Chapter 195 Apologize

"He actually beat the boss of the Sanlian Gang..."

"Oh my god, did I have an illusion..."

Following Wang Lei's slap on Gao Mingyu's face, all the people present were in an uproar and shocked.

Especially on Gao Mingming's side, when he called Gao Mingyu to come over just now, he wanted to borrow Gao Mingyu's power to vent his anger, but he didn't expect that the matter would develop into this kind of situation in the end.

The boss of the Sanlian gang was beaten, but there was no sign of daring to fight back.

This made everyone see it, and felt that it was too incredible.

Everyone looked at the coldness on Wang Lei's face and thought that the boss of the Sanlian Gang would soon suffer.

However, on Wang Lei's side, it was not as everyone had guessed. After jumping off the front of the Audi A8, he stood straight in front of the boss of the Sanlian Gang. Apart from slapping the boss of the Sanlian Gang just now, there was nothing else. action.

"Yes... I'm sorry... Brother Wang..."

The Sanlian gang stammered at Wang Lei, and now they wish they could strangle that troublemaker Gao Mingming to death. If it wasn't for him, they wouldn't be making such a big fuss now.

"Just now your little brother bumped into this old man, what do you think should be done?"

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Lei turned his head and pointed at the old man lying on the ground, and said calmly to Gao Mingyu.

Following Wang Lei's words, the boss of the Sanlian Gang shook his body and said hastily, "Brother Wang, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter properly and give you a satisfactory answer!"

Having said this, Gao Mingyu hastily turned his head and looked towards Gao Mingming.

He said coldly: "What the hell are you still doing here! Go and help your grandfather up from the ground!"

"Take out 30 yuan to honor your grandfather!"

Listening to Gao Mingyu's words, Wang Lei showed a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth, and laughed out loud.

Said: "That's right, don't just rely on some strength in your hands to show off your power everywhere, you are following me now, I hope this is the last time you encounter such an unpleasant thing, if there is a next time, don't blame me for being useless you!"

The coldness in Wang Lei's voice made people chill.

The boss of Sanlian Gang subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and hurriedly nodded to Wang Lei to express his opinion.

Seeing the performance of the boss of the Sanlian Gang, everyone gasped.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wang Lei nodded to the boss of the Sanlian Gang, expressing his satisfaction, then turned around and walked towards the old man who was just supported by Gao Mingming.

"Master, I'm sorry for making you wronged. It's because I didn't discipline my subordinates well."

After Wang Lei's words came out, the people standing around were stunned for a moment, especially the old man with horrified eyes.

"Little brother, don't say that, I can't bear it..."

The old man waved his hands at Wang Lei again and again, with a sincere and fearful expression.

"It's really good. He even made the boss of the Sanlian Gang to be his younger brother, and now he can still show such a humble posture. It's amazing..."

"Yeah, this kind of quality is really rare. If it were someone else, let alone a powerful force like the Sanlian Gang, even if you have two or three little brothers in your hands, you might be dragged to the sky."

During the discussion among the crowd, the old man held Wang Lei's right hand tightly and said, "Young man, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, I would have suffered a lot."

Hearing what the old man said, Wang Lei smiled lightly and said, "This is what I should do. It's because I didn't discipline them well. I should apologize to you old man."

After finishing speaking, Wang Lei looked back at Gao Mingming, and snorted coldly, "Why are you still standing here, take your grandfather to the hospital quickly!"

Gao Mingming's body trembled twice, knowing that he was completely defeated. The boss of the Sanlian Gang looked like a grandson in front of this farmer in front of him. He didn't even have the courage to resist. This farmer was not something he could provoke.

He nodded to Wang Lei in trepidation, then carefully supported the old man and walked towards the Audi A8 parked not far away.

It wasn't until Gao Mingming drove the old man on the road to the hospital that the people standing around gradually recovered from what happened just now.

He retracted his gaze and cast it on Wang Lei, his gaze was full of admiration.


"Brother Wang, what orders do you have now?"

The boss of the Sanlian Gang walked up to Wang Lei and asked cautiously.With a flattering look on his face.

Wang Lei looked back at Gao Mingyu, snorted and said: "Take your people back, and rectify the discipline in the gang. Don't let me see or hear that your Sanlian gang is still doing evil. Otherwise, absolutely not I'll beat you up for such a simple answer."

Hearing Wang Lei's scolding, the boss of the Sanlian Gang suddenly felt as if he had received an amnesty, and hurriedly said to Wang Li: "Brother Wang, don't worry, I will rectify the affairs of the gang after I go back. Let you down. If there is another time, you don't need to do it yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Mingyu hurriedly ran towards the Audi parked in the distance...

Wang Lei saw the actions of the boss of the Sanlian Gang, and sneered. People like this who bully the weak and fear the hard will have to be dealt with so well.

"Okay everyone, it's all right here now, what should you all do?"

Wang Lei smiled at the crowd around him, then ignored them, opened the door of the BMW sports car, and got in.

Just now I thought Liu Ting's seed company was going to get the seeds, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing on the way, which delayed the time. Now I have to go there quickly, otherwise, that person has a bad temper Liu Ting, once she gets angry, she might make things difficult for herself.

Wang Lei started the vehicle and drove towards Huahai City.

At the same time, in the office of the general manager of Tinger Seed Company, Liu Ting was scolding Zhou Mei: "I said, what's the matter with you, now it's the appointed time, the person I asked you to send Why haven't you come here yet! Did you intentionally take me out!"

Listening to the complaints on the phone, Zhou Mei repeatedly apologized.

"Wait a little longer, Wang Lei must have been delayed by other things on the road, I'll urge him now!"

Liu Ting snorted and said, "Hurry up! If he doesn't arrive within half an hour, I won't wait for him, and I'll continue to sleep for beauty sleep!"

Speaking of this, Liu Ting felt even more dissatisfied. If she and Zhou Mei were not friends, she would not have paid attention to this matter. After all, the strange disease on her face had gradually spread. If she could not get a cure in time, her I'm afraid my face will be completely ruined...

(End of this chapter)

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