Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 134 Cooking Dishes

Chapter 134 Cooking Dishes
As for the small transparent sealed bag that Wang Lei took out at this time, the chairman of Fuhong Group had already noticed when he went out to meet Wang Lei just now.It's just that I didn't expect that there was a handbag inside.

"This is……"

Wu Fuhong stared at the small transparent sealed bag for a moment, then raised her head and asked Wang Lei suspiciously.

"You don't really intend to use this seasoning to change the fate of my hotel, do you? Mr. Wang, to be honest, I have used all the methods I can think of, including the top-level seasoning. It's just that the material has to be shipped from Southeast Asia Come here, the cost is too expensive, I have not used it..."

Wu Fuhong didn't have any hope for the seasoning that Wang Lei brought out.

Wang Lei felt the emotional fluctuations coming from Wu Fuhong, and he was not angry. He smiled lightly and said, "Whether this is effective or not can not be judged just by looking at it with the naked eye. It must be used in practice. Now Chairman Wu Take me to the kitchen, and let those chefs cook a few dishes by themselves, and the results can be separated immediately."

While speaking, Wang Lei had already handed the seasoning to Wu Fuhong.

Seeing Wang Lei's confident appearance, the doubts in Wu Fuhong's eyes became more serious, she subconsciously opened the sealing strip, picked up some seasoning, put it under her nose and smelled it vigorously.A good seasoning will exude an attractive fragrance from itself. However, the seasoning brought by Wang Lei has no smell, and it belongs to the stuff that no one picks up when it is thrown on the street.

If it wasn't for the need to get the super fruit from Wang Lei, Wu Fuhong would have been angry with Wang Lei after smelling the seasoning.

He raised his head and smiled bitterly at Wang Lei, and said, "Since Mr. Wang is so confident in this seasoning, well, I'll take you to the back kitchen to try it out now."

After finishing speaking, the chairman of Fuhong Group made a respectful gesture to Wang Lei, then turned and walked outside.

The kitchen of Fuhong Hotel is huge, with nearly a hundred chefs, and there are all kinds of tableware in it.

But at this time, the chefs here are not busy at all, they gather together and chat.

People can't think of the busy scene in the past.

"Chairman, why didn't you notify me in advance when you came here..."

When Wu Fuhong entered the kitchen, a middle-aged man in a chef's attire rushed to greet Wu Fuhong, with a very respectful and panicked attitude.

"Master Sun, you are cooking a few dishes with this seasoning now."

Without any nonsense, Wu Fuhong directly handed the small transparent sealed bag in her hand to the middle-aged chef and said aloud.

The head chef glanced back at the farmer standing side by side with Chairman Wu, and instantly knew that the dignified chairman of Fuhong Group must have something to do with this farmer doing such a boring thing.

But he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction on the head chef's face, he nodded hastily and said, "Good chairman."

He solemnly took the seasoning from Wu Fuhong, and just as the head chef was about to turn around, Wang Lei, who had never spoken, hurriedly stopped him and said, "Master Liu's cooking skills are the best here. An ordinary chef uses this seasoning, otherwise it will not show that the seasoning is good."

Following Wang Lei's words, sullen eyes flashed in the eyes of the head chef who had turned around, "Damn it, you, a farmer, dare to yell in front of me!"
He turned his head and looked at Wu Fuhong with a questioning face.

"Just do what Mr. Wang says."

Wu Fuhong didn't think much about it. If the seasoning is really as good as Wang Lei said, then any chef can bring out the effect of the seasoning.

"Good chairman."

After the head chef said this to Wu Fuhong respectfully, he turned around and looked at the chefs around him, with a cold look in his eyes, "Fuck, don't think it depends on Chairman Wu If I support you, you can go to heaven. Well, since you want to make a fool of yourself, I will help you."

Thinking of this in his heart, the head chef's mouth curled into a sneer, and then he fixed his eyes on the apprentice doing odd jobs in the east.

"Xiao Wang, cook two dishes with this seasoning."

Following the chef's words, the chairman of Fuhong Group frowned instantly. From the attitude of that little Wang, it could be seen that this was an apprentice who came to help without any cooking experience.


Just when Wu Fuhong was about to change the head chef, Wang Lei hurriedly interrupted: "Chairman Wu, just let this little brother cook. I have confidence in my seasoning."

Hearing Wang Lei's words, Wu Fuhong could only nod.

However, among the other chefs around, discussions gradually broke out.

"Fuck, what the hell, who does he think he is!"

"It's really embarrassing..."

"Xiao Wang can't even chop vegetables, and he cooks perfect dishes, bah!"

Amidst the whispered discussions of the chefs, the apprentice called Xiao Wang had already walked to the chopping board with the seasonings.

As the little king started chopping vegetables, Wu Fuhong instantly showed a wry smile on his face. From the actions of the other party, it can be seen that this is a talent for making dark dishes.

"Mr. Wang, do you need to change someone? This is just an apprentice who doesn't know how to cook at all."

Wang Lei shook his head and said, "No need, this is the only way to fully prove that the seasoning I prepared is good."

Hearing that Wang Lei still insisted on the idea just now, the chairman of Fuhong Group could only shake his head helplessly, while eagerly looking forward to the food being ready in his heart.

During the clumsy operation of that apprentice, the low-pitched ridicules around did not stop at all. However, when the other party put the seasoning in the pot, the next second, the kitchen was filled with a strong fragrance.


"Oh my god! Xiao Wang, what did you do just now, what's going on!"

"It smells delicious..."

"It's obviously fried vegetables, but why does it smell like lobster and sea crab..."

For a moment, the ridicule in the kitchen stopped, and everyone looked back at Wang Lei in disbelief.

"Mr. Wang, your seasoning is really good! How can it emit such an incredible fragrance?"

The chairman of Fuhong Group smelled the alluring fragrance in the air, and felt refreshed and refreshed, as if a thirsty field was being irrigated by a clear spring.

"Hehe, this is the magic of seasoning. Chairman Wu, don't worry now, after the dishes are served, it's not too late to draw conclusions after you taste them."

Seeing the astonished expression of the chairman of Fuhong Group, Wang Lei smiled heartily and said aloud.

Wu Fuhong nodded like a pug.

(End of this chapter)

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