I just want to have a good time

Chapter 386 386. Take it out

Chapter 386 386. Take it out
Believe it, I believed it at first, but it was just curiosity, Shi Yu seemed to have not seen his sister's teasing gaze, and nodded in a good-tempered manner.

"Smile, these are also given by the old god?" In fact, he already had the answer in his heart, and Dad Shi still wanted to hear his daughter say it himself.

Unexpectedly, Shi Xiao shook his head, "It's from that world but it wasn't given by the old gods. I've always been lucky. You all know that I got the opportunity to buy some in the market."

"Take out everything else at once, so we won't be frightened again." Shi Ma, who is holding her daughter, squinted at Shi Xiao. Nothing came out.

Shi Xiao chuckled, and took out the elixir and some talismans in the space. As for the harvested spiritual plants, she didn't know that she couldn't take them out.

As for the weapons, after much consideration, she still took out a few of them, which were of the treasure level, one for each of them, including Song Qian, and left them behind. The world has changed so much, who knows when and what will appear misfortune.

The Weapon family was not too surprised, after all, they all had them, and all of them were more interested in the pile of paper-like things on the coffee table.

No one would think that this is just a simple pile of papers, and Shi Xiao would not be able to take it out if it was so.

Everyone took a few sheets in their hands, and found that some of them were indeed paper, but the texture was different from ordinary paper. The first feeling was that it was very strong.

Some are not, like skin, or a very thin animal skin, and there are strange patterns drawn on both the skin and the paper.

Shi Yu took it in his hand and observed it carefully for a while. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like the talisman paper that appeared in TV movies, but the shape and pattern were very different, but he was almost sure that this should be the talisman he thought.

Then the next moment, when my sister spat out the word talisman from her mouth, he also confirmed his thoughts, and it really was.

I saw my sister pick and choose for a while, and then they put a dozen talismans and a few bottles of pills in front of each of them.

There are words on the pill bottle, and they can probably understand the efficacy of the pill, but they are at a loss as to the function of the talisman paper.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait too long, Shi Xiao began to explain one by one.

"I leave you with the most defensive and offensive Vajra Talisman Explosion Talisman. Its function is to activate with spiritual power and go to the enemy when encountering a danger that cannot be resolved. Don't feel bad."

"Don't worry, sister, I will definitely ask for it for you without me, and I won't feel bad."

Shi Yu put the talismans in his hand into the space in a rare way. In fact, he was most interested in the evasion talismans and the enchantment talismans, which were more interesting.

In particular, the evasion talisman can be invisible. If you are in a bad mood and do something bad, no one will notice. It can also relieve stress, which is really good.

However, it is better not to contact this kind of outsiders, after all, it is too easy to do bad things.

Then he couldn't help but speak out what was in his heart, reminded his sister, and then got a big roll of eyes from her.

"You think I'm stupid, or think that my spirit stones are picked for nothing?" After finishing speaking, Shi smiled and almost couldn't help laughing. In fact, her spirit stones were really picked for nothing. He quickly controlled his emotions and continued: "The cheapest water prison talisman in your hand needs [-] low-grade spirit stones. Your sister and I are so prodigal that I just give away my things to others!"

Being teased by her sister, Shi Yu huddled on the sofa and didn't dare to speak casually.

Song Qian at the side heard that the talisman papers in her hand were so valuable, she just wanted to speak when Shi Xiao glared at her.

"If I give it to you, I can take it with confidence. I will prepare not only your Ruru share, but Xiaoyu will be different from yours in terms of types of talismans due to work reasons. You and your parents are more defensive and offensive. kind."

Then Song Qian and Shi Yu, who were bullied, didn't dare to speak casually. Hearing that Ruru also wanted to refuse, she couldn't say anything, and sat on the sofa honestly.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Xiao put away the spaceship and took out two spaceships, plus the one on the coffee table, and handed them to his father and younger brother respectively.

Among them, Shi Yu had two ships, one was reserved for him, and the other was used as a public base. As for Shi's father, it was purely for accident prevention.

Seeing that it was getting late, Shi Xiao took the initiative to end the conversation and let everyone go back to their rooms to rest.

It's just that except for Shi Xiao and the two children, the rest of the family is destined to have sleepless nights.


Time always slips by inadvertently. It has been a month since the earthquake, and the search and rescue operation at Shihe Base also stopped ten days ago.

For twenty days or so, people in the base searched all the places within a hundred miles, and even used helicopters, no matter how far away they were, they couldn't do anything.

Not only the Shihe base, but also all the bases in Xiaguo have been on the right track during this month. Of course, this is only for the inside of the base, and there is no time to take care of those outside the base, at least before the summer comes. .

Although the earthquake brought huge losses, after the earthquake, food and bedding were basically dug out, and the losses were minimized. You can always survive, but compared to the previous period, it returned to the pre-liberation period. That's all.

Almost every base is not much different, so it is impossible to seek support from other bases.

So even if the danger of zombies after the earthquake is not great, it will be a very difficult winter.

It was cold and windy, and at midnight when people fell into a deep sleep and everything was silent, strange-looking creatures deep in the earth followed the cracks in the sky and penetrated into the deep underground, slowly digging holes and climbing towards the sky.

The human beings on the ground know nothing about it, and are fighting against hunger and cold.

In the Shihe base, a recruitment notice was posted in the lobby of the base early in the morning. Regardless of whether men or women are superhuman or not, as long as they are physically strong and capable, they can participate in the recruitment. The initial number of recruiters is set at [-].

The main reason is that the salary is good. Every day of work, there will be an income of two low-grade spirit stones or food or daily necessities of the same value.

The hall of the base was full of people coming and going, and everyone was talking about this notice outside the hall.

Since the protective array was set up at the base, the temperature has been fixed at around zero degrees, and the base has returned to a lively scene. Everyone no longer huddled in their rooms, and the hospitals, schools, and trading areas have all returned to normal one after another.

So as soon as this notice was posted, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. When they saw the two spirit stones, including the staff in the base, they were a little surprised. Could it be what they were thinking?

Although it is not clear whether Lingshi is what they think in their hearts, everyone's enthusiasm is still very high.

Isn't there a variety of options?Even if there is no need for spirit stones, there are food and other things, so as soon as the notice was posted, there was an endless stream of people who signed up, from the hall to the outside of the hall, and there were many women with power mutations.

Wang Mei was one of them, and it was a coincidence that when she came out to purchase supplies, she found that people outside the base hall were noisy, so she found this notice out of curiosity.

Immediately, my heart was moved, especially when I saw the low-grade spirit stone. Although I don't know if it is what she thought, but I can be sure that it is definitely a good thing, otherwise the base would not use it as a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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