Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 181 Business Improvement

Chapter 181 Business Improvement ([-])

After Wang Lei's words came out, Zhao Fei's expression froze immediately, and she stared at Wang Lei incredulously.

Does he know clairvoyance?Zhao Fei exclaimed in her heart, she had only just figured out about the development of the hotel, but she didn't expect that Wang Lei had an insight into the opportunity one step ahead.

Resisting the astonishment in her heart, Zhao Fei said to Wang Lei: "Yes. I was planning to tell Mr. Wang about the further development of the hotel. Now that Mr. Wang has plans, please tell Mr. Wang first. Bar."

Wang Lei smiled lightly and said: "You two have seen the situation of the hotel now. Although we have good ingredients here, Sanping County cannot compare with Huahai City after all. There are relatively few wealthy families here, so we must We need to change the hotel's business strategy, and we can't focus on rich people like Fuhong Hotel..."

Zhao Fei stood aside, listening to Wang Lei's words, she was horrified again and again, this is exactly what I thought in my heart!
On Zhou Mei's side, she agreed with Wang Lei's analysis very much and kept nodding her head.

"There are [-] rich people with a net worth of over [-] in every [-] people in Huahai City, but the ratio of the poor to the rich in Sanping County is far from that of Huahai City. In this case, if you want to To make Meier Hotel bigger and stronger can only reduce the consumption level of Meier Hotel, so that more middle-class groups can come in and taste the delicious dishes of Meier Hotel.”

After Wang Lei finished speaking, Zhou Mei's face was full of doubts, and she asked aloud: "If this is the case, won't it cause a blow to Fuhong Hotel?"

Wang Lei shook his head and said: "No, our business goals are different from Fuhong Hotel's. Fuhong Hotel is the best choice for the wealthy who love to enjoy themselves, while our Meier Hotel will become the choice of the middle-class group. "

Zhou Mei nodded solemnly after listening to Wang Lei's explanation, and said, "That's right, your analysis is very good."

"Miss Zhao, what do you think?"

After Zhou Mei finished speaking, she didn't get a response from Zhao Fei for a long time, which made Zhou Mei feel puzzled, and subconsciously turned her head to look at Zhao Fei, only to see that the beauty was in a state of astonishment.

Sensing the surprised gaze from her side, Zhao Fei reacted instantly, showing embarrassment, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, Mr. Wang's analysis just now is very correct..."

"Ahem, I'm sorry, I didn't expect that Mr. Wang's analysis would be exactly the same as mine, so I lost my composure just now, sorry..."

It wasn't until Zhao Fei's words came out that the attitudes of the two people standing beside this beauty eased up a little.

"In this case, wait a while for Manager Zhou to hold a meeting to re-determine the development direction."

Wang Lei withdrew his gaze from Zhao Fei and said to Zhou Mei.


Zhou Mei nodded solemnly.

"Now I'll go out and see what's going on outside."

Wang Lei didn't stay in the office too much. Now that he wanted to make the hotel bigger, he had to be extra careful. After saying this to Zhou Mei, he turned around and walked outside.

"Manager Zhou, congratulations, you are able to become a partner with Wang Lei."

It wasn't until the door was closed that Zhao Fei realized that she turned her eyes back, focused on Zhou Mei, and said aloud.

The voice was full of envy and emotion.

Although she is recognized as a talented woman in the hotel field of Huahai City, compared with Wang Lei at this time, Zhao Fei feels inferior. After all, she has been in the hotel industry for many years and has a lot of experience, but Wang Lei is different. It's only just getting in touch with the hotel now.

At the same time, in Gao Mingyu's villa, Wu Dong was reporting about Wang Lei.

"Are you saying that many people drove over in luxury cars to cheer?"

After Gao Mingyu listened to Wu Dong's report, he pushed the woman in his arms away. Now that he could no longer care about beauty, his voice almost growled at Wu Dong.

It's really terrifying. It's just a farmer running a hotel, not a high-ranking official, who can cause such a big commotion.

Although it was said that the people in the Meier Hotel who supported the farmer were business people and no officials, it was shocking enough. After all, this kind of thing had never happened in the history of Sanping County.

"Boss, do we need to do it in advance?"

Wu Dong asked Gao Mingyu in a low voice.

After Gao Mingyu thought about it, he shook his head and said, "It's not enough, now you have the people under your hand keep an eye on Wang Lei's every move, and report the business status of Mei'er Hotel to me in detail at night. I."

"I'd like to see how much profit he can make in one day after his hotel, which is on the verge of bankruptcy, reopens..."

Gao Mingyu knew that now he had to change his strategy against Wang Lei. If he was allowed to develop the Meier Hotel, he would not be able to explain to Zhou's company.After saying this to Wu Dong, he dragged the woman next to him into his arms.

Wu Dong said goodbye, then turned and walked outside.

While the gang members in Sanping County were paying close attention to Wang Lei's movements, Zhou Mei stood beside Wang Lei, looking at the bustling diners in the hall, her face was full of excitement.

I have been in the hotel business for ten months, and it is the first time that the seats in the lobby are full today.

Although this was achieved with the help of Wang Lei, Zhou Mei still felt a sense of accomplishment in her heart.

"Everyone, Mei'er Hotel was under great pressure before, and now it is reopening. I hope you will support me a lot in the future."

Zhou Mei said to the diners around, now that the hotel has finally come back to life, we must firmly grasp this opportunity to completely reverse the state of Meier Hotel.

"Don't worry, we will definitely come over. Your food here is really delicious, and the price is not expensive."

"Yeah, I used to think that this kind of delicacy can only be tasted at Fuhong Hotel, but now, I can taste this kind of delicacy at Meier Hotel for half the price. If I don't come, then I won't be able to Fool."

"Haha, it's delicious. The food you cook here is exactly the same as that of Fuhong Hotel..."

Listening to the responses of the people around, Zhou Mei's face was full of smiles.

"Wang Lei, did you see that, we..."

Zhou Mei turned her head, wanting to express her inner joy, but when she fixed her eyes on the position where Wang Lei was standing just now, she couldn't help being stunned.

"Where did Wang Lei go?"

Zhou Mei asked the people around her. After a while, she looked in the direction indicated by the other party, and saw Wang Lei standing at the door.

"Hey, why are you standing here in a daze?"

Zhou Mei asked Wang Lei aloud.

(End of this chapter)

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