Chapter 197 Telephone Contact
Facing Zhou Mei's roar, Zhou Fan's face became extremely cold.

He snorted and said, "It's really promising. I raised you so hard, but now you don't respect me as a father!"

After Zhou Fan finished speaking, Zhou Mei snorted coldly, raised her head, and fixed her eyes on Zhou Fan.

After a while, he said lightly, "Father? Hehe, what you said is really nice. Besides raising me, what else have you done?"

"For the benefit of the family, you don't consider the feelings of your own daughter at all, and force your daughter to marry someone you don't like. What a father like you is really qualified. I think in this world, except you Besides, I am afraid there will never be such a competent father again..."

"It's okay for you to suppress your own daughter before, but when I was in the most difficult time, instead of helping me, you still sprinkled salt on my wounds. You are really very competent as a father."

Zhou Mei was snorting coldly, her eyes were fixed on Zhou Fan all the time, seeing that her words could not arouse the other party's mood swings at all, Zhou Mei shook her head and sneered.

After a moment of silence, he continued to speak out: "You are my biological father, but you are indifferent to the lifelong happiness of your daughter for the benefit of the family. Instead, you are a stranger who met by chance and helped me when I was most difficult. "

"One is my biological father, and the other is a passer-by who met me by chance. The gap between these two people is not a star..."

When Zhou Mei said this, the face of the head of Zhou's enterprise, who was originally Gu Jing Wubo, finally changed.

There was coldness in his eyes.

Meier Hotel was on the verge of bankruptcy half a month ago, and it was struggling, but with the help of the farmer, Meier Hotel was brought back to life in just half a month.

Now in Sanping County, when it comes to hotels, Meier Hotel is the first choice for diners.

"Damn it, you dare to ruin my good deed!"

Zhou Fan's eyes showed anger. If the farmer hadn't stepped in halfway, the current Mei'er Hotel would have closed down.

After a while, Zhou Mei will also agree to be engaged to the young master of Zheng's Real Estate Co., Ltd. according to the agreement she made with herself a year ago, but because of Wang Lei's appearance, everything has changed...

"It's okay if you don't mention Wang Lei to me, hehe, after I let you make an engagement with Zheng Hangfan, I will definitely deal with that damned farmer!"

Zhou Fan said coldly to Zhou Mei.

Before Zhou Mei could react, Zhou Fan had already signaled to the people around him to set Zhou Mei up.

"What do you want!"

Zhou Mei's complexion changed drastically, and she hurriedly shouted at Zhou Fan.

At the same time, in the hands of those bodyguards, they continued to struggle.

"Why? Of course I took you home. You have to agree to the marriage with Zheng Hangfan, and you have to agree to it if you don't agree!"

After Zhou Fan said this to Zhou Mei, he gestured to his subordinates and asked them to carry Zhou Mei to the outside of the office.

When passing by the hotel lobby, the diners sitting in the lobby looked at Zhou Fan's actions and shook their heads one after another.

"Hey, where in the world is there such a father, it's really disgusting..."

"In the eyes of this kind of person, there are only family interests, and there is no family affection at all. Whoever becomes his daughter will be unlucky forever."

"How could Manager Zhou have such a father? Hey, this life is ruined..."

Amidst the whispered discussions of these diners, Zhao Fei hurriedly put down her work and stepped forward to stop her.

"Chairman Zhou, what do you mean? When you came just now, you said that you only wanted to talk to our General Manager Zhou. Isn't it too much for you to do so now?"

Zhao Fei stared at Zhou Fan and said coldly.

There was strong dissatisfaction in her voice. If she had known that the head of Zhou's enterprise was a person who did not keep her word, Zhao Fei would not have let Zhou Fan bring his subordinates to Zhou Mei's office anyway.

Looking at Zhao Fei who was standing in front of her, Zhou Fan didn't want to have a dispute with her. After all, this woman is well-known in Huahai City as a talented woman.

But this woman has her own ideal, which is to make a career with her own efforts.

If Zhao Fei can be recruited into Zhou's enterprise, it will be a great thing for Zhou's enterprise.

"Isn't it okay for a father to criticize his daughter?"

"Miss Zhao, you are being too lenient. You have nothing to do here, so please get out of the way."

Zhou Fan said to Zhao Fei, but there was a little politeness in his voice.

Now Zhou Mei had to be taken away by himself, unless it was absolutely necessary, he couldn't argue with a woman like Zhao Fei.

"Hehe, I don't care about Chairman Zhou disciplining his daughter, but Zhou Mei is the general manager of our Meier Hotel, and dozens of people in the hotel are all counting on making a living under Manager Zhou's hands. Now you will treat Zhou like this. Is it too much for the manager to take it away?"

Zhao Fei stopped in front of Zhou Mei's bodyguard, and said bluntly to Zhou Fan.He didn't have the slightest liking for the chairman of Zhou's enterprise in front of him.


Zhou Fan originally wanted to be polite to Zhao Fei, but this woman had sharp teeth and hit the nail on the head, which made Zhou Fan feel angry.

"If I want to take your general manager away by force?"

At this time, Zhou Fan's voice was already a little cold, and he said to Zhao Fei.

Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from Zhou Fan's body, Zhou Mei's expression changed instantly, and her body trembled subconsciously. She was raised by Zhou Fan for more than [-] years, and she knows Zhou Fan's personality perfectly.

Seeing that Zhao Fei still wanted to speak, Zhou Mei hurriedly said: "No need, there is no reason to be with this kind of person. Now you hurry to call Wang Lei, only he can help me."

After saying this, Zhou Mei turned her head to Zhou Fan without waiting for Zhao Fei to express her opinion, and said, "Let's go, Chairman Zhou."

After finishing speaking, he took a straight step and walked towards the outside of the hotel.

Zhou Fan looked at Zhou Mei's back, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he is just a lowly farmer, you really regard him as your savior, it's okay if he doesn't come, if you dare to trouble me, Zhou Fan, I'm sure Let him walk around without eating!
On Zhao Fei's side, it wasn't until these people disappeared at the entrance of the hotel that they realized it.

"Hey, it's really painful to have such a father..."

Muttering to herself, without any hesitation, Zhao Fei hurriedly took out her phone to find out Wang Lei's contact information.

As Zhou Mei said, the only person who can save Zhou Mei now is Wang Lei.

After telling Wang Lei what happened in the hotel, Zhao Fei thought about it, and then called Wu Fuhong, chairman of Fuhong Group.

"Xiaofei, can you call me now?"

When the call was connected, the hearty laughter of the chairman of Fuhong Group came from the microphone.

When he decided to let Zhao Fei work next to Wang Lei, the chairman of Fuhong Group still felt a little reluctant. After all, Zhao Fei's business ability is obvious to all, but now, the chairman of Fuhong Group secretly rejoiced that he had made the last decision right decision.

Today, with the support of Wang Lei, the business of Fuhong Hotel is constantly improving every day.

In just half a month, the hotel's turnover has exceeded the revenue of the previous three quarters.

"Chairman, I have something related to Wang Lei. I think you must be very interested, so I will call you right now..."

Following Zhao Fei's words, Wu Fuhong's eyebrows twitched violently, the smile on her face disappeared instantly, and she became extremely serious.

Before Zhao Fei could finish her polite words, Wu Fuhong directly cut to the topic and said, "Stop talking to me if you're being polite, and just talk about Wang Lei's affairs."

In the eyes of the chairman of the Fuhong Group, although Wang Lei is a farmer, the farmer must not be offended, and must try to please him.Because of the super ingredients in his hands, he can easily control the fate of his hotel.

Now that there is another movement from Wang Lei, if he cultivates a new super ingredient, then he must get in touch with Wang Lei as soon as possible. If Wang Lei encounters difficulties now, then he must firmly grasp this opportunity , to help Wang Lei.

After all, icing on the cake is not as easy to win a person's favor as giving charcoal in the snow.

Just when the chairman of Fuhong Group was thinking quickly, Zhao Fei's voice came out of the phone: "Now Wang Lei's hotel partner has been forcibly taken away by Zhou Fan of Zhou's enterprise. Just now I I have already told Wang Lei about this matter, now is the chance for you, Chairman Wu, to come forward."

Zhou Fan?

After hearing Zhao Fei's words, Wu Fuhong was startled, and then snorted coldly.

"Hehe, Zhou Fan, that bastard's wings are stiff now. I don't even dare to trouble Wang Lei. This bastard actually dares to trouble Wang Lei. I don't know, I get it. Just leave this matter to me. It will definitely be handled beautifully."

After Wu Fuhong said this, she hung up the phone directly.

Then he stretched his right hand towards the landline on the right side of the office, and just as he was about to dial out the secretary's call, the chairman of the Fuhong Group suddenly stopped, his face full of contemplation.

"Wang Lei has put a lot of effort into Meier Hotel. Now that Meier Hotel has such a big problem, the hotel partner has been forcibly taken away. If this matter is left to my subordinates, it will definitely not be as good as mine. If you come forward in person, you will be able to gain Wang Lei's favor..."

Thinking of this, the chairman of Fuhong Group showed a smile on his face, picked up the phone again, and dialed the number of his driver: "Xiao He, wait for me downstairs, and take me to Zhou Fan's home in a while. go."

(End of this chapter)

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