Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 335 Humiliation of farmers?

Chapter 335 Humiliation of farmers?

Following Liu Hua's words, the atmosphere in the venue changed instantly.

Those who had scolded Liu Hua just now turned their heads to look at Wang Lei.

"Nani? He turned out to be a farmer?"

"No way... I can't see the slightest trace of a peasant in his temperament..."


Sensing the changes in the mood of the crowd around her, Liu Hua's face was full of complacency.

"Why, now that I have exposed your true identity as a farmer, are you speechless now?"

"Haha, weren't you quite good at bragging just now!"

Liu Hua's words were yin and yang, which made people around them see it and shook their heads again and again.

"Are you finished?"

At this moment, Wang Lei suddenly uttered a few simple words, "If you finish talking, you can get out now."

"Oh, are you angry? I'm so scared..."

Liu Hua slapped her chest pretendingly in Wang Lei's words, and the yin and yang laughter sounded again.

His behavior and demeanor made Wang Lei feel disgusted.

The people standing around already knew at this time that the man and woman in front of them not only knew each other, but also had great conflicts.

Liu Hua directly said that Wang Lei was a farmer, making the people around him shake their heads secretly.

Some people saw Wang Lei being ridiculed and wanted Wang Lei to dismiss it.

But seeing Wang Lei standing in front of the arrogant Liu Hua and not moving at all, this made some people very anxious.

However, just when someone could no longer keep silent and wanted to refute Wang Lei, Wang Lei fought back.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Lei glanced at Liu Hua lightly, "You are right, I am a farmer. I have never felt ashamed because of this identity, on the contrary, I am very proud."

"If it weren't for thousands of farmers like me, you would have starved to death."

Following Wang Lei's words, applause immediately rang out.

"Young man, well said!"


"What's wrong with the peasants? Farmers also rely on hard work to make a living. If they don't steal or rob, why should they be looked down upon by others!"

Wang Lei waved his hands at the people around him, telling them to be quiet.

Then he looked at Liu Hua and said again: "Do you think you have the right to look down on farmers? Don't forget, your father was a farmer, your grandfather, and your ancestors were all farmers. The reason why you are wearing this mink now Pi, isn’t it because Liu Hongtian took care of you. Now you’re blatantly belittling the peasants, you’re an obsolete thing.”

"How dare you scold me?"

Liu Hua was out of breath, pinching her waist with both hands, staring at Wang Lei.

"I advise you not to humiliate yourself. If you want to lose face, get out of this door quickly. Otherwise, don't say I did it, and these people around you will be the first to slap you!"

While Wang Lei was speaking, he gestured to Liu Hua to the onlookers around him.

It wasn't until this moment that Liu Hua realized that she had already committed public outrage.

Those people all stared at themselves with cannibalistic eyes.

"You're ruthless! You wait for me, Wang!"

After leaving these words, Liu Hua turned and left the Ocean Charge Store without looking back.

"Grass, look down on farmers, I can't humiliate you to death, that's evil."

Wang Lei spat in his mouth.

"Hey, I like this young man, he has won the breath for us farmers!"

"Yeah, good job!"

"It's a beautiful job. What's wrong with the peasants? You don't have to be ashamed of yourself as a peasant!"

(End of this chapter)

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