Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 162 Sending Red Envelopes

Chapter 162 Sending Red Envelopes (Please order first!!!)

Under Liu Ming's gaze, Wang Lei nodded lightly and said, "Very good, I will sell it to you at your price."

Following Wang Lei's words, Liu Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.Looking at Wang Lei gratefully, he said out loud, "Thank you."

Wang Lei waved his hand and said, "Don't be polite to me, I'm glad I can help you."

"Okay, you prepare the tools now, and start collecting in a while."

Liu Ming nodded solemnly, then quickly turned and left.

An hour later, the villagers of Wang Village watched Wang Lei take the 3000 yuan from Liu Ming, and they were all very envious.

"Hey, I didn't expect him to be able to make money even by breeding earthworms."

"It's really incomparable."

"Hehe, this shows Wang Lei's ability!"

While everyone was discussing, Wang Lei didn't put the money into his pocket, but turned around, looked at the people around him, and said, "Everyone, be quiet."

In the blink of an eye, the crowd fell silent instantly.He stared at Wang Lei intently.

"Brother Wang, what are your orders now?"

Standing beside Wang Lei, Huang Fei asked with a flattering expression.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Lei suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, showing a bright smile, and then said aloud: "Of course I want to give money to everyone present."

A short sentence came out of Wang Lei's mouth, but it was thrown into the crowd like a heavy bomb, and it exploded in an instant.

"What! Did I hear correctly just now?"

"You actually want to give us red envelopes?"

"This... is it true?"

In the eyes of the villagers of Wang Village, if you earn money, you should save it quickly.

You must think carefully before deciding how to use the money wisely. After all, 3000 yuan is not a small sum.

On Wang Minghui's side, he was also stunned by what Wang Lei said suddenly.

Didn't you agree to make money by selling earthworms at the beginning, why are you still giving away all the money now?
Wang Lei's decision just now made Wang Minghui's heart ache, but he knew that Wang Lei had his own plans every step of the way.At the moment, he could only suppress the doubts in his heart and look back at Wang Lei.

Hearing the exclamation of the people around him, Wang Lei smiled faintly, stretched his right hand forward, waved at the exclaimed villagers in front of him, and said, "Everyone has participated in the matter of raising earthworms, so it's a good deal. The earthworm's money is not only mine, Wang Lei, but everyone present. Well, everyone, line up and go to Huang Fei to collect the money."

After Wang Lei finished speaking, he directly handed over the money in Huang Fei's hands.

Then he walked straight to the side.

Wang Minghui was stunned for a moment, then walked towards Wang Lei, and in the process, there were already praises for Wang Lei from around:
"Look, this is the example for us to learn from."

"Give us red envelopes when we make money. We have never encountered such a good thing before."

"It's good to hang out with Wang Lei, it's so cool!"

"Haha, I'm so lucky to be by Wang Lei's side..."

Amidst the exclamation of these Wang Village villagers, Wang Minghui had already walked in front of Wang Lei, looked at Wang Lei with a smile on his lips, and asked suspiciously, "What the hell are you thinking?"

Wang Lei withdrew his gaze, looked at Wang Minghui, who was full of doubts and even dissatisfied, smiled lightly, gestured to Wang Minghui, and then walked towards the corner next to him.

Seeing Wang Lei's movements, Wang Minghui followed closely.

When he came to the unoccupied corner and looked at the bustling crowd surrounding Huang Fei not far away, Wang Minghui asked Wang Lei, "Can you give me an explanation now?"

"Are you stupid? Breeding earthworms takes up our land. You put all your effort into the whole process, so why let others take advantage of it for nothing?"

Wang Minghui scolded Wang Lei dissatisfiedly while watching carefully.

Under his gaze, instead of showing any remorse on Wang Lei's face, on the contrary, the smile on the corner of his mouth became wider.


Seeing the change of expression on Wang Lei's face, Wang Minghui snorted heavily.

However, before he could make any further moves, Wang Lei put his right hand on Wang Minghui's shoulder and said with a laugh, "Dad, you can't just focus on the place in front of you, you have to look far away." Okay. Although I said that I gave away all the money, but do you see what I have gained?"

After Wang Lei's words came out, Wang Minghui's face was stunned, and he became suspicious in an instant, and subconsciously followed Wang Lei's gaze towards the crowd not far away.

After receiving the money, those people all looked at Wang Lei gratefully.

Some even bowed deeply to Wang Lei.

Words of thanks came out of my mouth.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Minghui was stunned, and he couldn't help but look away, and stared at Wang Lei again.

Sensing the emotional changes in Wang Minghui, Wang Lei smiled brighter.Said aloud: "Now you have seen everything, this kind of intangible thing is the most valuable. With my current net worth, do I care about a mere [-] yuan? But this [-] yuan is in the eyes of the villagers. That’s a lot of money. With a mere [-] yuan, I can get the respect and admiration of the villagers, which is what I want to see most.”

"As long as I can twist the hearts of the villagers into one rope and let them follow me unconditionally, then I can continuously create more profits. It is not as simple as [-] yuan."

After listening to Wang Lei's explanation, Wang Minghui was stunned and gasped.

Stretched out a thumb to Wang Lei, and praised sincerely: "Amazing! You are amazing!"

Wang Lei laughed loudly, "Now you are not angry with me?"

Hearing Wang Lei's ridicule, Wang Minghui turned his head and glared, and spat: "Yeah, you've already distributed the money, so there's no use for me to be angry now. All right, don't be fooled by me, get out now Let's see, those gangsters brought by Huang Fei are still waiting for you to arrange them."

In Wang Minghui's voice, Wang Lei looked back, and the villagers who surrounded Huang Fei just now had gradually dispersed, and everyone went home happily after getting the money.

"Okay, I'll go and have a look."

After Wang Lei threw these words at Wang Minghui, he walked directly towards Huang Fei.

Standing on the same spot, looking at Wang Lei's back, Wang Minghui gradually smiled and said to himself: "That's right, you're really resourceful, I just thought you were crazy when I heard that you were going to distribute the money. Haha, I am convinced of this method."

(End of this chapter)

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