Chapter 339.
I really can't learn from a Shi Xiao, who eats with small mouths, smiles with his lips pursed, and talks softly with small steps.

Even female cultivators who have stepped into the ranks of self-cultivation have left the secular world, but they are more or less unable to escape the shackles that have been imposed on women by this world for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years.

I can't be like Shi Xiao, who can talk and laugh happily with men, and be placed on an equal footing.

Of course, this is not absolute. There are also some women in the cultivation world who are very free and easy.

As the two of them sat cross-legged on the futons, the night in the forest had already fallen. The pitch-black night made the forest even more gloomy, and occasionally the roar of ferocious beasts could be heard.

And these are all isolated from the formation, so that the two can meditate and practice their respective skills without distraction.

Soon after two hours passed, Shi Xiao was the first to stop, and it was time to rest.

As before, he took out the reclining chair in the space, put one under his body, and put another on his body, glanced at Qin Yushi who was practicing, smiled and closed his eyes with his back turned.

When Shi Xiao's breathing became steady, Qin Yu, who was meditating, opened his eyes, looked at the girl in the reclining chair with a smile on his face, and then closed his eyes gently.

Shi Xiao didn't know how long he slept, but he just woke up suddenly.

When she opened her eyes, she was a little dazed, looking up at the dark night above her head, and opened and closed her eyes several times before fully waking up.

Turning his face away, he realized that Qin Yu had stopped practicing kung fu, and stood on the edge of the formation, looking out. Following his gaze, Shi Xiao found nothing but the endless night.

No, not all of them, it seems that something is wrong, except for the sound of the wind and the swaying leaves, all the animal sounds suddenly disappeared, the whole world is too quiet, something is wrong with the silence.

Shi Xiao sat up, took off the thin quilt on his body, and walked towards Qin Yu to stand with him.

Qin Yu turned to look at Shi Xiao, and said gently, "Why are you awake?"

Shi Xiao shook his head, "I don't know, I just woke up all of a sudden, Brother Qin..." As he spoke, Shi Xiao looked at him, "Standing here, did you find anything?"

"It's about to start," Qin Yu said, looking at the dark forest.

Shi Xiao also looked towards the forest shrouded in darkness, and understood what Qin Yu meant.

After a while, the wind blew up in the forest, and countless fallen leaves were dancing in the darkness, and then a layer of smoke suddenly appeared and slowly filled the forest, and the whole forest seemed to be covered with fog in an instant, shrouded in it .

Except for the area where the formation is located, which is still relatively clear, the rest of the dark place, even Shi Xiao, who has excellent eyesight after awakening, is still blurred.

No wonder Qin Yu said that the Phantom Forest after midnight is dangerous, not to mention the forest, even on the official road in broad daylight, this level of dense fog is also dangerous.

Soon, the voice that disappeared in the forest reappeared.

The roaring, running, and fighting sounds of irrational animals are everywhere, one after another, these sounds are infinitely amplified in the night, and they are clearly transmitted to Shi Xiao's ears, with a hint of oozing meaning.

There is indeed a problem with the smoke, and these sounds are showing that the beasts in the forest are gradually losing their minds.

Shi Xiao couldn't help but carefully observe the thick fog attached to the formation. There seemed to be a faint purple in the dense fog, and a light red. The two colors intersected and mixed, which was inexplicably coquettish against the energy waves of the formation. This is probably the reason why the beasts in the forest lost their minds.

I just don't know if the cultivator will be disturbed by the poisonous mist and turn into a bloodthirsty maniac after he breaks in by mistake.

As time progressed bit by bit, the forest was still filled with the sounds of animals fighting. Even if they were at the edge of the Twilight Forest, they could still see animals fleeing to the depths of the forest from time to time, and those who were slower would be torn apart clean.

This is still the case in the edge areas, one can imagine how cruel the depths of the forest will be.

This poisonous mist is really powerful.

Shi Xiao just stood quietly on the edge of the formation with Qin Yu for more than an hour.

"Brother Qin, how long will this situation last?" Shi Xiao couldn't help asking, in this environment, those who are mentally unstable will really be affected.

Qin Yu: "One more hour and it will be almost there."

It will take more than two hours, which means that the thick fog will not clear until dawn. How many beasts in the forest can be left in such a long time?

Shi Xiao is really surprised that there are so many animals in the forest in this environment, won't they become extinct because of killing each other?

Shi Xiao didn't pay attention, and unknowingly, she actually expressed the question in her heart.

"No, they are all used to this environment. Although there will be death, most of them can survive." Qin Yu turned to look at Shi Xiao and said.

It makes sense, Shi Xiao nodded, because she was thinking too superficially, people are adaptable, and animals are the same, animals living in this cruel environment have their own set of rules for survival.

"Brother Qin, do you know what caused the dense fog?" Shi Xiaoxiao was really curious about it.

Hearing this, Qin Yu shook his head, "Since the existence of this forest, some people have gone in to investigate, but they have found nothing in the end. There are no clues in the daytime, and at night, even the Nascent Soul stage cannot resist the dense fog in the Illusory Twilight Forest for a long time. No one will make fun of himself because it is not easy to practice, so no one knows how these thick fogs appear and what is the reason."

Being so powerful, Shi Xiao became even more curious about this forest.

Since she couldn't find out why, she tried her own method, and she wasn't sleepy anyway, so Shi Xiao returned to the reclining chair.

Looking at Shi Xiao who returned to the reclining chair, Qin Yu raised the corners of his mouth without thinking too much.

And Shi Xiao was already lying back on the reclining chair, one hand stretched out the chair and touched the tree pole, put the thin blanket on his body and closed his eyes, even if Qin Yu saw this scene, he would only think that she was sleepy again .

In fact, she had already quietly transmitted the supernatural power into the tree trunk through the palm of her hand. This sudden vitality made the tree shake the canopy comfortably, but Shi Xiao found it and stopped it with his mind in time.

But it still aroused Qin Yu's idea. He turned his face and looked at it for a few times, but the big tree had not moved at the moment. Although he felt strange, he thought that there would be no danger in his own formation, so he didn't put much thought into it. heart.

Shi Xiao, with his eyes closed, let out a secret cry for danger, and was almost discovered by Qin Yu.

She also learned about the wood spirit power of this world through her book.

Like the end of the world, the wood spirit root is the weakest of the several spiritual roots. Like her, it has a special affinity for plants, but it is only an affinity, which is very different from her wood-type abilities. Without her control and communication skills, as well as her heaven-defying ability to give birth, it is life vitality.

It is just a bridge for monks to communicate with the spiritual power of heaven and earth. Of course, although Mu Linggen is relatively gentle and not good at fighting, if the cultivation base is really strong, it will be very powerful. At that time, it would be a bit like her current situation.

She carefully continued to send life and spiritual power to the tree, and only after feeling the tree's excitement did she begin to communicate with it.

"Dashu Dashu asks you something, do you know what these thick fogs in the forest are?"

"I don't know..." A baby voice with a baby voice appeared in Shi Xiao's mind, even more milky than Xiao Yuanling's voice, but it sounds good.

"Since I've been here, these particularly nasty dense fogs have appeared every day, but you can wait, I'll help you ask my kind." Then the childish baby voice suddenly stopped.

Shi Xiao: "..."

After long experience, it turns out that plants have spirits, and they can also communicate with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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