Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 169 Meet Wang Lei for dinner

Chapter 169 Meet Wang Lei for Dinner ([-])
In the early morning of the next day, Huang Fei left with the [-] catties of carp he had just caught. After returning to the village, each villager received [-] yuan in income.

On the third day, each villager earned [-] yuan because of the increased demand for Fuhong Hotel.

The fourth day, the fifth day...

As the demand for Fuhong Hotel continues to rise, the income of the villagers climbs in a straight line like a rocket.

Has reached a daily income of nearly [-] yuan.

In the early morning of the sixth day, an Audi sports car stopped in front of Wang Lei's house. After Zhao Fei got out of the car, she looked at the dilapidated house in front of her.As the secretary of the chairman of Fuhong Group, she goes to high-end places and sees luxury.

Never seen anything this dilapidated.

But now, Zhao Fei looked at it carefully, her eyes full of seriousness, and she really wanted to know what the farmer did. In such a poor place, he could directly influence the fate of Fuhong Hotel.

At this moment, a hearty laugh suddenly sounded in front of this tall beauty, "Hey, isn't this Secretary Zhao? Why are you here now?"

As the voice entered Zhao Fei's ears, she interrupted the contemplation of the female secretary of the chairman of Fuhong Group. She turned her head and looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a farmer appearing in her sight middle.And this farmer was exactly what he was looking for on this trip.

Looking at the confident smile on Wang Lei's face, Zhao Fei was confused. Although she said that she could get millions of salary every year by being with the chairman of Fuhong Group, the development trend of the farmer in front of her was obviously better than that of Fuhong Group. The chairman of the group is even more courageous.If you stay by his side, you will definitely have higher grades in the future.

But thinking of her major, Zhao Fei could only shake her head and smile wryly.

I regret that I didn't choose to major in agriculture when I was in college.

"Hehe, of course Chairman Wu asked me to pick you up."

Soon after, Zhao Fei wiped away the wry smile in her heart, raised her head, and showed a bright smile at Wang Lei.

Feeling the emotional fluctuations in Zhao Fei's body, Wang Lei was surprised to be able to control emotions freely in the blink of an eye.

This woman in front of me is not simple...

"Is something wrong?"

Wang Lei asked Zhao Fei aloud.

During this period of time, I have been busy with the affairs in the pond, and the delivery of goods to Fuhong Hotel has been fully handled by Huang Fei.It has been a long time since I had no contact with the chairman of Fuhong Group.Seeing Zhao Fei coming in person at this time, Wang Lei was full of doubts.

Under Wang Lei's gaze, Zhao Fei smiled lightly and said, "Our Fuhong Group has already made a lot of money through your credit. Shouldn't we treat you to a meal?"

Following what Zhao Fei said, Wang Lei was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed awkwardly.

Just now Wang Lei wanted to take people to the pond, but after hearing Zhao Fei's words, those people were all stunned.

Chairman of Fuhong Group invites you to dinner?My God, what an honor this must be.

That is a group boss, and in the eyes of farmers like me, he is a superior existence.

Even if some company bosses want to have dinner with the boss of the group, it doesn't mean that they can do it.

"Brother Wang, you are so powerful, the big bosses of the collective are fawning on you."

"What are you doing standing there, hurry up and go with this beautiful woman..."

"Haha, this chick is so pretty, you two can shock me on the way..."

Standing in front of Wang Lei, Zhao Fei blushed suddenly when she heard the ridicule from the people around her.The pretty face slowly drooped, and she fiddled with the corners of her clothes with both hands, looking very shy and nervous.

On Wang Lei's side, seeing the redness on Zhao Fei's face, the whole person fell into a state of dementia for a while.

Zhao Fei was originally a rare beauty, and she was always the focus of attention wherever she went.At this time, she was blushing, making her even more charming.

Feeling the emotional fluctuations in the beautiful woman in front of him, Wang Lei swallowed, then settled down, looked back at the people around him, snorted, and said: "You have been with me for a while , do you think that I am too kind to you, and now you want to go back to the previous path?"

Following Wang Lei's words, Zhao Fei was stunned, and subconsciously turned her head to look at Wang Lei, her eyes full of astonishment.Just now, she felt a ruffian disposition from those people. Now that she heard Wang Lei's words, Zhao Fei instantly realized that the identities of those people standing behind Wang Lei must not be simple.

Under Zhao Fei's gaze, those people became very panicked after listening to Wang Lei's words, and hurriedly waved their hands and said, "No, no, no, how dare we..."

"I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing just now. By the way, I suddenly remembered that there are still things that need to be dealt with by the pond. Brother Wang, please talk slowly with this beauty, I will take a step first... ..."

"Hey, wait for me..."

While talking, those sluggish people hurriedly kicked off their feet and ran towards the west.

Zhao Fei saw the actions of these people and was completely astonished.

"they are……"

After a while, Zhao Fei turned her eyes back, cast her eyes on Wang Lei, and asked suspiciously.

I really want to take this opportunity to figure out Wang Lei's current cards.

Under Zhao Fei's watchful eyes, Wang Lei sighed and said, "Some ruffians are under my control now. Hehe, but don't worry, these people didn't mean anything malicious just now, they were just joking."

While speaking, seeing the change of expression on Zhao Fei's face, Wang Lei hastily changed the subject and said to Zhao Fei.

"You bastard..."

After Zhao Fei listened to Wang Lei's words, she almost blurted out, and the eyes she looked at Wang Lei kept changing.If she hadn't dealt with Wang Lei before and knew something about this farmer, Zhao Fei might have already run away by now.

"Hehe, you can say that too."

"Okay, now let's go."

Wang Lei smiled faintly at Zhao Fei. He didn't want to continue talking about this kind of matter, so he walked directly to the BMW sports car, opened the door with his hand, and sat in.

Zhao Fei stood at the back, looked at the gangsters who had disappeared into the distance, and then at Wang Lei who was already sitting in the passenger seat. Get in the driver's seat and start the vehicle.

"Driving with seat belts on..."

Just when Zhao Fei was about to start the sports car, Wang Lei bent over and pulled the safety belt to fasten Zhao Fei.

"Thank you."

Feeling the electric current when Wang Lei touched her body, Zhao Fei tensed up like a conditioned reflex, and said to Wang Lei with a blushing face.

(End of this chapter)

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