Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 125 The Unrepeatable Miraculous Nutrient Solution

Chapter 125 The Unrepeatable Miraculous Nutrient Solution
"Mr. Sun, according to your request, all the fish fry that Mr. Wang needs have been loaded into the truck."

Sun Xiaoru looked at the six trucks parked in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction, "Now you lead the team personally and send these fry to Mr. Wang. Make sure that the survival rate of the fry is above 90.00%."

"alright, I got it."

After Zheng Ming replied respectfully to Sun Xiaoru, he walked up to Wang Lei and said, "Mr. Wang, please get in the car now, and I will take you back to the village."

Wang Lei smiled heartily, said goodbye to Sun Xiaoru, and then went straight to the sedan compartment that Zheng Ming opened.

Sun Xiaoru stood where she was, watching the convoy gradually drive out of the company's gate. She quickly looked away and asked the people around her, "Call Dr. Zhao to the laboratory. I need him to analyze something."

After saying this, without any hesitation, Sun Xiaoru turned around and walked towards the laboratory while holding the beaker containing the expression nutrient solution.

A few minutes later, a middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses hurried into the laboratory.

"Mr. Sun, what are you looking for me in a hurry?"

Sun Xiaoru looked back at the middle-aged man who appeared in sight, smiled, and said, "Dr. Zhao, I'm so sorry, I've asked you to leave the No. [-] base and rush over now."

Zhao Xiaohong was hired by Sun Xiaoru from North China University with a high salary to cultivate high-quality wild fish fry for the company.

"Mr. Sun, what you said is really polite. If you have anything to say, just say it."

Sun Xiaoru coughed lightly, handed the beaker in her hand to Dr. Zhao, and said aloud, "Dr. Zhao, I hope you can analyze the ingredients contained in it now."

Zhao Xiaohong was stunned for a moment, and looked down at the beaker Sun Xiaoru handed to him, his eyes full of doubts: "Mr. Sun, why did you call me over in such a hurry?"

Sun Xiaoru nodded solemnly, "That's right."

Zhao Xiaohong looked at the solemnity on Sun Xiaoru's face, and the doubt in his eyes disappeared instantly. After dealing with Sun Xiaoru for three years, Zhao Xiaohong knew this woman very well. so serious.

"Well, Mr. Sun, please wait for a moment, give me a few minutes, and I will give you the analysis results."

While Zhao Xiaohong was speaking, he had already received the beaker in his hand, turned around and walked towards the test bench.

Standing in place, looking at Zhao Xiaohong's serious expression, Sun Xiaoru's eyes exuded satisfaction.

In addition to Sun Xiaoru's talent, Zhao Xiaohong also played a vital role in Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. being able to grow from a small fry breeding base to today's scale within three years.

However, as Sun Xiaoru stood aside, a few minutes passed... Half an hour later, Dr. Zhao, who was full of confidence just now, became a little impatient standing next to the test bench.


"How is this possible? It's really unbelievable... This can't be measured by common sense..."

Sun Xiaoru sat on the chair behind and heard Dr. Zhao muttering to herself many times.

Finally, Sun Xiaoru couldn't bear the doubts in her heart, stood up from the chair, walked to Zhao Xiaohong, and asked aloud: "Dr. Zhao, I haven't analyzed it for so long. Is there any difficulty in it?"

Following Sun Xiaoru's words, Zhao Xiaohong gave a wry smile, put the experimental equipment in his hand on the table, took off his mask, and looked back at Sun Xiaoru.

"Mr. Sun, can you tell me, where did you get the liquid in this beaker?"

Sun Xiaoru said bluntly: "Mr. Wang who just came to our company to buy fry provided it to me. He said that this nutrient solution can improve the quality of fry."

"Is it really that magical?"

Capturing the emotional fluctuations emanating from Zhao Xiaohong's body, Sun Xiaoru's expression was shocked, and she subconsciously asked anxiously.

Under her gaze, that Dr. Zhao showed excitement on his face, and congratulated Sun Xiaoru: "Mr. Sun, I should congratulate you. According to my analysis just now, what Mr. Wang said is correct. , this nutrient solution contains a lot of nutrients, which not only promotes the growth of organisms, but also can change the growth genes of organisms, making them transform and sublimate their quality..."

During Zhao Xiaohong's explanation, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. covered his mouth in astonishment, and the excitement on his face grew stronger.

However, just when Sun Xiaoru was about to speak, Zhao Xiaohong let out a wry smile.

"President Sun, to be honest, although this nutrient solution contains amazing life elements, I have no way to analyze its formula. In my opinion, if you want to get this nutrient solution again, you have to You can go to Mr. Wang, that Mr. Wang holds the core secret of this nutrient solution, except for him, there is no way for outsiders to copy this nutrient solution."

After Sun Xiaoru heard Zhao Xiaohong's explanation, her heart skipped a beat.

Only then did he finally understand why Wang Lei was so calm when he asked Wang Lei earlier, "Aren't you worried about me analyzing the composition of the nutrient solution?"

"Dr. Zhao, are you sure that this nutrient solution can promote the growth of fry without negative effects?"

Zhao Xiaohong nodded solemnly at Sun Xiaoru, and said: "According to my calculations, pouring half of the amount in this beaker into the pond can promote the rapid growth of fish fry. If you pour all of it, it can improve the quality of fish fry." of."

After Sun Xiaoru heard the affirmative words of Dr. Zhao in front of her, excitement radiated from her eyes.

"Well, you pour these nutrient solutions into our No. [-] base, and I want to make those precious eel fry go up to a higher level. I will go to Wangcun to find Mr. Wang now, and see if I can get them from He got some nutrient solution in his hands."

At this time, Sun Xiaoru felt a sense of happiness being favored by the heavens, but she never thought that Wang Lei would have such superhuman abilities.

After giving instructions to Zhao Xiaohong, the general manager of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. hastily turned around and walked outside.

That speed can almost be described as galloping.

When Mr. Sun drove to Wangcun, Wang Lei had already entered Wangcun with 30 fry.

"Minister Zheng, please wait here for a moment, I will gather the villagers now."

Wang Lei turned his head and said to Zheng Ming who was sitting in the driver's seat.

"Don't, don't, Mr. Wang helped me a lot when I was in the company. It's my honor that you can use me now. Don't be so polite to me. Now you can just do what you have in hand, I will Wait until all the fry are stocked for you in the fish pond before leaving."

The sales director of Sun's Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. said to the farmer next to him in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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