Chapter 224 Surrounding
Following Qian Yongming's words, the middle-aged man who had been beaten up by Wang Lei just swallowed subconsciously.

There was a panic in his heart. If there was another chance to rush, the middle-aged man swore that he would never go against that farmer.

"What about you!"

Qian Yongming felt the emotional fluctuations emanating from the middle-aged man in front of him, and immediately growled in a low voice.

" Mingtai County..."

The middle-aged man staggered, and hurriedly said to Qian Yongming.

"Okay, now you gather all the security guards in the company, and I'm going to teach that damn bushy a lesson now!"

In Qian Yongming's words, the middle-aged man's face was in an uproar, and he still wants to confront that farmer?
"Qian... Mr. Qian... I have something at home that I need to go back to deal with, so I won't go there..."

Qian Yongming turned his head to look at the middle-aged man, his eyes were full of surprise, Qian Yongming was very clear about the behavior of this subordinate, never thought that this man who was fearless would be frightened by a farmer now.

"You bastard, since you have something to do at home, you should stay at home and deal with it from now on, and you don't have to come to work anymore."

After Qian Yongming threw these cold words at the middle-aged man, he turned around and walked outside.

As for the middle-aged man, although he lost his job in a blink of an eye, he felt a little lucky in his heart that he would never meet that horrible farmer again.

A few minutes later, more than 30 security guards gathered in front of Yongming Food Factory.

After Qian Yongming gave the order, these people got into the Jinbei car one after another and drove towards Mingtai County.

"I'd like to see how capable that farmer is, that he can actually scare my strong general into that grandson look!"

Thinking back on his subordinate's performance in front of him just now, Qian Yongming felt very angry. First, he was dissatisfied with his subordinate's ability to do things, and second, because of the farmer, he actually lost a strong general.

"Give me the gas pedal!"

Qian Yongming was sitting in the passenger seat and growled at the driver.

At the same time, on Wang Lei's side, after distributing the food, they had packed up everything and were ready to leave.

But now, Wang Lei is unable to move an inch and is surrounded by the victims.

"Thank you, benefactor!"

"Please accept my obeisance..."

"Benefactor, you are really a living Bodhisattva who saves suffering..."

Standing by the side, Gao Mingyu saw the performance of the victims, and was very envious of Wang Lei.

The reason why this farmer is so popular among the people is that he won it because of his single-minded consideration for the victims.

Under the watchful eyes of the leader of the Sanlian Gang, facing the victims who sang praises, Wang Lei hastily bent over and helped an old man in front of him without any arrogance.

"Hurry up, guys, I dare not accept you doing this."

"If you do this again, I will be angry..."

In Wang Lei's voice, Gao Mingyu hurriedly said to the other victims around him: "Hurry up, big guys. We are doing this to help you get out of suffering as soon as possible. Apart from that, we have no other ideas."

The hearts of all the people in the field felt warm. After the heavy rain hit, these people looked at the loss of their homes and thought of dying. But when they were extremely pessimistic, Wang Lei fell from the sky like a magic soldier, carrying a lot of food. Come and help everyone.

"What a nice guy."

"good man!"

"It is our blessing to meet you two..."

Listening to the voices of the people around him, Wang Lei felt very relieved in his heart. His actions were recognized by everyone, and he was able to make others happy. Wang Lei also felt extremely happy in his heart.

"Okay everyone, I have to leave now, but you don't have to worry, as soon as the weather clears up, I will bring everyone together to rebuild the homeland."

After Wang Lei finished speaking, he walked out of the crowd and walked towards the truck parked not far in front.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden roar of an engine from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, before everyone could react, a white gold cup had already appeared in everyone's sight.

The speed is so fast that it arrives in the blink of an eye.

When Jinbei came in front of everyone, he braked suddenly, and the Jinbei car drew a distance of five or six meters on the ground, making a piercing friction sound.

The sudden situation made Wang Lei frown instantly.

Looking at the people in the golden cup car, an ominous premonition emerged from Wang Lei's heart.

The other party drove the car to the nearest place to the crowd before stopping. This kind of arrogant and domineering posture would definitely not behave as it should when coming to help the victims.

"what happened?"

"It's menacing, I think it's probably not a good thing..."

When there were discussions among the crowd, before the Jinbei car stopped, the door was already opened, and a group of people in security uniforms came out of the car.

Holding all kinds of 'weapons' in his hands, he is completely in the posture of going to war.

Wang Lei withdrew his right hand that was already on the truck, turned around and looked towards the Jinbei truck.

His expression was full of coldness.

"Brother Wang, do you need me to call some people?"

Gao Mingyu looked at the thirty or so people getting off the Jinbei car, and asked Wang Lei in a low voice.

Before getting in touch with Wang Lei, Gao Mingyu had seen too many such scenes in the days of fighting and killing every day. He just glanced at it and knew that the arrival of these people in front of him was not surprising. good thing.

"No, just wait and see."

Wang Lei said to Gao Mingyu.

"I really want to see what kind of evil forces exist in Mingtai County."

In Wang Lei's cold voice, the passenger seat of the Jinbei car opened, and a burly middle-aged man with a beer belly stepped down.

He glanced briefly at everyone, then looked at the two people standing next to the truck on the right, and finally settled on the poorly dressed farmer.

"You are Wang Lei?"

Qian Yongming asked the farmer in a cold voice.

These words made all the people present thump in their hearts, and they realized that the reason why this sudden person was so menacing probably had a lot to do with Wang Lei.

"Don't be dazed, big guys, hurry up and copy guys! We must not let our benefactor be in danger!"

"Surround these people..."

Wang Lei waved his hands at the people around him, signaling them to be quiet, then turned his head to look at the middle-aged man who got off the Jinbei car just now, and said with a sneer, "If you guessed correctly, you should be from the Yongming Food Factory. Qian Yongming, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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