I just want to have a good time

Chapter 380 380. Appreciation

Chapter 380 380. Appreciation
Shi Xiao's watery eyes looked and looked at his younger brother again and again, no matter how he looked at it, he felt a little scheming.

Could this guy have taken a fancy to Sissy? Oh my God, wouldn't it be what she thought?

When did this happen?If it wasn't for the great contrast between Shi Yu's front and back just now, she wouldn't care.

As an elder sister, she was so careless that she only saw some signs of it at this time, but this kid's eyes are quite poisonous. A beautiful woman like Qianqian who is a good wife and mother is the most suitable to marry back home as a daughter-in-law.

Although her younger brother was a bit immature, and Sissy, who was as old as her, was a few years older, but this was not a problem at all.

After the apocalypse, it is not a problem for a normal person to live for one or two hundred years after the recovery of spiritual power, let alone people with supernatural powers, the higher the level of supernatural powers, the longer their lifespan will be.

Even if life expectancy doesn't increase, isn't it just a few years older?Their family doesn't care about this kind of problem at all.

If this brat can win Sissi, she will agree with it with both hands and feet, so that she doesn't have to worry that her stupid brother may ask for a heart-wrenching sister-in-law.

Thinking of this, Shi Xiao's eyes brightened a bit, and he glanced at his best friend sitting on the sofa. Song Qian couldn't care less about answering Shi Yu's question, and looked back at Shi Xiao strangely. .

"What's the matter?" She asked her good sister silently with her eyes, and she felt a little scared in her heart, like a prey being stared at, and why did she think it might be this prey.

Who knew that the good sister grinned at her, then looked away, no, this is no more.

Song Qian:"……"

I feel a bit confused by Monk Zhang Er, so what is this girl trying to do?
What she didn't know was that when she was in a daze, Shi Xiao handed Shi Yu a meaningful smile, and Shi Yu also raised his eyebrows and smiled when he received it, as if something had been achieved between the two of them.

And Song Qian, a little white rabbit, didn't know that in the near future, her best friend would leave her in Shi's house completely with a promise of "don't let the money go to outsiders".

Now the little white rabbit is still struggling, completely forgetting Shi Yu's greeting just now.

At this moment, Shi Xiao also saw a picture that looked like a map but was very abstract spread out on the coffee table.

"What... is this?" Shi Xiao pointed at the coffee table.

Song Qian, who was struggling, was also attracted by Shi Xiao's question, and the curious baby girl also looked at a piece of paper on the coffee table.

On this piece of paper, many lines of different shapes were drawn with red, blue, and black strokes, and some places were specially marked with words.

The two children really don't understand, didn't they see what it was?
Song Qian came to the conclusion that this is a map based on the text marked on the drawing, but this geographical map is too random and scribbled.

For example, where there is a lake, Shi Yu draws a few waves, and then floats in the waves a very abstract small fish that seems to be almost invisible.

As for the sea water, the abstract small fish floating in a few wavy lines with a slightly heavier color turned into an abstract big fish. If it weren't for the sea marked on it, no one would be able to understand it.

The newly emerging dark river is more interesting here. The abstract big fish floating in several darker wavy lines has turned into a big grinning fish with the word "weird fish" marked on it.

There is also the Alpine series Song Qian almost had eye cramps, and the paintings of Shi Yu, a contemporary college student, are really unflattering!

The two children were even more direct. Those who couldn't understand them showed their good quality of not being ashamed to ask, pointing to the drawing and asking the little uncle what is this?what is that?Shi Yu who asked was stunned.

Ask the two children, "Then can't you see that this is a small fish?"

The baby girl opened her eyes wide and looked at the things in the black lines that the little uncle said were fish, then they all nodded their heads and looked at the little uncle innocently.

Song Qian, who had endured so much, finally couldn't hold it anymore, she burst out laughing, and quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

"Okay, don't embarrass your baby, even the simplest fish can be drawn like this by you, if it weren't for the marked text on it, it would be really hard to see that this is a map, but if you can draw it like this, you can It's hard for you." Shi Xiao shook his head inexplicably, almost tsk-tsk out of his mouth.

"It doesn't look like it? It feels okay!" Then he saw Qiqi's family members shaking their heads at him.

Shi Yu: "..."

Looking left, right, up and down, Shi Yu thought it looked pretty similar, at least he was right about the orientation, it's just a bit abstract, it's all because his hands were a little awkward when he was painting.

"I advise you to find someone with good drawing skills to re-draw, and you can keep this one for collection." Shi Xiao said earnestly, patting his younger brother's shoulder.

Then what did you think of?Looking at Song Qian brightly, "Qi Qian, aren't you good at drawing?"

Shi Yu understood in seconds, secretly cast admiring glances at his sister, and then immediately looked at Song Qian in surprise, "Sister Qian, is it true? Great, sister Qian, can you help me?"

Looking at Shi Yu's expectant eyes, the girl couldn't say anything about her rejection, especially when she was looking at a pair of eyebrows and eyes that were very similar to her friends.

Song Qian: "I haven't painted for a long time, my hands are already raw, how about I try?"

"It will definitely work. It's better to start now than to hit the sun. I have drawing paper in my room, but it will be hard for Sister Qian." Shi Yu said quickly.

"Then... that's fine," Song Qian glanced at her and smiled, then nodded and agreed when she saw her best friend's smiling face.

"Sissi has worked hard for you, Xiaoyu is not leading the way yet, you go first, I will cut some fruit before going up."

Then Shi Xiao waved to the two of them, and quickly grabbed the baby girl who wanted to go upstairs to join in the fun.

"Uncle and Auntie have business going upstairs, so let's not go!" Song Qian who followed upstairs could vaguely hear the voice of Xiaoxiao coaxing the two children.

There is no need for the third floor, and Song Qian usually would not come up, after all, this is Shi Yu's private space.

Song Qian was quite surprised to see the well-organized and clean room. There are not many boys who are so clean. In her imagination, the boys' room should be messy, with clothes and smelly socks everywhere. Most of the boys in college seem to be clean. Such.

Not only that, Shi Yu's room seemed to have a faint fruity scent. When Song Qian saw the papaya on the desk, Song Qian understood the origin of the fruity scent.

Shi Yu is using papaya as an air freshener, which is really a good idea.

"Sister Qian, sit down." Shi Yu, who entered the room first, quickly pulled away the chair behind the desk, and thoughtfully spread a layer of cushions before inviting Song Qian to sit.

Song Qian pursed her lips, sat down calmly, and watched as Shi Yu took out a large white paper from the bookcase beside him and spread it on the desk, then various pens, and then took out a pen from the bag he was carrying. Notebook, pulled up a wooden chair next to her and sat beside her.

Song Qian has always known that Xiaoxiao's younger brother is very handsome, and she also likes Shi Yu. After all, the handsome guy looks really seductive, but when he is so close and alone together, it is really the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair. , She was a little nervous for some reason.

(End of this chapter)

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