discovered Shi Xiao at this time, but neither of the two people in the battle cared about Shi Xiao, and they both wanted to deal with each other as soon as possible, so they used their strongest attack. The trees fell to the ground by the powerful force, and the surrounding weeds and flowers were directly crushed, forming a small green tornado that enveloped the two of them.

And Shi Xiao immediately moved to the farthest place from the two of them. In fact, this time was the best time to leave, but Shi Xiao finally saw the two of them. Let's go, I just hope that these two people will forget her.

Then the wish is beautiful, but the reality is really sweet.

Shi Xiao had tried his best to hide, but the man in the green shirt was still kicked and flew towards her. The man in the black shirt came right away, and saw that a fist with the power of extreme cold was about to swing at the man in the blue shirt. The man He stretched out his claws towards Shi Xiao who was next to him, obviously wanting to grab a sword shield.

Will Shi Xiao get what he wants?of course not.

The scene in front of him happened very quickly, that is, in the blink of an eye, but it was enough for Shi Xiaoer to think.

She, who had been on guard all along, spread her wings and teleported away the moment the man fell down and stretched out his hand.

Originally, Shi Xiao wanted to swing up with an axe, but after thinking about it, she decided to give up. She is not familiar with the place, and she doesn't know what the situation is, so it's better not to stand up to the enemy. The meaning of her avoiding and cutting someone with an ax must be different.

Little did they know that for a wicked person, it was wrong for her to avoid it, disrupting his plan, and even causing him to be injured, and she had already made a note of it in her heart.

The man in black shirt took a surprised look at Shi Xiao who had disappeared to the other side again. He was already prepared to deviate from the attacking track, but now the man in black shirt punched the person in front without any scruples.

Even though Meng Changhe, the man in the green shirt, immediately aroused the body-protecting wind, he was still hit by this powerful punch with blood from his mouth, and his whole body and even his hair were covered with a thin layer of ice, and he slapped him with all his strength. To Qin Yu, but the power of this palm was obviously greatly reduced, and was easily resolved by Qin Yu.

But it also bought him time, he slapped his feet hard and stood up, the thin ice on his body was shattered, and the two fought together again.

With the overwhelming wind palms and the ice and snow shattering punches, the strongest attacks of the two completely destroyed this not-so-small valley.

Shi Xiao, who had nowhere to hide, was floating in mid-air, observing the battle situation.

She has already made up her mind in her heart, if the man in the blue shirt wins, she will immediately turn around and run away, don't think she didn't see the malicious look the man in the blue shirt gave her.

And although the man in the black shirt looked very unfriendly, although his gaze at her was somewhat probing, it was not malicious.And when she fell beside her earlier, because she was not fully prepared when the incident happened suddenly, and the distance between the two was so close, this person did not take her as a shield, so Shi Xiao His heart has subconsciously turned towards the man in the ink shirt.

The bottom of my heart is also hoping that the man in the ink shirt will win.

In the end, the battle between the two ended under the violent collision of the violent wind and the power of ice.

The huge powerful shock wave made Shi laugh and climbed up several hundred meters before it was able to avoid harming the fish pond.

Shi Xiao couldn't help but be amazed at the spectacular sight of the two forces colliding.

The entire canyon was in a mess, and all the plants were either frozen into ice and shattered into slag, or were crushed by the strong wind.

And the two culprits were both lying on the ground motionless at the moment, so whether they were both injured or all died.

Shi Xiao observed for a long time before he dared to slowly land a few meters above them.

Shi Xiao chose where the man in the black shirt went, but as for the man in the green shirt, she had better stop looking for trouble.

Suspended in the air, she felt it for a while, and had already confirmed that the man in the black shirt was not dead, with a faint breath and a very strong smell of blood.

Seeing that there was no sign of waking up, Shi Xiao dared to boldly land beside the man in the black shirt.

(End of this chapter)

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