I just want to have a good time

Chapter 400 400. Breakthrough

Chapter 400 400. Breakthrough
Although he is not a supernatural user, he can still feel the very comfortable breath emanating from the two milky white stones on the table, which cannot be felt in the energy core, and the feeling is even stronger when he holds it in his hand.

"Madman, you said that the condition proposed by the captain is to find [-]% of the mining amount needed to find the vein."

Lin Fan nodded.

"This sentence contains a lot of information. Does it mean that the Shihe base has found the Lingshi vein?" Sun Changhao subconsciously tapped the table with one hand.

Lin Fan glanced at the head of the base, "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Is this person trustworthy?" Sun Changhao stared at Lin Fan.

"The head of the base is at ease, he is trustworthy." Lin Fan said firmly.

Not only believable but also kind, otherwise, how could they give away the flying boat and Lingshi for nothing? These conditions are just to make them feel at ease.

Sun Changhao still trusted Lin Fan's vision of seeing people, nodded immediately, lowered his eyes and fell into deep thought, and began tapping the table with his index finger involuntarily.

A flying boat that can change in size and carry hundreds of people sounds absurd, but Lin Fan would not joke about this kind of thing, and Lin Fan would not joke either. Su Changhao's gaze was on the spirit stone on the table. He couldn't fake it, so he stopped tapping his fingertips and looked at Lin Fan seriously.

"Lin Fan, it's suitable for the base to leave in three days." Sun Changhao patted the case.

This kind of temptation is really irresistible, and there has never been any hostility between the two bases. In their current situation, there is nothing for people to calculate. They are not the only base to go here. I believe other bases are also very interesting. interest.

Thinking of this, Sun Changhao took out his satellite phone and waved to Lin Fan and the others, signaling that they could leave, while Wang Le looked at the spirit stone on the table, curled his lips and reluctantly followed the captain out of the office.

After more than an hour, Sun Changhao put down the phone in his hand.

His phone call was like dropping a bomb on the major bases. Anyway, the bombs were all nonsense. If his words were not certain and his reputation was not good, everyone might think he was crazy and talking nonsense.

Especially the underground creatures mentioned in the phone call, their quantity and variety made everyone feel more urgent. Regarding the airship and spirit stone mentioned in the phone call of the future base, I would rather believe it or not. In the end, each base decided to elect a person in charge to go to the Shihe base, and the worst result would be a waste of time.

Almost all of these bases depart from the base immediately after the arrangement is made. They are not as close as the future base to Jiangcheng City.

They have to take many factors into consideration. Although they have been there once, the earthquake has caused many iconic buildings to disappear, greatly increasing the difficulty of travel.

Shihe base.

Because of Shi Yu's sister's notice, not only he but also his subordinates became busier.

Time soon came to the third day, Che Jun Liao Chuan, Tian Feng, Su Yiyuan, they arrived at the gate of the base early and waited.

Even Yan Xu, who had been in closed-door training, was called out by Shi Yu from his practice.

Early in the morning, Shi Yu came to Yan Xu's house, and when he was about to knock on the door, he quickly stopped.

As soon as he arrived at the door, he felt a very strong lightning force overflowing from the room, and the clothes on his body involuntarily made a static crackling sound.

If it wasn't for his short hair, it would probably have stood up straight at this moment, just like the coquettish Su Yiyuan next to him, the long hair standing upright on his forehead, which is hundreds of times more effective than hair gel.

Almost at the same time, several people stayed away from Yan Xu's door at the same time to prevent accidental injury.

Inside the door, Yan Xu is indeed at a critical moment, the second stage of the Thunderbolt Tactic of Breakthrough'The rain and dew share, the thunder is ten thousand'.

Almost the moment he sensed that he was going to break through, he quickly pushed out the window and came to the open space behind the village as fast as he could.

Sensing the movement, Shi Yu, Su Yiyuan and the others only had time to see Yan Xu's figure, and hurriedly chased after him.

Then what I saw was that Yan Xu was surrounded by the power of blue lightning. The power of thunder and lightning was so powerful that even though they were more than ten meters away from each other, they still felt numb all over. It feels better a hundred meters away.

Shi Xiao, who was teasing her baby girl at home at the moment, paused and looked towards the direction behind the village.

"What's the matter?" Shi Ma, who was sitting on the sofa with the two children, looked at her daughter strangely.

"It's Brother Yan, breaking through the cultivation technique behind the village." Shi Xiao said quickly and then stood up abruptly, "Mom and Dad, I'll go and have a look." After leaving such a sentence, he quickly ran out of the yard.

"Hey..." Seeing the disappearing figure, Mama Shi put down the hand that was not holding her daughter, and looked at her husband who was on the other sofa.

"Honey, did you hear anything?"

Papa Shi shook his head. The sound insulation effect of the array is very good at home. Unless it is a very loud sound, they will not be able to hear it at all if they are not talking at the door of the house.

Thinking of Yan Xu's breakthrough with a smile, Dad Shi felt a little itchy in his heart, "Honey, why don't we go and have a look too." Dad Shi said to Mom Shi.

"Yeah." Mother Shi nodded quickly, she was indeed curious.

Without further ado, the two of them each took a child by the hand and rushed over to the courtyard with all their strength.

At the same time, the thunder force caused by Yan Xu faintly formed a small lightning vortex in the sky behind Shijia Village, and more and more thunder and lightning power appeared in the midair behind the village, and the cyan lightning covering the midair was particularly conspicuous.

Such a big battle in the air behind the village attracted the attention of many people in the village, and those who were a little bit more courageous rushed over to the back of the village.

At this moment, the lightning vortex formed by the power of thunder was enveloping Yan Xu, and Yan Xu who was in the vortex was as motionless as a mountain, and the seals made by his hands were as fast as afterimages.

Following Yin Jue's countless blue lightning powers rushed towards Yan Xu like a storm, submerging Yan Xu in the thunderstorm. At this moment, only countless blue arcs can be seen in the middle of the open space. The momentum is huge and the coercion is great , so many people retreated together again, Shi's father and Shi's mother took care of the two children and retreated together.

At this moment, only Shi Xiao is the closest to Yan Xu, and after that are Shi Yu, Su Yiyuan, Meng Xier and the others.

As the speed of Yan Xu's sealing became faster, his body in the vortex was like a giant beast with its mouth wide open, devouring the power of thunder all over the sky at extreme speed.

Half an hour later, as the last ray of thunder was devoured, the sky returned to normal, but Yan Xu did not stop, and the seals in his hands continued, and the seals stopped when he shouted the four words 'Thunderbolt' , within a few hundred meters of him as the center, he was quickly surrounded by blue arcs, and this was still a situation where he deliberately restrained himself.

After a burst of lightning and thunder, all the objects in this area turned into dust and disappeared into the sky, as if these plants had never appeared before. This mighty power surprised many people who were not far away and forgot to cooperate. On the mouth, this is too powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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