Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 153 Wang Lei, You Can't Offend

Chapter 153 Wang Lei, You Can't Offend

"Yeah, got it, I'll arrange someone to investigate the identity of that farmer now!"

The younger brother standing beside Huang Fei said solemnly, and then took out his phone.

During Huang Fei's investigation of Wang Lei's identity, Wang Lei had already returned to Wang Village on a tricycle, and before he entered the house, a large number of people came out to greet him.

"Oh, you are finally back now, you really made us wait."

Wang Shaogang walked up to Wang Lei, and after speaking, he hurriedly looked inside the tricycle compartment, and saw a lot of vegetables and meat inside.

"That's right, it's almost time for the Chinese New Year. Except for the Chinese New Year, I've never seen so many delicious food."

While talking, Wang Shaogang was gearing up, looking like he wished he could get into the pile of ingredients right now.

Seeing Wang Shaogang's unpromising appearance, Wang Lei was ashamed, and said aloud: "Okay, stop staring here, and quickly move the things into the kitchen, let's start cooking now."

Following Wang Lei's words, Wang Shaogang nodded hurriedly, greeted the people around him, and then began to move the ingredients.

At this time, a simple stove has been set up in the courtyard, just like a festive atmosphere.

After packing up the ingredients, Wang Lei asked a few people to help him and started cooking.

Half an hour later, the courtyard was filled with fragrance, making everyone present salivate.

At the same time, Huang Fei had already found out Wang Lei's identity.

"My uncle has been helping Wang Lei?"

After learning about the relationship between the mayor and Wang Lei, Huang Fei gritted his teeth angrily, and snorted, "Let's go! Go find my uncle! Now he must put pressure on that damned farmer, and we must not let him go all the way." Green light!"

Huang Fei let out a low growl at the younger brother beside him, got on his motorcycle and went straight to Qian Hongtian's house.

A few minutes later, he led a group of younger brothers directly into Qian Hongtian's office.

"Presumptuous! You little bastard, what does this mean!"

Qian Hongtian was sitting behind the desk, processing the documents in his hands. When he noticed the movement outside, he raised his head and saw Huang Fei rushing in with a group of gangsters, which made Qian Hongtian sullen on the spot.

Huang Fei is the only child at home, and because of his parents' doting, he is lawless now.

On the issue of Huang Fei's discipline, Qian Hongtian had mentioned it to Huang Fei's parents many times, but the other party was still indifferent. Since then, Qian Hongtian has become estranged from Huang Fei's family a lot.

At this time, Qian Hongtian was very angry when he saw Huang Fei come to his office to act wildly.

"I ask you, what's the matter with Wang Lei! Do you often help him!"

Huang Fei ignored Qian Hongtian's words, sat directly on the sofa not far away, crossed his legs, and pressed Qian Hongtian for questions.

In the tone of his actions, he didn't have any respect for Qian Hongtian, who was his uncle.

"Yes. Any questions?"

Qian Hongtian watched Huang Fei's actions, shook his head, and suppressed the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart.

"What's the problem? It's a big problem! From now on, I won't allow you to help that damned farmer!"

Huang Fei said to Qian Hongtian.

"Hehe, it's alright for you to show off your might to the mayor, but now you actually hate Wang Lei, have you been crushed by Wang Lei?"

Qian Hongtian put away the documents in his hand, looked at the anger on Huang Fei's face, and laughed out loud.

After listening to Qian Hongtian's words, Huang Fei's face became hot, as if he was being exposed on the spot.I usually bully others in the town, how have I ever suffered from such uselessness?

Seeing Huang Fei remain silent, Qian Hongtian smiled faintly, and said aloud: "I tell you, Wang Lei is not something you can afford to offend. If you still have some self-knowledge, I advise you not to go against Wang Lei, otherwise , it is you who will suffer in the end.”

After Qian Hongtian's words came out, Huang Fei suddenly raised his head and stared at Qian Hongtian with disbelief.

In Huang Fei's impression, his uncle was the mayor of the town, he had a good style, and he would never praise someone easily, but now, his uncle praised the farmer so much...

"Is he really as powerful as you say?"

Huang Fei stared at Qian Hongtian for a moment, and asked subconsciously.

Under his gaze, Qian Hongtian shrugged lightly, and explained aloud: "That's right. If you compare you with Wang Lei, you are like an ant on the ground, and Wang Lei is a dragon in the sky. You and him The gap is not a star and a half."

"Since you know that I have been secretly helping Wang Lei and giving the green light to the development of Wangcun, do you know what achievements Wang Lei has made before?"

Huang Fei looked at Qian Hongtian curiously, and asked aloud, "What?"

Qian Hongtian settled down, admiration for Wang Lei appeared in his eyes, and he explained to Huang Fei with a blank face: "Five years ago, Wang Lei entered a jewelry company that was on the verge of bankruptcy, and within three years he forced this The company has become a big player in the jewelry field in Donghai City, and he was the sales director of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. in his early 20s. You are about the same age as Wang Lei, what were you doing when he was that age?"

Following Qian Hongtian's rhetorical question, Huang Fei's expression froze.

I have been doing nothing at home these years, compared with Wang Lei, I am really ashamed.

Capturing the change of expression on Huang Fei's face, Qian Hongtian smiled faintly, and continued: "Some time ago, Wang Lei funded the construction of a concrete road for Wangcun, costing millions of RMB, I'm afraid it wouldn't be worth selling you. Is this money? Now that the living standard of Wangcun has seen signs of development under Wang Lei’s leadership, I advise you, it’s fine if you show off your power in other places on weekdays, but if you dare to go wild in Wangcun, especially You are looking for trouble with Wang Lei, so don't blame me, my uncle, for not caring about my family, I will personally bring you to justice!"

After Huang Fei heard Qian Hongtian's words, his body shook violently twice, and he subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

Before coming to Qian Hongtian, he wanted to give Wang Lei some flair, but now, Huang Fei already felt powerless, and he and Wang Lei were not on the same level at all.

It is really a big joke to deal with Wang Lei.

"Yeah, I see..."

After a moment of silence, Huang Fei could only accept the reality, said respectfully to Qian Hongtian, then stood up and walked outside.

Qian Hongtian sat on the chair, looked at Huang Fei's lost back, shook his head, and said aloud: "If you don't want to continue messing around like this, then I can talk to Wang Lei and introduce you to him , do something. I can guarantee that hanging around with Wang Lei will only benefit your future growth and will not cause any harm."

(End of this chapter)

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