Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 148 Using Nutrient Solution to Rescue Fry

Chapter 148 Using Nutrient Solution to Rescue Fry
"Mmm Good!"

As soon as Wang Lei's words fell, Zhao Mingming stood beside him and nodded excitedly.

Liu Hua also secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Now that Wang Lei has said that the problem of fish fry death can be solved, there must be no problem.

Under his gaze, Zhao Mingming followed Wang Lei and was already walking forward.

A few minutes later, he entered Wang Lei's home.

"What's the matter, is it over?"

Sitting in the courtyard, Wang Minghui hurriedly asked after seeing Wang Lei.

"Yeah, I already know the reason. Uncle Zhao's fish fry are full. I'll make some nutrient solution for him. By the way, where is Sun Xiaoxue?"

Wang Minghui stood up from the chair, waved at Wang Lei and said, "I waited for you for a while after eating, and seeing that you haven't come back, she went back first."

"Oh, that's fine, I'll prepare a nutrient solution for Uncle Zhao first, and I'll eat it after I'm done."

After Wang Lei said this to Wang Minghui, he turned around and walked towards the house.

Zhao Mingming withdrew his gaze from Wang Lei, looked towards Wang Minghui, smiled awkwardly, and said out loud, "Brother Wang, I'm sorry, I did too much earlier, please forgive me, my lord. This time, I promise that from now on, I will follow Wang Lei wholeheartedly, and I will never have another heart."

Following Zhao Mingming's words, Wang Minghui, who sat back on the chair, twitched his eyebrows quickly.

Subconsciously turned around and looked at Zhao Mingming.

Looking at the other party's sincere expression, especially the humility in his eyes, Wang Minghui was stunned for a moment.He couldn't help but think of the scene where Zhao Mingming was arrogant in front of him before. He didn't expect that it took so much time, and this guy has undergone such a big change.

"Hehe, it's all from neighbors, there's nothing to blame. It's his honor that you can develop with Wang Lei."

Wang Minghui greeted Zhao Mingming.

However, on Zhao Mingming's side, there was a little fear and trepidation, and he hurriedly waved his hands at Wang Minghui and said, "No, no, it's my honor. Mr. Wang Lei doesn't remember the villain's mistakes. Not only is he not angry with me, but now he can take the initiative to help Me, I, Zhao Mingming, will always remember this kindness in my heart, and in the future, as long as Wang Lei informs me, I will not hesitate to go up the knife mountain or down the frying pan."

Wang Minghui listened to Zhao Mingming's words, and couldn't help but look at Zhao Mingming with admiration, knowing that he really repented.

Wang Minghui likes this kind of person who can correct his mistakes immediately.Immediately stood up from the chair, and said to Zhao Mingming: "Okay, don't be polite to me here, just sit here for a while, and Wang Lei can prepare the nutrient solution later."

Three minutes later, Wang Lei walked up to Zhao Mingming with the nutrient solution in a transparent glass and said, "Master Zhao, just sprinkle the nutrient solution into the pond when you go back."

Zhao Mingming respectfully took the nutrient solution from Wang Lei's hand.

"Yeah, I see, then I'll go back now."

After Zhao Mingming finished speaking to Wang Lei, before he could respond, he turned around like flying with the nutrient solution and ran outside.

Wang Minghui stood in the courtyard and looked at Zhao Mingming's back, with a wider smile on the corner of his mouth, "Although Zhao Mingming did a little too much before, but he can correct his mistakes and correct them. I like this kind of person!"

"Wang Lei, why don't you go over and help Uncle Zhao, we can't just watch all the fish he raises die."

After Wang Minghui finished speaking, Wang Lei who was standing beside him waved his hand and said, "No need, the nutrient solution I prepared for him is enough for him to heal the fish fry in the pond."

After finishing speaking, he sat on the chair directly, picked up the bowls and chopsticks in front of him and started eating.

Wang Minghui looked at Wang Lei's actions. Since he was so confident in the nutrient solution, he naturally no longer worried about Zhao Mingming's affairs. He smiled heartily, then walked towards the house, and gave Wang Lei the food that was heated in the pot earlier. brought it out.

When Wang Lei was pulling food into his mouth, Zhao Mingming had already returned to the pond with the nutrient solution.

Liu Hua, who had been standing by the pond for a long time, saw Zhao Mingming and rushed to meet him, asking, "How's it going?"

Zhao Mingming was very proud of himself, his previous frustration was swept away, and he grinned at Liu Hua.

"No problem, Wang Lei is so easy to talk to. He has prepared some nutrient solution for us now. As long as we sprinkle it in the pond, our fish fry will get better."

Hearing Zhao Mingming's laughter, Liu Hua breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and hurriedly said to Zhao Mingming, "You old bastard, you have to keep this lesson in mind, and from now on you will hang around with Wang Lei wholeheartedly, don't spend all day Figure it out for yourself."

Facing Liu Hua's scolding, Zhao Mingming was speechless.You are my wife, why are you keeping your elbows out!
But in Zhao Mingming's heart, he also agrees with what Liu Hua said.

"Don't worry, after this lesson, even if you don't tell me, then I know how to do it. Wang Lei is kind-hearted, and sincerely wants to lead our big guys to develop and hang out with him, that's right. !"

While talking, Zhao Mingming opened the glass bottle and poured the nutrient solution into the pond.

The fry in the pond are insignificant to Wang Lei, but to the old couple by the pond, they are like their own lives!
During Zhao Mingming's actions, Liu Hua stopped scolding and stared at Zhao Mingming's actions intently, praying secretly in her heart, hoping that after applying Wang Lei's nutrient solution, the fish fry that had not yet appeared in danger in the pond could survive successfully.In this way, losses can be saved as much as possible.

However, under Liu Hua's gaze, it didn't take long for the nutrient solution to be poured into the pond, and a large number of fry had already gathered here.

The fish fry that had turned their stomachs before, after drinking a few sips of water in the place where the nutrient solution was poured, recovered in a blink of an eye.

"Old man, look quickly! This is really amazing. Didn't these fish fry just now were about to die, and now they have recovered after taking the nutrient solution prepared by Wang Lei!"

"Look...look...the fish fry that were about to die have now recovered, and are now jumping around alive and well in the water, look how happy they are swimming..."

Zhao Mingming hurriedly lowered his head and looked in the direction indicated by Liu Hua. Seeing the fish fry in the pond quickly recover one by one, a smile appeared on Zhao Mingming's face instantly.

"It's amazing, Wang Lei is really amazing!"

"Haha, our fish fry can be kept now!"

(End of this chapter)

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