I just want to have a good time

Chapter 438 438. Take Care of My Family

Chapter 438 438. Take Care of My Family

Brother Yan actually bit the spirit fruit in her hand, or bit the mark on her face. This is not equivalent to eating her saliva indirectly.

It's really hard to imagine that such aloof person as Big Brother Yan would do such a thing.

At this time, a group of mud horses flew by in Shi Xiao's heart, ah, bah, bah, she is a lady, and then her porcelain-white cheeks suddenly flushed, and she, who was always bold and careless, felt a little shy for a moment, and stared blankly at her hand. fruit.

At this time, I didn't know what to say, I didn't take the fruit in my hand, and I didn't take it, it was the first time I encountered such a thing in my life.

"What's the matter?" Yan Xu's tone was as natural as if he wasn't the one who bit the fruit just now, and then suddenly reached out to hold Shi Xiao's hand holding the fruit, "Is it because I took a bite just now? I took the liberty, but I just saw that you ate deliciously, and I thought the fruit in your hand should be delicious, so I couldn't help but try it, and you won't mind if you smile."

Shi Xiao wanted to say that she minded, but looking at Big Brother Yan's eyes as deep as a millennium deep pool, he couldn't utter the word "mind", and he could hear a rascal smell from the words, but it was inexplicable. It's very flirtatious.

Shi Xiao knew that Big Brother Yan had indeed become very thick-skinned these days, but he never thought that he would be so thick-skinned.

"It's delicious, I'll eat it for you." As he said that, Shi Xiao broke free from the hand that was holding her, and gave him the spiritual fruit in his backhand.

It just so happened that a lamb just full moon ran past in front, Shi Xiao's eyes lit up and chased after him, hugged the lamb and began to ravage it, avoiding the frightening eyes.

Yan Xu looked at the fruit that he took a few mouthfuls of in his hand, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even wider. He put it to his mouth and took another mouthful, um, the taste is really different, very delicious.


A convoy of hundreds of vehicles stretched southeast of Jiangcheng City and drove towards Jiangcheng City.

There are various vehicle shapes and parameters, and there are all kinds of vehicles, even buses.

The only thing in common is that the cars are full of items and people, both men, women and children, and most of them are thin and pale.

The speed along the way is really not fast. It has been nearly a day since we set off early in the morning, and we have not yet reached Jiangcheng City where the Shihe base is located.

In the past, it took more than two hours to travel from Qianshi to Jiangcheng where they lived, but now the distance has increased several times.

It took a lot of time just to clear the obstacles on the road along the way, so they couldn't speed up the speed they wanted.

"How long will it take for Lao Li to reach the boundary of Jiangcheng City?"

"Base chief, it's almost time. If there are no accidents, it will be almost half an hour." The big man called Lao Li is actually not old, but his beard looks very vicissitudes of life. He turned his head and said to Song Yi with a smile .

Song Yi nodded, but his expression didn't relax too much. Except for these obstacles and the elimination of some zombies, the journey went smoothly, but as long as he didn't reach Jiangcheng City, his heart couldn't be stable.

The convoy stretched for a long time. Those in front were the base management and their teams. They were also responsible for cleaning up the zombies and obstacles encountered along the way. The rear were all survivors of the base.

Their base is a small base, and Song Yi is the person in charge of the base. He used to be a policeman, and he awakened the ice ability after the end of the world.

Fighting all the way with the surviving colleagues, I took my family and hid in a fairly remote village. Later, the reputation gradually spread, and the surrounding survivors came to seek refuge in order to survive, and then the village slowly established their small base.

After setting up the base, he took his brothers to deal with the surrounding zombies and collected a lot of supplies, which just made things easier.

Who knew that the temperature would drop sharply after a heavy snowfall. Fortunately, the threat of zombies disappeared after the snowfall. Although it was cold, it was still possible to pass by staying in the house and warming the fire.

But the earthquake that followed was simply devastating. Although most of the materials were excavated, it was extremely difficult to live in the simple shelter built by them in the face of extremely cold temperatures.

People freeze to death almost every few days, which is why after hearing the news on the tape recorder that the big base welcomes survivors, they decide to go to the big base after thinking twice.

Although there were dozens of supernatural beings in their base, most of them were ordinary people who couldn't stand the attack of underground monsters at all. If there was such a day, I would be shuddering to think about it.

The convoy was driving normally, and seeing that everyone in Jiangcheng City was approaching, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and finally they were almost there.

However, at this moment, an accident still happened. There was a sudden gunshot from behind the convoy. Although the distance was too far, the sound could still be faintly heard. Song Yi, who was sitting in the car, looked condensed.

There is also a team at the end of the convoy, and there are several supernatural beings among them. It can be seen that the expected explosion and more intensive gunshots tell Song Yi that the situation in the convoy behind is probably very bad.

Song Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Lao Li, you guys continue to drive forward. I'll take someone to the back to have a look."

Li Zaiyou slammed on the brakes and said seriously: "I'll go to the base chief, you take the people and continue to set off."

Song Yi shook his head, "I can't, I'm not familiar with the road conditions, remember to drive forward at full speed after I leave, we're all here so we can't give up, and take care of my family, we will catch up as soon as possible."

After speaking, Song Yi took the two people in the car and waved to the convoy behind. Almost at the same time, more than a dozen people got off, got on a truck and turned around.

Song Yi took a deep look when he passed by his family's car, and then the car quickly drove away, without seeing his wife and children in the car lying on the rear window anxiously calling him.

The convoy is very long. If you think about hundreds of cars, there are several miles from the rear of the car to the front of the car, so their speed must be fast.

The deafening explosions continued, and Song Yi frowned, feeling very bad.

On the other side, Shi Xiao and Brother Yan, who had returned to normal, just walked into the village, but suddenly stopped in their tracks.

Ning Mei, "Brother Yan, did you hear anything?"

Yan Xu tilted his ears slightly, became serious and then shook his head, but didn't hear anything.

Could it be that she heard it wrong, Shi smiled, but stopped before walking a few steps.

No, it's possible to hear it wrong once, but there were a few explosion-like sounds that came from my ears just now. Although they were very faint, they were still captured by her.

She is still very convinced of her hearing ability, and it is impossible to hear it wrong again and again, so something must have happened in a place far away from them.

Shi Xiao's expression made Yan Xu couldn't help listening carefully again, but he still didn't get anything.

Knowing that Xiaoxiao couldn't talk nonsense, Yan Xu couldn't help asking: "Xiaoxiao, what did you hear?"

"The sound of the explosion is some distance away from us. I'm afraid someone might be in danger." Shi laughed.

Then there were several explosions in Shi Xiao's ears, and she stopped again when she wanted to go home.

According to this distance, there should be no sources of danger in Jiangcheng City, and the surrounding zombies have almost been cleaned up, but what's going on here?

Shi Xiao stopped and looked towards the place where the voice came from.

(End of this chapter)

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