I just want to have a good time

Chapter 404 404. Zhang Chundan

Chapter 404 404. Rejuvenation Pill

On the other side, Shi Xiao searched along the route that the Jingyun base could pass along the way, always at a height of tens of meters from the ground, and let go of his mental power to the maximum, while Yan Xu followed closely.

Since it was a search, their speed was not very fast. Yan Xu was also seriously searching while controlling the flying boat.

The scope of the search is mainly in the area close to the Eastern Liao Province. They also had contact with Liao Jingyi on the phone from the Jingyun Base when they were about to reach the Eastern Liao Province area.

If there is an accident, this part of the area is the most likely.

And Shi Xiao also ruled out the situation of getting lost. Major Liao once went to the Shihe base in person. Although the land has changed a lot now, the general direction will not go wrong. so difficult.

The farthest Liaoyuan base was found and arrived safely, so the possibility of getting lost is really small.

What Shi Xiao now hopes is that their machine has a glitch and has to stop somewhere.

Even though they were much slower than usual, they had already flown for more than an hour before they knew it, and they were carefully checking along the way.

In his spiritual power, Shi Xiao checked very carefully but found nothing, not even a clue, obviously they were not on this route.

At this moment, they had already traveled hundreds of miles away from Eastern Liao Province, and Shi Xiao was going to continue to check for another few hundred miles.

If you don't find it again, you can only change the route and continue.

In order to facilitate the investigation, Shi Xiao has never been 100 meters above the ground, and his mental strength did not let go of any detail, and soon he passed a hundred miles and still found nothing.

The two continued to move forward, and after flying for more than ten minutes, Shi Xiao suddenly stopped in the air, and then his wings moved slightly and disappeared on the snow-covered ground.

Seeing this, Yan Xu hurriedly chased after him, "What's the matter? Did you find anything?" Yan Xu, who was holding the flying boat, asked and observed carefully, but there was nothing found in the white space.

Shi Xiao nodded and didn't speak, then walked straight to a place where the snow was weighing on the dead grass, where he tumbled and took out a part that was not much bigger than the palm of his hand.

"Brother Yan, look." Shi Xiao handed the parts in his hand to Yan Xu.

Yan Xu accepted the parts with normal eyes, as if Shi Xiao had never been surprised when he found the parts from the snow-covered withered grass just now.

During the observation, he found that there are indeed signs of fracture on the surface of the parts, and they are very new and must not exceed 24 hours.

Yan Xu couldn't be sure if it was a part of the plane, but he was sure about the new crack.

This kind of place where there are only snow-covered plants and no ruins of houses, how can there be such new metal parts as fracture marks, so something must have happened here

Shi Xiao also thought of this, the eyes of the two collided, and then looked in the direction of the withered grass.

So the plane at Jingyun Base may really be in distress.

Shi Xiao flew up again, his purposeful mental power continued to spread along this area, Yan Xu still followed closely, his eyes were incomparable to Xiaoxiao's eyes, just follow.

When passing through this area for a few kilometers, Shi Xiao found another new part with fracture marks. This discovery meant that they were looking in the right direction.

In the following time, a total of more than ten metal fragments and parts were found in the distance of more than ten kilometers, but still no plane wreckage was found, and no human corpses or blood stains were found.

They had no choice but to move forward, and then the two of them stopped after flying for a few kilometers, looking solemnly at the impact and sliding traces of hundreds of meters in the snow, which terminated at the crack, which is the natural moat.

According to the large area of ​​traces and some fragments on the snow, it can be confirmed that it is an airplane.

Although they had expected a bad result, they didn't expect this kind of result. The two looked at the impact marks on the edge of the moat and looked towards the abyss of the crack.

Looking at the depths of the crack as dark as the night, Shi Xiao frowned tightly. These traces all indicate that the plane has fallen into the abyss of the sky, and the time of the accident must be advanced for at least a few hours. If you fall, is there any hope of surviving?

"Smile, are you going down?" Yan Xu asked with a serious face.

"Let me check it out first." After saying that, Shi Xiao fell silent, his eyes fixed on the depths of the moat.

Yan Xu didn't bother, he knew that Xiaoxiao was using her own method to check.

The mental power spread at the fastest speed. At the beginning, there were traces of impact and few fragments left at the edge of the crack tens of meters away, but as it got deeper and deeper, there were fewer and fewer such traces.

As he went down, Shi Xiao's face became more and more solemn, and finally found the wreckage of the plane obliquely inserted into the crack in a crack in the rock wall more than 1000 meters away from Tianchao.

The wreckage was so tightly stuck in the crack, the only thing that was fortunate was that the general shape of the plane was still maintained, but it was unknown if there was anyone inside.

When the spiritual power entered the wreckage of the plane, he felt several faint breaths, one of which was Major Liao Jingyi, the person in charge this time, Shi Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he was still there.

"Brother Yan, let's go down, they are below." Shi Xiao said after recovering.

Yan Xu nodded. The two of them boarded the airship together and flew into the sky. They quickly landed down and landed at the wreckage of the plane and stopped.

"There are still people alive," said Yan Xu who felt a few faint breaths.

"I'll go and have a look, Big Brother Yan, please respond." Shi Xiao flew out of the airship, and moved slowly to the crack where the wreckage of the plane was stuck.

The side cracks were large at the top and small at the bottom, and there was a large space in the middle, so it was stuck firmly. Shi Xiao didn't worry about the danger of continuing to fall off, and safely entered the wreckage of the plane.

Fortunately, there are no underground creatures here, otherwise, when they arrive, they will probably be able to see some residual blood, not even bones left.

Shi Xiao entered it carefully, stabilizing his body with his wings, trying not to increase the load on the plane.

There were more than [-] people lying in disorder in the plane, and the smell of blood was very strong. Judging from the color of the dried blood, it should not exceed several hours.

Although they learned on the phone that they had arrived in the Eastern Liao Province area yesterday, it was difficult to travel at night, and they should not fly at night for safety reasons, so Shi Xiao deduced that the time of the accident should be after dawn.

Shi Xiao, a soldier who was already exhausted, sighed and went straight into the space. Since she found out, they couldn't let their dead bodies be here.

Then he carefully came to the side of several living people who were breathing weakly.

There is only one word to describe "miserable" or it is very miserable. Although these people are still alive, the breath is really dispensable.

And just looking at the surface, everyone has mild or severe injuries to varying degrees. One of them was directly pierced by a piece of metal in the neck. Fortunately, it didn't pierce the main artery, otherwise the person would have passed away.

Assuming they were lucky enough to persevere until she found it, Shi Xiao took out a bottle of Rejuvenation Pill from the space without hesitation, and used ingenuity to put one in each of their mouths to help them swallow it.

Although I saved people, I spent a lot of spirit stones to buy these medicines. My heart aches!

(End of this chapter)

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