Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 231 Find someone to cooperate

Chapter 231 Find someone to cooperate
"Mr. Wang, you can think twice. If you really buy the wheat in their hands, it will require a lot of money."

People from Fuhong Hotel stood beside Wang Lei and hurriedly reminded him, for fear that Wang Lei was acting out of passion.

Wang Lei listened to the other party's kind reminder, smiled lightly, and said, "It's okay, as long as I can help these victims."

In fact, Wang Lei really wants to say, I have already donated hundreds of millions, and I don't care about this little money now.

However, Wang Lei knew that if he really said this true thought in his heart, it might become a pretentious buzzword in an instant.

As for the people around, listening to Wang Lei's words, they showed admiration.

Especially on the side of the victims, they were already crying with gratitude because of Wang Lei's words.

"However, let's transport these big wheat guys to Yongming Food Factory. If the food factory can't handle it, then I will think of other ways."

Wang Lei said to the many victims in front of him.But in his mind, he already had a way to use the stricken wheat.

The power of Shennong's Canon!Now Wang Lei has cultivated the Shennong Collection to the second level. Although it is far away from entering the third level and cannot use the divine power of the sky, but relying on the power of the second level of the Shennong Collection, Wang Lei is enough to achieve supernatural powers. Put it outside to condense the nutrient solution.

Relying on that incredible power, the genes of these damaged wheat can be improved so that they can be used again.Not only will this not reduce the quality of the wheat, but it will also improve the quality of the wheat by several grades.

Has unimaginable advantages.

"Hey, he's such a good person. He would rather suffer a loss than watch others suffer..."

"It's really stupid..."

"However, if every rich man in society is as stupid as he is, then the poor will really have hope to live a better life..."

"It would be great if all rich men could be like Wang Lei. This is the blessing of our common people..."

Amidst the sighs of the crowd, those disaster victims were already pulling the stricken wheat and heading towards the Yongming Food Factory.

Wang Lei drove the Ferrari-F12berlinetta one step ahead, and half an hour later, he stood in the office of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory.

" did you come here..."

When Qian Yongming saw this farmer, his first reaction was panic.

The whole person was restless.

I've learned how to be good now, since I was cheated by you for 3000 million, I haven't bothered you, what the hell are you coming to find me now, what do you mean!
Qian Yongming cursed in his heart.

But on his face, he was worried, swallowing saliva constantly, feeling like he was sitting on pins and needles.

"Hehe, I don't eat people, so why scare you into such a virtue?"

Wang Lei saw the performance of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, and smiled slightly.

On the side of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, listening to the words of the farmer in front of him, he cursed again and again in his heart.

"You fucking don't eat people, you fucking cheat people!"

"I would rather let you eat than let you cheat!"

Resisting the urge to go berserk, Qian Yongming asked Wang Lei with a dark face, "Tell me, what exactly do you want!"

At this time, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory already had the idea of ​​dying with the farmer in front of him. Although I am not your opponent, you can never treat me like a persimmon!

Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from Qian Yongming, Wang Lei smiled wryly and said, "I came here now to tell you something good. Although you were not good before, since you donated 3000 million, I have given you a lot of money. It’s very impressive. I know you really want to make Yongming Food Factory bigger and stronger, so I came here specially to find you.”

These words moved Qian Yongming a little.

To make the business bigger and stronger is what any entrepreneur wants to do.

But can this cheat in front of you really be believed?
Suspicious in his heart, Qian Yongming subconsciously opened his mouth to Wang Lei and asked, "Then how do you want to help me?"

While speaking, his eyes were fixed on Wang Lei's face. A person's words can be deceiving, but the movement of his eyes can express a person's true inner thoughts, which is absolutely impossible to deceive.

Under the watchful eyes of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, the farmer standing opposite smiled lightly, with a bright smile on his face, and opened his mouth and said: "Now I have a batch of excellent quality wheat in my hand, which can be baked into the most perfect wheat in the world." Are you interested in delicious food?"

Those simple words immediately made Qian Yongming a little excited.

If a food factory wants to become bigger and stronger, besides the ability of the leader, the most important issue is the source of materials. It is even more important than the ability of the leader, and it can directly affect the fate of a food factory.

If things are really as Wang Lei said, he really has that kind of excellent wheat in his hand, this is tantamount to big news for Yongming Food Factory.

Ever since he saw Wang Lei's performance in front of the disaster victims yesterday and won the support of 120 points, Qian Yongming already knew how wrong he was.

If you want to make a fortune, it is impossible to go the wrong way, you must be down-to-earth.

"Yes, of course! Where is the good wheat you speak of?"

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory hurriedly asked Wang Lei, fearing that if he answered a second late, Wang Lei would regret it.

"Hehe, these wheats are purchased at the market price, [-] yuan per catty. Your Yongming Food Factory will contribute and I will provide the technology."

Wang Lei ignored Qian Yongming's words and continued his topic.

"The market purchase price of one yuan and five?"

Qian Yongming instantly felt cheated. This is the purchase price that naive wheat should be. It is ridiculously low!
The general purchase price of high-quality wheat used to make food is more than two yuan!

"There is no problem with this. As long as the quality of the wheat is guaranteed, I will definitely agree to your terms. Hurry up and take me there to see the high-quality wheat you mentioned."

While speaking, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory took the farmer's hand and wanted to go outside.

On Wang Lei's side, seeing Qian Yongming's performance in his eyes, he smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, I've already let them transport it here, and it will be here in a few minutes."

Qian Yongming's heart skipped a beat, "You already asked them to ship it over? It seems like I just agreed to cooperate with you?"

For a moment, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart, "Could it be that you kid is trying to trick me again?"

Wang Lei rolled his eyes and said, "Don't keep saying that I cheated on you. I asked you to donate 3000 million yuan to rescue. This is what you should do. You know how much black money you have made over the years, and you didn't let your company go bankrupt." It's already pretty good."

"Okay, follow me and go outside to have a look."

 Recommend the story of "The Strongest Farmer" leading farmers to get rich.It is limited to free, omni-channel, with a maximum of 55096 new additions, and the quality is guaranteed.


(End of this chapter)

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