Chapter 330
It's a pity that Shi Xiao's whole body is like a mystery, even if his cultivation level is not low, he still can't see through it.

"Thank you, Brother Qin, thanks to Brother Qin's formula." Shi Xiao thanked him earnestly.

"It's okay." Qin Yu smiled, and after thinking about it, he also gave Shi Xiao the method of how to set up the protective cover after high altitude.

This time, Shi Xiao made it once, and thanked him again.

Although her spiritual power is called divine consciousness in this world, it can also be used as a protective shield, but it really consumes energy. Another bad thing is that when she encounters danger, her spiritual power is broken by external force, which will greatly damage the spiritual consciousness. .

The spiritual power is different, it will be broken when it is in danger, and the consumption of spiritual power is not large, anyone can consume it.

For the next itinerary, Shi Xiao will try to fly with his own sword. Although the speed is slower than before, it doesn't hold back too much.

Qin Yu, who had been silently following behind, looked at Shi Xiao, who was flying smoothly, feeling a little lost in his heart for some reason.

It took the two of them two days to reach the nearest big city.

In two days, Shi Xiao has been able to fly very smoothly, and his speed has been able to keep up with Qin Yu, there is no need for him to deliberately slow down.

The two landed with their swords in the woods a thousand meters away from the city.

When he was in the air, Shi Xiao saw the city, which was very large in scale. The gate towers were all made of stone blocks measuring one meter square. Soldiers stood guard in front of the city gate.

Shi Xiao followed Qin Yu up the official road paved with bluestones, and moved slowly into the city with the crowd.

The appearance of the two is so outstanding that even if they are far apart, they are still the focus of people's attention.

When they reached the gate of the city, they received the attention of the guards.

After confirming their identities as monks, they emphasized that they are not allowed to make trouble after entering the city, and then let them go.

It seems that many monks should have caused trouble in the city before.

This is a very bustling city, people on the road are endless, and Shi Xiao's ears are filled with various voices.

There are hawkers' cries, bargaining, parents scolding their children, literati showing off as they walk, and even bums laughing.

This kind of taste of standing in the crowd and observing the various states of life is really inexplicably good.

Shi Xiao hadn't felt this kind of atmosphere for a long time.

She looked at everything around her in a good mood.

Alas, it is a sin to look too good.

In a short distance, Shi Xiao has already helped no less than ten young girls.

They were all walking, and suddenly ran into them powerlessly, and then looked at them with a pitiful and powerless look.

Qin Yu was a man of incomprehension, and would dodge in time when young girls bumped into them, so these girls ended up wrestling.

Shi Xiao watched with relish, admiring the performances of various girls along the way, and after they fell, he would help these girls up considerately, and finally told the girls in a vicious way before they shyly wanted to commit themselves to each other. she is a woman.

Not believing it was easy, he directly grabbed the girls' hands and pressed them to her chest, completely without the restraint and shyness of a woman.

Not only did these girls flush with shame, but it also made Qin Yu who was standing beside him flushed, his eyes staring straight ahead, not daring to look at Shi Xiao at all.

Shi Xiao is not as bold as a woman, I really don't know what kind of environment she grew up in, the thickness of her skin really makes people bow down.

But Shi Xiao enjoyed it, she found that the girls here are not like she thought, they don't leave the door, and they don't step out of the door, in fact, they are really courageous.

However, as Qin Yu's face became colder and colder, and his whole body exuded an air-conditioning that made people shy away, no girl dared to come over to let the hero save the beauty in the next time, which made Shi Xiao disappointed for a while. Have fun.

But seeing Qin Yu's complexion as black as the bottom of a pot, Shi Xiao didn't dare to say anything.

As he was walking, Shi Xiao stopped in front of a rather large restaurant.

It was close to noon when they arrived in Guangcheng, and it was already noon after walking for a while.

Smelling the strong aroma of vegetables, Shi Xiao, who has an excellent digestive function, is absolutely unable to walk.

Qin Yu turned his head to look at Yulou Restaurant, glanced at Shi Xiao beside him, the air-conditioning on his body finally dissipated, he raised his foot and walked in first, Shi Xiao looked happy, and hurriedly followed in.

Although sometimes he talks less, but he is still a considerate and warm man.

As soon as the two of them entered the restaurant with their outstanding looks, the air in the restaurant stopped for a moment, they were paid attention to, and then they asked for a private room under the warm hospitality of the staff and led them upstairs.

Qin Yu's appearance like a banished fairy is not suitable for downstairs.

"Fairy Elder, please follow me." The buddy smiled and led the way ahead.

I have worked in the restaurant for so long, and I have seen a lot. This is the first time I saw two people with such outstanding appearance at the same time. If it weren't for the old oil who has worked for a long time... Rich experience, how could I react so quickly.

If you don't believe me, just take a look at the guests in the lobby, even the shopkeeper is still staring blankly.

And this immortal-like figure, except for the immortal head, may belong to ordinary people.

Shi Xiao nodded politely, and Qin Yu followed without looking sideways, exuding the indifference of being thousands of miles away from others.

Just as they stepped on the wooden ladder and didn't take a few steps, a group of people came down head-on.

Three men and one woman, Shi Xiao could clearly feel the fluctuation of their spiritual power, so it can be concluded that these four are cultivators.

But when passing by her and Qin Yu, one of them looked at Shi Xiao very uncomfortable. There was lust in the shadow, his eyes were amazingly bright, and a penetrating smile slipped from the corner of his mouth, and he kept looking at her and Qin Yu. Alternate on the face.

Qin Yu kept Shi Xiao aside calmly, his coldness suddenly increased, he glanced at this person with stern eyes, passed them, and entered the second floor with Shi Xiao.

"The third child", a warning could be heard in his tone. Shi Xiao, who was turning the corner, took a look. He was the oldest man in dark clothes among the four.

The two people who entered the private room sat down, and the waiter poured tea attentively.

Shi Xiao still cared about that uncomfortable feeling in his heart, so he asked his buddy about the details of the four people who just came downstairs as if curious.

"The four people who came downstairs just now are very powerful. Do you know who they are?"

The face of the waiter who poured the tea changed, he looked left and right, and finally got a little closer to Shi Xiao and said in a low voice: "Xiao Xianchang, those four people are not easy to mess with, I advise Xiao Xianchang not to inquire, they are ruthless." , the people who committed crimes in their hands are not perfect, they are the famous four evil stars in Guangcheng."

As he said that, he wiped the table again, and began to ask the two immortal elders what they planned to use?
"Give me a few servings of your signature spirit vegetable and spiritual food." Qin Yu said looking at Shi Xiao who was looking at him.

Then Shi Xiao smiled with satisfaction. As a native, he naturally took the initiative to take care of ordering food. We can't let her, an outsider who doesn't know anything, take the lead.

"Okay, Master Xian, wait a moment." The grinning man left the private room.

With no outsiders here, Shi Xiao began to look at the box.

Everywhere in the box exudes a low-key luxury, even the floor is paved with jade, which really deserves the name of the restaurant, Yulou.

This master's family must be a master with profound background and not short of money.

"Brother Qin, have you been here before?" Shi Xiao, who looked away, had nothing to say, otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing for the two of them to sit in the box without saying a word?

Qin Yu shook his head. Although the size of this city is not small, he has never been here.

 Thank you for your support all the time. I would like to apologize to my relatives for the abnormal update in the past two days. There is no way for my family members to be sick, but it will be updated normally after the improvement.
(End of this chapter)

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