I just want to have a good time

Chapter 383 383.1 peck 1 drink

Chapter 383 383. One Peck, One Drink

Even though the wild boars were very vigilant and prepared, they were still not as fast as Shi Xiao's vines. In an instant, the two wild boars were tightly entwined by the vines, and the wild boars next to them immediately wanted to rescue them. When biting the vines, the partners just disappeared under their eyelids, which made these wild boars biting with their mouths wide open stunned for a moment, and then became even more crazy.

Especially the wild boar leader, although he doesn't know where his wild boars have gone, but he can still detect it without being a leader, how can he bear it as a leader.

So the huge wild boar leader leaped into the air after a run-up with an agility speed that was not suitable for its size, trying to bite the vines swinging in the air.

In fact, he was also bitten by it, and his figure fell firmly on the ground, splashing snowflakes all over the sky, while shaking and pulling his huge head sideways, trying to pull the provocative things in the air to the ground, and then use them sharply teeth torn to pieces.

The vine was pulled and fell down, but the creature in the air was still standing firmly in the air. The wild boar leader stepped on the vine angrily and jumped into the air again.

However, this time it was not so lucky. Not only that, because one foot stepped on the gravel when landing, the sense of balance of the body lost control and rolled down the mountain. Rolling down quickly, the herd of wild boars was completely confused, chasing down in a panic along the trail where the leader fell.

This scene was completed in an instant, Shi Xiao was taken aback by the accident, and then slid down at a faster speed than the wild boar, and when the wild boar leader was about to crash into a protruding rock wall, he wrapped the vines around it in time. The body avoided the end of the brain bursting, narrowly stopped at the last moment when it hit the stone wall, and it was regarded as a reward from several of its kind.

The continuous rolling made the wild boar leader lie dizzy on the snow, and it took him a while to recover. At this time, the panicked wild boars on the mountain had reached the mountainside where the leader fell, and the pigs screamed for a while.

Seeing the wild boar leader of the ethnic group shake his head and stand up from the snow, the dignity of the leader is still necessary.

Although the rolling all the way seemed thrilling, the impact force was greatly cushioned by the snow covered on the mountain, and the wild boar had thick skin and rough flesh, so it didn't suffer any injuries.

And this change also wiped out the anger in the wild boar leader's heart. In addition, it was able to stop thanks to the creatures in the sky. this mountain range.

So Shi Xiaoxiao smiled at the meaning of not planning to fight her to the death, but he could be regarded as a beast who knows how to repay her kindness.

Seeing the disappearing shadows of the herd of wild boars, Shi Xiao flapped his wings slightly and was about to leave, but returned to the mountain again the instant he disappeared.

At the moment of take-off, I don't know if it's because of the angle. A beam of light collides with the sun and hits Shi Xiao's eyes. Even the snow on the mountain can't cover up this soft light.

The strange Shi Xiao immediately stopped, the light successfully caught her attention, her eyes moved slightly, she wondered if she had discovered some treasure, thinking of this, Shi Xiao couldn't wait to release her spiritual power on the mountain where the abnormality was stored The inside gradually penetrates to view.

Finally, an abnormality was found under a rock covered with residual snow. The reason why it was said to be residual snow was that the wild boar slid down from it and took away a large amount of snow, but it was also because of this that the abnormality under the rock was discovered.

The next moment, Shi Xiao appeared on this rock, and with a palm wave, the remaining snow on the rock scattered and flew, exposing a gap between the rock and the mountain.

It's more like a crack than a crack, and the traces are so new that Shi Xiao can't help but guess that it's the crack caused by the earthquake not long ago.

There is more than one person but less than the width of two people. For a long time, it can't be seen because there is still a lot of snow blocking the bottom, and the depth can't be seen with the naked eye.

A soft light continued to seep out of the crack, and the aura contained in the light was captured by Shi Xiao immediately the moment it was exposed through the crack.

It's spiritual energy. With the rich spiritual energy in the air, Shi Xiao looked at the crack in surprise. It was already certain that there was a baby in the crack, but she didn't expect it to be such a baby that surprised her, but she wanted to be sure. Further review is required.

It seems that the time to go home today is destined to be delayed.

So the spiritual force continued to infiltrate. When the crack reached a depth of about four meters, the color of the rocks on both sides of the crack began to change, gradually fading, and finally turned to off-white when it reached a depth of six meters, and the rich spiritual energy leaked out .

It's the same as the low-grade spirit stones in Shi Xiao's space. It's like this until the depth of the crack is seven or eight meters. Unfortunately, the crack disappears when it goes deeper, but Shi Xiao didn't stop exploring and continued.

As the spiritual power penetrates deeper, the purity of the spirit stones mixed in the rocks seems to be getting better and better, especially in the depths, it is found that the permeability is better, and there are faintly smooth spirit stones inside.

It was a top-grade spirit stone, it was too unexpected, Shi Xiaodan couldn't calm down anymore.

Shi Xiao, who was planning to leave after the investigation, changed her mind now. She withdrew her mental strength and planned to continue cleaning up the snow accumulated on the crack, and finally found the bottom of the crack ten meters below the crack.

The width of the bottom is slightly narrower than the place where it was discovered, only the width of one person, but it is enough. The broken rocks that fell from the crack of the mountain are scattered at the bottom of the crack, and there are also mixed with fragments of spirit stones.

Spiritual power wrapped several relatively large spirit stones, looking at the low-grade spirit stones floating in the air in front of him, the corners of Shi Xiao's mouth could not be restrained from rising.

They didn't expect that there were really spirit stones here. If they didn't want to catch some wild boars on a whim, and then rescued the wild boar's head with a soft heart, they might not know when they would find these spirit stones.

Sure enough, a peck and a drink have their own definite number.

It's confirmed, there is nothing to hesitate at the moment when I really see it, and she also tried to practice the mountain drilling technique among the spells, and it happened to be a try.

I saw the rocks around the crack peeling off automatically, expanding the width of the crack bit by bit. In an instant, a three-meter-wide and four-meter-high cave was dug out, and then continued to expand like the crack, and then expanded to a depth of four meters. stopped.

And the peeled off rock was collected by Shi Xiao into the space, thinking about looking back to find a place to throw it away.

As he went deeper into the cave, even without taking out any lighting equipment, the faint light emitted from the stone wall dispelled part of the darkness in the cave.

Next, Shi Xiao moved more gently, carefully peeling off the spirit stones on the rock along the original cracks and collecting them into the space. At the same time, the passage was expanded so that she could freely shuttle through the cracks. stop.

In the following time, Shi Xiao continued to dig holes in the rocks like a busy pangolin, until he dug out a crystal clear spirit stone with streamers in it, and the excavation was not over until tens of meters deep in the hinterland of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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