Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 111 Preparing to buy fry

Chapter 111 Preparing to buy fry
Looking up at the young man in front of him, Wang Minghui wanted to tell Wang Lei's life experience several times in his heart, but every time the words reached Wang Minghui's throat, he was immediately swallowed back abruptly by Wang Minghui.

"Dad, do you have something to tell me?"

Feeling the emotional fluctuations coming from around him, Wang Lei subconsciously turned his head to look at Wang Minghui, just in time to see the changing expression on the face of the middle-aged man in front of him, looking very nervous.

This made Wang Lei very puzzled. In the past, Wang Minghui was a very cheerful and happy person, and he would never be so indecisive as he is now.

Thinking of this, Wang Lei asked Wang Minghui aloud.

Following his words, on Wang Minghui's side, he was taken aback, realizing that his emotions had fluctuated too much just now.Immediately, he hurriedly waved his hand at Wang Lei and said, ""

After uttering these inappropriate words, Wang Minghui suddenly realized that he was trying to cover up his mistakes and add to his mistakes.

He coughed heavily and said, "The fish should be cooked by now, so quickly lift the lid of the pot. If it's overcooked, it won't be able to retain the most delicious taste."

After saying this, Wang Minghui hastily stretched out his right hand towards the front lid of the pot.

Standing next to the middle-aged man, Wang Lei saw the other's actions, and was very puzzled, but he could only attribute this matter to the fact that Wang Minghui had stewed the fish he used for experiments. It was caused by too much tension afterward.

Shaking his head, he threw out the thoughts in his head, then took a plate from the side and handed it to Wang Minghui.

Not long after, a plate of delicious stewed fish was served on the dinner table.

"It smells so good, just smelling it makes me feel hungry now..."

Sun Xiaoxue pays great attention to image on weekdays, but now facing the delicious food in front of her, she no longer has any scruples, she hastily pulled a chair from the side, and quickly sat down.

"You two, then I will not be polite now, I have to try it quickly!"

While talking, Sun Xiaoxue picked up the chopsticks at hand and picked them up towards the fish on the plate.

"what about the taste?"

Standing by the side, Wang Lei stared at the movements of the young woman's hand, and seeing that the woman had already stuffed the fish into her mouth, he couldn't help asking hastily.

The voice was full of nervousness.

This is a fish that has been nourished by the Shennong Collection. If the Shennong Collection can also be used on aquatic products as I guessed, it is tantamount to finding another way to make money.

Compared with cultivating fruit trees, aquaculture aquatic products are not restricted by seasons, and can be cultivated and marketed at any time by using Shennong Baodian.

Under Wang Lei's watchful eyes, the young woman put the fish in her mouth and chewed slowly twice, the excited expression on her face froze instantly, and she became astonished.

"This... this is really delicious!"

"I've never tasted such delicious food in my life..."

Feeling the mellow fragrance spreading between her teeth, Sun Xiaoxue was shocked and her face flushed with excitement.

At the same time, the right hand is already pinching the fish on the plate again, for fear that this delicacy will be snatched away by others if it is a second late.

Standing by the side, Wang Minghui saw Sun Xiaoxue's actions, grinning at the corner of his mouth, your expression is too exaggerated, no matter how delicious it is, it can't make you want to cry...

Wang Minghui was puzzled, and slowly picked up the chopsticks in his hand, removed the bones of a piece of fish, and put it into his mouth.

But when this middle-aged man who was full of doubts chewed the fish in his mouth twice, the doubts about Sun Xiaoxue just now disappeared without a trace with the fragrance flowing between his teeth.

"My God! This taste is so delicious! It's a hundred times more delicious than abalone and lobster!"

Wang Minghui exclaimed again and again.When Wang Lei was the sales director of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., he took Wang Minghui to taste abalone and lobster. At this time, after tasting Wang Lei's carp, he quickly compared it with lobster and abalone.

Hearing the exclamation of the two people around him, Wang Lei slowly smiled, knowing that his experiment was successful.

The Shennong Collection can really change the genes of aquatic products!

"Haha, I'm relieved..."

Wang Lei laughed out loud.

"You...why are you standing here in a daze... Hurry up and eat... If you don't move your chopsticks, I'll eat them all..."

Sun Xiaoxue's mouth was full of fish, and she spoke vaguely to Wang Lei.

During the process, the movements in the hands did not mean to stop at all.

Over the years, Sun Xiaoxue has been taking care of Sun Weiwei painstakingly, and her life is very poor, but her relationship with Wang Lei is very good, and at this time she does not regard herself as an outsider at all.

"Okay, I'll try it too."

Wang Lei smiled at Sun Xiaoxue, and then moved his chopsticks to feast on the whole plate of fish in front of him.

A carp weighing three catties, under the wind and clouds of these three people, there was nothing left to eat in a few minutes.

Wang Lei found that after the carp was nourished by himself with the power of the Shennong Treasures, not only the fish meat became extremely delicious, which could be compared with lobster and abalone, even the fish bones that were picked out when eating fish on weekdays, after being nourished by the Shennong Treasures, At this time, unexpected changes also took place.

The entrance is crisp and fragrant, and slowly melts.

With a spoonful of mellow fish soup, it is simply the most perfect enjoyment in the world.

Sun Xiaoxue looked at the cleaned fish dish in front of her, her eyes were full of disappointment, "It's a pity, we finished eating it so soon...I haven't eaten enough yet..."

While speaking, the plump young woman subconsciously licked her lips, reminiscing about the delicious fish taste just now.

At this moment, Sun Xiaoxue saw that there was still a piece of fish left in the iron pot next to her, so she quickly stretched out her chopsticks and stuffed it into her mouth.

Sitting next to him, Wang Lei saw the actions of this beautiful young woman, completely speechless.

"Hehe, you don't need to despise me. If you want to blame it, you can only blame this fish for being so delicious. If I can eat this delicious food every day, I would rather not have an image, hehe..."

Sun Xiaoxue looked at Wang Lei looking at her expression, and giggled.

On Wang Minghui's side, he rubbed his swollen stomach and hiccupped, enjoying it very much.

"By the way, since you have bred this kind of fish that is comparable to lobster and abalone, what are your plans next?"

Listening to Wang Minghui's words, Wang Lei said with a bold face, "Of course I'm buying fish fry and developing the pond!"

(End of this chapter)

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