I just want to have a good time

Chapter 358 358. Entering the Temple

Chapter 358 358. Entering the Temple
As soon as the stone's joke on this side fell, the silver-horned beast on the other side couldn't help turning in circles.

Even though it tried hard to stop itself, its body still turned involuntarily. It was the first time that the Silver Horned Beast felt that it was being controlled, and its mood suddenly became even more unpleasant, but it couldn't do anything, it felt aggrieved!
It wasn't until Shi Xiao gave a "stop" that the spinning silver-horned beast stopped, staring at Shi Xiao and baring its teeth, as if it could bite it in the next moment, but the next pain from the soul told it that this kind of thought was too much to even think about. Can't think about it.

The silver-horned beast fell down on the ground with nothing to love, thinking that its majestic tenth-level holy beast is so inexplicably sad that it has an owner, and thinking about its future days, the silver-horned beast has the urge to hit the wall.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Shi Xiao hurriedly apologized, oh, she really didn't mean it, she did it on purpose.

For the scene of the silver horned beast showing its teeth just now, it is completely ignored. If she is inexplicably controlled and turned around, I am afraid it is not just baring her teeth. up.

For Shi Xiao's apology, the silver-horned beast was already lazy to listen, and pulled its ears with its two front paws to lie on the ground, sinking into deep regret.

Shi Xiao couldn't help laughing at such a big guy who looked like he was evading, it was somehow cute.

Although what she did just now had an element of experimentation, it also had an element of probing, and the result was very satisfactory. As she thought, the big guy didn't dare to do anything to her, so there was nothing to worry about now.

Shi Xiao, who let go of his mind, no longer cared about the loveless silver-horned beast on the ground, and began to focus on the collection of books in the tag.

Only the abundance of books in the tower pavilion on the first floor has opened Shi Xiao's eyes.

It covers almost all the types of books in this world that Shi Xiao knows, and there are even many books in the secular world.

However, Shi Xiao was not interested in books in the secular world, so he just skipped them.

Walking slowly through these bookshelves, she saw human geography, as well as pills, arrays, spells, and various secret books neatly arranged on the bookshelves, which dazzled her.

Randomly picked up a detailed explanation of the mainland and read it. After flipping through it a few times, it was obviously more detailed than the ones she bought outside. For every section of the Skyscrapers Continent, even every lake, every plant and every tree was clearly recorded.

Just as Shi Xiao couldn't help but immerse himself in the book and read it with relish, the monks who showed their magical powers passed through the cliff and arrived at the gate of Zetian Temple.

When we first entered the secret realm, there were as many as 360 people. Now, the number of monks from various sects who have arrived one after another in the past few months can only reach about [-] people. Of course, there will still be people running from the cliff from time to time. come up.

At this moment, the monks gathered outside the gate of the main hall, frowning and looking at the black gate several feet high. It was getting dark in a short time. If they couldn't get in within a short time, they would have to wait until tomorrow.

As soon as they arrived, some people couldn't wait to try it, and then they all returned in failure, and when they were one foot away from the gate, they would be shaken away by a powerful energy.

No, there were three more people who went to try the energy on the door, but Zhen Fei let the same door catch it in time, one of them was Liu Tao of Shang Yuanzong, and Qin Yu's seventh junior brother.

"I can't get in, senior brother, why don't you try it." They have already tried and only senior brother is left. Maybe the situation will be different. As for being blown away, Liu Tao is not embarrassed or disappointed. And it's not just him.

"Wait a little longer" There is still half an hour before the real darkness, and there is still some time, Qin Yu is not too anxious, he needs to observe more.

During the period, several monks went up to try, holding the formation materials in their hands, standing still two feet away from the door, muttering something in their mouths, and after some fiddling, they uttered the word "broken".

After a burst of glaring light, the Mo Gate glistened, and a powerful spiritual force wrapped in a unique inscription passed through the formation and hit several monks hard, they were knocked out, and they fell unconscious on the ground with blood spitting out of their mouths.

Qin Yu had never seen these attack inscriptions before, and it was not easy to decipher them.

At this time, a few more people came forward to try it, they were the sons of the Buddha and a few Buddhist disciples among the ten thousand Buddhas.

I didn't expect Buddha to go up in person. Could it be that he found something?
Although there were many monks who tried before, the leaders of the various sects did not move. They were all observing, trying to find some rules and think of a way to break the formation.

The disciples of the Ten Thousand Buddha Sect went out in person, and immediately attracted the eyes of all the monks.

Then a scene of astonishment appeared before everyone's eyes. They saw that the Buddha had just approached the front of the gate, but the light suddenly started to spin, and then the Buddha disappeared in front of everyone, while the Buddhist disciples who went together were still blown away in front of the black gate. .

So what is the situation?
But at the same time, he was overjoyed that the disciples of the Buddha were able to enter. Does this mean that some of them can still enter.

Among the few people who went with him, only Buddha was able to enter the Zetian Temple. There must be something special about it. For a while, the monks in front of the main hall fell into silence.

Buddha... Wait for Buddha, some monks obviously thought of something, and looked at the leaders of their respective teams, that is, the senior brothers or sisters and brothers with the highest status among them.

"Big brother" Shang Yuanzong's juniors and sisters all looked at Qin Yu with bright eyes. The big brother has never tried it. Maybe it's what they think. To enter the Zetian Temple, one must have direct contact with the fragments of the secret realm. people.

Qin Yu obviously thought of this too, but he was not in a hurry, but looked at his younger brothers and sisters.

Said: "If I can successfully enter the Zetian Palace this time, you don't have to wait any longer, find a hidden place nearby, and we will talk about everything after dawn." As he said, he looked at Wei Gu, "Take care of my brothers and sisters."

"Don't worry, senior brother." Wei Gu nodded hurriedly, and the rest of the juniors also nodded.

While he was speaking, a few more people walked towards the door and successfully entered the Zetian Palace again in the spinning of the gilded light, among them was Qin Yu's old opponent Meng Changhe.

A few people succeeded again, and now no one doubted it anymore, it was what they thought, and then more than a dozen people successfully entered.

Qin Yu was the last group, along with him were the Six Paths Sect Lingzong and the Five Elements Sect, and several monks from Seven Star Island disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

At the moment, Shi Xiao, who is in the Library Pavilion, began to collect space after flipping through some books and cheats, and the Silver Horn Beast, who had been crawling and lying on the side, seemed to have figured it out during this period of time, and was no longer unlovable. look like.

Seeing that the owner of the wooden sign is also its owner, when he took the trouble to collect the books one by one, he finally couldn't hold back and sent a voice transmission to Shi Xiao.


Shi Xiao stopped holding the book and looked at the Silver Horn Beast who had stood up and walked towards her. She was rejected by another animal.

"I've been spotted by you, I'm really a bit stupid, so smart and mighty beast, can you tell me what to do so I can't be stupid?"

With this somewhat tsundere animal, compliments and aggressive tactics are more useful.

"Hmph, you have vision, come with me." He raised his foot and walked towards the stairs, and turned his head to look at Shi Xiao. After realizing that this human being was still sensible, he went upstairs with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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