I just want to have a good time

Chapter 455 455. Sun Shang's Depression

Chapter 455 455. Sun Shang's Depression

"I lost weight" Shi Ma said distressedly as she dragged Yan Xu back to the living room, and then yelled at her husband who had already returned to the kitchen:

"Husband, bring out more meat."


"Aren't you too busy practicing, kid, to eat well? That's not okay! As the saying goes, a good person is iron and steel, and the body is capital. You can't just ignore it just because your capital is good, and wait for something to go wrong." It's too late to regret."

Shi's mother couldn't help but started to think about it, her words were full of concern for Yan Xu, Yan Xu had a smile in his eyes, and his heart was warm.

It's been so many years, it's been a long time since no one has been thinking so much in front of him, and the memory is still when grandpa was around.

"Yan Xu, you can't think that Auntie is long-winded, and you can't let go of what Auntie said, you know?" Mama Shi looked at Yan Xu seriously, afraid that the child would not take it seriously.

"It's not long-winded, I like to listen to my auntie talk, and it's been a long time since no one has cared about me so much." Yan Xu said emotionally, a glimmer of sadness flashed in his eyes, being successfully captured by Mama Shi, his mother's love burst out and made him feel even more distressed.

Shi Xiao, who was watching from the side, curled his lips secretly, this guy is too shameless to use his own experience to win his mother's sympathy.

But I have to say that the effect was really good. During dinner, Shi Xiao almost thought that Yan Xu was part of the family, she and Shi Yu were outsiders.


"Husband, have you tried it for the first time?"

As soon as Sun Shang came home, he met his wife's smiling face. She asked with a smile on her face. When she heard the sound, her son also came out of the house and looked at him expectantly.

Sun Shang showed a wry smile, and after saying "no", he sat on the stool in the living room and remained silent.

He couldn't figure it out, the recruiter was very optimistic about him when he handed in his resume, why he didn't pass the first test.

The smile on Jin Zi's face paused, and she hurriedly sat on the stool next to her husband, a little anxious, "What's going on? Why haven't you ever done this before? Didn't you say that the recruiters are very optimistic about you?"

"Okay, don't ask, can you let me be quiet, I also want to know what's going on?" Sun Shang, who was annoyed by the question, frowned and looked at his wife, restraining his irritability and said.

Hearing the discomfort in her husband's heart, Jin Zi didn't dare to continue asking, and took her son back to the room, leaving her husband room to think independently.

What she didn't know was that her husband would often be uncomfortable and depressed in the future, and her son had found temporary jobs in the base, and her husband, who was very powerful in her eyes, was still hitting the wall all the time.

Fortunately, not long after joining the base, they leased the fields of the base, and planted a lot of things under the guidance of special personnel, so they would not be hungry.

In addition, she is good at cooking, and she has processed some things to sell in the market, so she can pass her days fairly well.

But Sun Shang didn't give up. Once there was a job opportunity in the base, he would definitely apply for the job and submit a resume, but it was a pity that nothing came of it in the end.

But he always felt that it shouldn't be like this!I always feel that he should have a great achievement, he should be valued and have a good future, but in fact it is just the opposite.

And this has become his obsession all his life, and he didn't figure out what happened until he was dying.

Of course, these are all things to say, at this moment Sun Shang just feels depressed.

With the living example of the future base, the major bases have also learned their lessons. As long as they are fighting outside their own bases, they will clean the battlefield well and remove the smell.

So the base was besieged by monsters never happened again.

But not long after, whenever night fell, there were countless battles, large and small.

It has nothing to do with humans. It seems that these underground creatures are too rampant. They attack the mountains, destroying the habitats of the mutated animals in the mountains, and even vying for their territory and robbing their resources.

What started as a relatively small friction turned into a large battle.

Whether it is herbivorous or carnivorous mutant animals or supernatural beasts, they can't bear the territory they rely on for survival to be occupied by strange creatures that suddenly appear.

Also because of the joining of animals, the rampant pace of the underground monsters was blocked, and their numbers decreased even more sharply, and they retreated into some hills where there were few mutant animals.

Although there are still underground creatures that come out to attack humans from time to time, they no longer have the previous advantage in numbers. In addition, humans are deliberately trying to eliminate them. Under normal circumstances, they stayed at the retraction point they chose, and all of a sudden, a strange balance was reached between the three.

Two months later, the time has entered June, which is the extremely hot period. The outside temperature has reached nearly 50 degrees. Except for the supernatural mutants, no one is willing to come out under normal circumstances. It is too hot.

A lot has happened in those two months.

Under the power of the supernatural beings and mutant animals, ordinary people finally dared to walk out of the protective formation. Although they did not dare to leave the base too far without the company of supernatural beings, their safety was much better than before. up.

In two months, the zombies and animals in Xia Kingdom were almost completely wiped out by the supernatural beings, even if there were fish that slipped through the net, they were no longer a threat.

At the same time, because of the exercises provided free of charge by the Shihe base, people's force value has also generally increased within two months, even ordinary people.

Although it is impossible to become a martial arts master in a short period of time, it is not impossible to be incapable of fighting when encountering danger.

Therefore, the Shihe base has become the most special existence among the nine bases. Although the things they produced are very coveted, they dare not provoke them at will. Of course, Shi Xiao is also one of the most important factors.

Shihe base.

After a comfortable period of time, Shi Xiao wanted to start trouble again, and set his sights on the school in Shijia Village.

These highly plastic children eat well in school, sleep well and learn kung fu, and under the teacher's deliberate guidance, they are already very loyal to the base and Shi Yu.

Shi Xiao felt that it was time for the next item.

Schools with hundreds of students have only two-digit numbers of abilities. Shi Xiao is extremely dissatisfied with this number, because the potential of these children has not been fully stimulated at all.

And the next thing she has to do is to stimulate the potential of these children and awaken their abilities, that is, to have spiritual roots.

There are many non-attribute energy cores in her space. She is not going to hide this matter from Shi Yu. After all, if there is a large-scale awakening, she can't hide it if she wants to. It's better to ventilate with her brother earlier.

So after making up his mind, he decisively told his brother.

After hearing what his sister said, Shi Yu was stunned for a while. He knew that the awakening frenzy broke out in the base before. It was not a coincidence at all, it was really his sister's handwriting.

It turned out that my sister had figured out a solution so early on. This matter was too important, and he needed to take care of it slowly.

As a result, when he appeared in front of everyone the next day, he had a pair of thick dark circles under his eyes, which even made his parents think wrong, especially Shi's mother couldn't help but keep her eyes on him and Song Qian.

(End of this chapter)

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