Chapter 123 Helping You

The farmer from Wang Village sat in the gazebo and rested leisurely, while the employees of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. were all busy at this time.

Following Sun Xiaoru's instructions for a few minutes, a large number of employees gathered from all directions towards the fish pond in front of Wang Lei, and according to their general manager's instructions, they did their best to help Wang Lei catch fish fry.

"Damn it! What's going on here, I was fishing for fry just now, how did this suddenly reduce the number of workers by two-thirds..."

A boss who came to purchase saw that the number of workers fishing for him had been reduced by more than half in an instant, and followed the direction of those workers, knowing that Sun Xiaoru was to blame.

"Yeah, what the hell is going on! Mr. Sun, do you still want to do this business!"

"Hurry up and transfer the manpower back to me, otherwise, I will not do this business! You will bear the consequences yourself..."

"Mr. Sun, you transferred most of the employees here, what are you doing..."

Sitting in the gazebo, Wang Lei watched as the bosses who came to buy fish fries gathered around Sun Xiaoru from all directions, with a smile slowly forming on the corner of his mouth, and he really wanted to see what would happen to Sun Xiaoru under such a situation where public anger was hard to break. It perfectly solves the problem at hand.

Under the gaze of the farmer, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. scanned the surrounding people who came to Xingshi to question their crimes, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Everyone, please be safe and don't be impatient. Because of the sudden incident, everyone's fishing process will be delayed. Here, I, Sun Xiaoru, would like to say sorry to everyone. I promise, after I have caught the fish fry for Mr. Wang, I will definitely give it my all. Let's go fishing, and we will not delay your trip tonight."

"If the bosses can wait, I will give him a [-]% discount on the price of each fry!"

After Sun Xiaoru's words came out, the atmosphere in the air almost froze.

Some people followed the general manager's gaze and looked back towards the gazebo. When they saw the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. staring at the farmer with flattering eyes, all the people present were shocked.

Everyone looked incredible.

Sun Xiaoru is a female elite in the shopping mall, and now she is trying her best to curry favor with that farmer...

Even a fool can understand what Sun Xiaoru said just now. The farmer sitting in the gazebo is an extremely important customer.The general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. did not hesitate to offend the other bosses present for the sake of that farmer.


For a moment, the atmosphere in the air became weird.

Those big bosses stared at the shabby-dressed farmer sitting in the gazebo. From Sun Xiaoru's attitude towards him, they already knew that the identity of this farmer was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"Is what Mr. Sun said just now true? If we are willing to wait, will you give us a [-]% discount?"

After a moment of silence, someone turned his gaze away from the farmer and asked the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. standing in front of him.

"That's right. [-]% off!"

"Okay! Let's wait for a while!"

"Hehe, it's really thanks to that farmer. I bought 10 black fish, and I enjoy a [-]% discount, which directly saved me tens of thousands of yuan..."

After careful calculation, someone laughed out loud.

"Everyone, if there is no objection, you go back first. After the fishing here is completed, I will order my staff to work overtime for the bosses to catch fish fry."

Sun Xiaoru said to the people around her, although there was a bright smile on her face, but in the heart of the general manager, it was extremely painful.

In order to appease these people's emotions, I just let myself lose 10,000+ income...

But when he thought that he could win the position in Wang Lei's heart by relying on this matter, the depression in the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. was swept away.

With a bright smile on his face again, under the gaze of the people around him, he walked towards the farmer who was sitting leisurely in the gazebo.

"What is the origin of that farmer to make Sun Xiaoru work so hard to curry favor?"

"Although Sun Xiaoru is a girl, her achievements over the years are not inferior to any man. Now Mr. Sun is trying so hard to curry favor with that farmer. I can guarantee that the identity of that farmer is definitely not trivial..."

"Whatever, as long as we can get tangible benefits, that farmer can be whoever he likes, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"Yeah, for a farmer, Sun Xiaoru, who has never suffered a loss, can bear to lose 10,000+ profits..."

The bosses who bought fry standing there looked at the farmer sitting in the gazebo and talked to themselves.

After a while, these people dispersed along the way they had just come.

"Mr. Sun, you are really generous. In order to catch fish fry for me, you are able to give up [-]% of the profit."

Wang Lei saw the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. walking beside him, and smiled heartily.

Sun Xiaoru looked at the laughing farmer in front of her, and rolled her eyes angrily. Now that she recalled the decision she made just now to keep those customers, Sun Xiaoru still felt extremely pained in her heart.

"Bah, you can still laugh, tell me! For you, I will not hesitate to offend all the old customers. How should I repay me for being so kind to you?"

While the general manager was speaking, he had already sat on Wang Lei's right leg.

I rely active...

Feeling the warmth from his right leg, Wang Lei was shocked, and looked up at the beautiful woman sitting on his right leg.

"Mr. Sun, if you are so proactive, aren't you afraid that I will do something to you?"

After Wang Lei's words came out, Sun Xiaoru was shocked, realizing that she had unknowingly made such an intimate move towards Wang Lei just now, as if being hit by an electric current, she hurriedly jumped up from Wang Lei's lap .

Seeing Sun Xiaoru's actions, Wang Lei burst out laughing.

"It looks open, but it's still very conservative inside."

Wang Lei made a judgment on the blushing general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd.

Seeing that the other party was about to get angry, Wang Lei hurriedly smiled again and said, "Mr. Sun, don't worry, you are so kind to me, then I will definitely not treat you badly. If your company needs me in the future, I will definitely do my best to help Mr. Sun.”

When Sun Xiaoru heard this, her eyes burst into excitement, "Okay, it's a deal! You can take care of our company more in the future!"

Amidst Sun Xiaoru's laughter, Wang Lei pondered for a while, then raised his head and said to Sun Xiaoru: "Mr. Sun, just now you lost some profits in order to help me. How about this? The quality of fry can be raised to another level.”

(End of this chapter)

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