I just want to have a good time

Chapter 418 418. Sleep

Chapter 418 418. Sleep
Seeing Shi smiled, "It's okay, you don't need to do anything, they can't find us, and they can't get in. My formation can isolate smells and internal sounds, so don't be too nervous."

Having said that, even if there is no formation, they cannot enter the cave with their huge size, and if they are found, as long as they don't get out of the cave, these things can't do anything to them.

Hearing Boss Xiao said that they couldn't be found, the two immediately felt relieved, and put the weapons in their hands back into their waists.

If the black shadow approaching the cave hadn't kept moving its eyes, they would have thought they had been spotted.

Then I saw Hei Ying's head protruding into the cave. Unfortunately, due to the limitation of his body, even with a long neck, he could only reach in for a few meters, and it happened to be stuck not far from the hidden formation under Shi Xiaobu.

Being stuck, it neighed unhappily, and retracted its head reluctantly.

But this ear-piercing scream successfully woke up the other people in the cave, and the vigilant big guy got out of the sleeping bag immediately.

Holding the weapon, he rushed to the entrance of the cave, and stopped when he saw the two bosses.

The sound of footsteps, flapping wings and occasional impatient chirping sounds from outside the cave continued to reach their ears. Even the one standing at the back couldn't see anything, and only knew that there was something outside.

"Boss?" Standing behind the two bosses, Li Qiang became nervous looking at the faint shadow in the darkness.

"It's okay, you guys continue to rest." Shi Xiao said lightly.

But who dares to take a rest at this time, the scream just now pierced their eardrums and still hurts.

The two people in charge of leading the way at the Jingyun base stood relatively forward, and when they saw the huge black shadow constantly moving and flapping its wings in the darkness, their faces turned pale immediately.

Although they couldn't see clearly, the figure and the pair of huge wings really looked like the nameless creature that attacked their plane.

They lost more than a dozen brothers because of those creatures. Although they didn't look real, they vaguely saw that their figures were too similar. For a while, both of them couldn't help but turn red-eyed, filled with anger.

"Okay, let's all go back to sleep, don't worry they won't find us." After speaking, Shi Xiao, who was sensitive, glanced at the two people with red eyes in the crowd, knowing it clearly.

Then she took the lead and walked into the cave. She knew that if she didn't move, Li Qiang and the others would definitely not move either.

As soon as Shi Xiao left, Yan Xu, who took Shi Xiao as the first, naturally followed him in, and said with a smile that he was fine if he was fine.

The two bosses went in, how dare the others not go in, even Su Yiyuan, who almost put his face on the formation, was dragged back to the cave by Liu Yunhao.

But at this moment, everyone was not sleepy anymore. Seeing Boss Xiao who went straight into the tent without saying anything, everyone turned their eyes to Boss Yan.

Yan Xu: "..."

"Boss?" Su Yiyuan was always the most impatient one, looking at Yan Xu expectantly.

"What's your name? I'm the same as what you saw." Yan Xu glanced at Su Yiyuan, and finally answered without embarrassing him, but his voice was as cold as ever.

Everyone nodded in agreement. It was indeed so dark outside that it was really hard to see what it was.

"I might know what it is?"

The sudden voice made everyone look over in surprise. It was Meng Fan from Jingyun base who spoke. Only then did they realize that Meng Fan's eyes were a little red.

"You know? Say it quickly." I don't know who said that, but it is indeed what everyone wants to say.

"If I'm not mistaken, it looks very similar to the animal that attacked us that day. Its body shape and wings are very similar, and even its sound is very similar."

"Meng Fan is right. They are indeed very similar. If there is no accident, they are them." The other person couldn't help but said, his tone was firmer and mixed with hatred.

The two of them are one of the few survivors of Jingyun base this time. A total of 22 people came, plus they only survived a total of seven people, which means that they lost a total of fourteen comrades this time. Said they hated the creatures that attacked them.

After the two of them said this, everyone was seated in the opposite seat, and such a comparison is really quite similar.

It has a huge body and wings, and the head of the shadow in the shadow really looks like a bird's head, is it really?This idea popped up in everyone's mind.

Now I also understand why the eyes of the two are red. This is because they hate their enemies.

The Jingyun base was really miserable this time. If it weren't for their captain, the final outcome would be annihilation of the entire army. It's no wonder they hate the guys outside.

Seeing the red eyes of these two tough guys, everyone was in a bad mood.

"Okay, don't think about it, the boss said let's rest, let's go back and rest." Li Qiang stood up and said suddenly, hurried the big guy back to the sleeping bag to rest, and patted Meng Fan and the other person on the shoulder kindly.

The world of adults is not easy, and some wounds can only heal slowly. If the animals outside are really attacking the Jingyun base, their discussion here will only make Meng Fan and the others feel more hatred and sadness in their hearts. Li Qiang The topic was decisively terminated.

Everyone also realized that they might have accidentally touched someone's wound, and when they heard their captain's words, they all obeyed and cooperated, and quickly returned to their sleeping bags. These big men are not good at comforting people, killing zombies and so on. It's quite good at it, since the laughing boss said that they don't have to worry, so let's sleep quietly.

After a while, the cave was quiet again, but the big guys outside hadn't left, they were searching around without giving up, and even more than one of them had approached the entrance of the cave.

Li Qiang didn't rest, and sat around the fire with Su Yiyuan and the others, while Yan Xu meditated directly on the bunk, and he wasn't going to rest at night.

After Shi Xiao entered the tent, he took off his clothes and entered the bed directly. Nothing outside could get in at all. There was still a formation, and there was no threat. Shi Xiao slept soundly. This sleep lasted for several hours. brighten.

Yan Xu practiced directly until dawn, Li Qiang, Su Yiyuan, Meng Xier and the others persisted until midnight until the cave calmed down and returned to their sleeping bags to rest.

After waking up, Shi Xiao went back to the space to wash up, and of course interacted with the little Yuanling and the mutant tiger in the space.

This tiger has been in the space for a long time, and now that the area of ​​the space has changed greatly, it is becoming more and more comfortable.

Moreover, after taking the psychic flower of the Zetian Realm, he really began to develop ignorant spiritual wisdom, and he was able to understand Shi Xiao's simple words, and he was still in the process of enlightenment.

This is the result of her studying the ancient medicine scriptures during this period of time. Many rare elixir and holy medicine in the book are rare and common in Zetian Temple. The psychic flower is one of them, which Shi Xiao produced when he saw it. A panacea of ​​interest.

Immediately after finding it, I picked one, and Mutant Tiger became the first beneficiary. After taking it, it did not disappoint.

Not only does it produce ignorant wisdom, but it also seems to stimulate the awakening of its own potential blood in the process of giving birth. This big tiger not only stimulates its supernatural powers, but it is a big tiger that can breathe fire. A pair of wings.

Within a few days, the initial fleshy wings have grown to a length of several meters, and it is extremely comfortable to be able to fly freely in the space.

(End of this chapter)

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