Chapter 427
Shi smiled and smiled generously at it, then nodded heavily, and reached out to touch its huge head to touch the silver-horned beast's disdainful gaze.

Looking at the winged owl obediently shrunk beside him, Shi Xiao regretted that he hadn't released this thing from the space earlier, so that he could end the battle earlier without losing one.

But then again, if there is no opportunity, just an excuse to release them rashly is enough to make people worry, just lose one.

After the battle, Shi Xiao also saw the ability of the winged owls. It is indeed very powerful to be able to persist under their hands for such a long time.

Of course, she didn't try her best, otherwise she would not be besieged and entangled, but directly killed, how could she persist until now.

As for the people on the flying boat, they were both shocked and relieved.

What shocked me was the sudden appearance of two winged animals, and one of them seemed to be very powerful. Not only could it change its shape at will, the flying beast didn't even dare to breathe in front of it, and it didn't dare to fight back when it was beaten. Really majestic.

At this moment, I am a little envious of Liu Yunhao and Wang Le, having come into contact with them so closely.

As for Boss Yan knowing that he was rescued by Boss Laughing, everyone has already ignored him. At this moment, everyone's eyes are on the tiger with wings and the majestic black wolf with silver horns, it's too shabby.

The affirmed silver-horned beast raised its head arrogantly, the displeasure of being dominated before had completely disappeared, and beating up a few owl beasts made it feel beautiful.

Huhu carefully approached his master, coquettishly rubbed his head against Shi Xiao, and also got a smiling face and a head pat.

Then Shi Xiao looked strangely at the winged owls who shrank aside.

Then he put down Yan Xu, who had been able to stabilize himself, and approached the winged owl in his disappointed eyes.

Poor these winged owls dare not do anything under the coercion of the silver horned beasts, and then they were so aggrieved and were taken into the space by Shi Xiao.

When they come out next time, these wing owls will be obedient. Although it took a lot of trouble, Shi Xiao is still in a good mood to achieve her original goal.

Then after consulting the Silver Horned Beast and Huhu, they stayed outside, and Shi Xiao and the others entered the flying boat.

In an instant, except for Zhao Xiaoyang and Zeng Hui who controlled the flying boat, the rest of the people gathered around to care about Liu Yunhao and Wang Le.

As for the two bosses, uh, their courage is still a bit lacking.

Both of them were injured to varying degrees, and Liu Yunhao was more seriously injured because he was rushing to rescue Wang Le.

Even wearing dark cotton clothes, the blood has already stained the clothes, exuding a strong smell of blood.

If it's just an internal injury, a Rejuvenation Pill can take care of it, but the two obviously have external injuries, so Shi Xiao can only do it himself.

A few minutes later, Shi Xiao finished his work, but after thinking about it, he still fed the two of them a Rejuvenation Pill. They all lost blood to varying degrees, and Liu Yunhao's bleeding volume was quite large. The Rejuvenation Pill can help them regain their strength, yes Her abilities can't do it either.

Then the two of them came back to life with full blood, Liu Yunhao, a stupid big man, showed a rare smile in front of everyone's concern, and then, surrounded by Su Yiyuan and Meng Xier, he went to the corner of the flying boat and changed his upper body clothes.

Wang Le also changed clothes amid everyone's concern, and then came to Mr. Shi Xiao to thank him.

If it wasn't for the boss to make a timely move, even if Liu Yunhao rescued him, it would be more or less a disaster.

Shi Xiao waved his hand indifferently, telling Wang Le not to take it to heart, since they were supposed to defend against the enemy together, and they should help each other.

Then the flying boat started positioning again, looking for the correct route, Wang Le and another companion also returned to the control area, assisting Zhao Xiaoyang and the others to choose the route closest to their base.

Silver Horned Beast and Huhu followed closely on both sides of the flying boat.

This battle wasted more than ten minutes, and it was already half an hour after returning to the familiar route and arriving at the future base.

Before that, in order not to frighten the people in the future base, Shi Xiao received them into the space under the resistance of the silver horned beasts.

In the future base, Director Sun and the upper-level leaders of the base gathered in the open space outside the base office building and waited anxiously. The heart hanging at the moment the flying boat landed was relieved, and at the same time, there was uncontrollable excitement in their eyes.

After their respective introductions, recognition and thanks, Shi Xiao and his group were welcomed into the hall that had already been prepared. Accompanied by the base chief Sun Changhao, Lin Fan and other leaders, they had a warm and rich lunch. meal.

In the following time, Director Sun Ji left Lin Fan, an old acquaintance, as the person in charge to cooperate with Shi Xiao's next affairs.

At Shi Xiao's request, Lin Fan brought the floor plan of the base. Looking at the plan, Shi Xiao couldn't help frowning.

Although the future base and the Liaoyuan base have something in common, they are built on the mountain, but there are still big differences.

The Liaoyuan base is really built on the mountain, that is, it is close to the side of the mountain, and the future base will be directly in the mountain, so now she has another task, which is to find out the specific height of these mountains, so as to confirm the next move.

"Is there a problem?" Lin Fan, who had been accompanying him in the office, asked Shi Xiao, who was frowning slightly.

This question of his made Yan Xu, Su Yiyuan, and Li Qiang, who were sitting beside him, also look up at Shi Xiao who was on the desk.

Shi Xiao nodded and said, "It's a little problem. I need to know the specific height and diameter of the mountains marked on the plan."

Hearing that Lin Fan looked at the plan, there was indeed no specific number on the plane marked with the mountain, but it should not be a big problem, he remembered that the military region had the real data of these mountains before.

"It was our mistake, wait for me." Lin Fan rolled up the floor plan and quickly disappeared into the office.

In less than 10 minutes, Lin Fan appeared in the office again, and this time there were more specific numbers on the mountain mark on the floor plan.

Seeing these numbers, Shi Xiao heaved a sigh of relief. As long as the height of these mountains is not higher than 150 meters, the protective array in her hand can protect the entire range on the plan, otherwise, installing the protective array will only give up a part of the future base.

With these data, the next step is simple. After half an hour, the correct distance between the center of the protective formation and each formation plate is calculated, and after Shi Xiao confirms again and again, the layout of the formation officially begins.

Similarly, both sides sent out their own people, and after sending them to the corresponding positions, they started to fight at the same time under Shi Xiao's signal.

At the moment when the fireworks were lit, the people who had been notified in advance had already walked out of their residences to witness this exciting moment.

After the fireworks, a layer of bright light waves rose in the air and covered the entire base from top to bottom almost instantly, and even the wind became much lighter in an instant.

The surprised people couldn't wait to drive to the edge of the formation, and they were surprised to confirm that their base was indeed covered with a soft and tough film, even if the power mutant among them used his biggest The power is just bumped and then ejected far away.

(End of this chapter)

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