Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 338 Publicity Planning

Chapter 338 Publicity Planning
"Of course there is no problem. Our ocean assault store will provide you with the best service."

Xiaolan smiled brightly at Wang Lei, and then quickly turned around to prepare for the formalities.

However, at this moment, several staff members surrounded Xiaolan one after another.

"What's going on here? I saw you staring at the POS machine in a daze just now?"

"Yes, how much money does he have in his bank card?"

Xiaolan listened to the questioning of her colleagues, and her mood that had just calmed down was mobilized again in an instant, and she subconsciously turned her head to look at Wang Lei.

"You should hurry up and say it!"

Someone looked at Xiaolan's attitude, and couldn't keep silent any longer, and hurriedly urged her.

"Although this Mr. Wang's bank card has been debited 80 just now, it is not even a fraction of his balance."

Following Xiaolan's words, everyone swallowed their saliva with difficulty.

Looking back at Wang Lei, the gaze has changed, as if staring at a monster.

"Ju... actually can't even compare to his fraction..."

"My God, this guy is too rich..."

"You really don't know what you look like. Although this Mr. Wang is dressed in ordinary clothes, I didn't expect to be a super rich..."

In the exclamation of the staff of the ocean assault store, the other people standing around gradually became uproarious.

"Hehe, it's just luck, I just made some money."

Sensing the emotional fluctuations emanating from the crowd around him, Wang Lei smiled faintly.

"Miss, please complete the formalities for me as soon as possible. I'm waiting to send the motorboat back."

Xiaolan hurriedly responded, and then, under the envy of everyone, began to go through various sales procedures.

"Hey, it's really enviable. Xiaolan just came to our Haiyang Charge store for a week, and she's a complete newcomer. I didn't expect her to make a lot of money now..."

"Yeah, 10 motorboats, each with a commission of 200 yuan, she has earned a month's salary for her work..."

"Fuck, it's not that bitch named Liu Hua just now. Damn, if it weren't for her, I wouldn't preconceive that Mr. Wang can't afford a motorboat..."

The staff of the Ocean Assurance Shop were aggrieved, while the other people around them turned their attention to Wang Lei.

Just like before, it never moved.

"Little brother, I don't know what kind of big business you are running?"

A middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes and a briefcase walked up to Wang Lei and asked politely.

"I farm in the village, and now I mainly engage in tourism development in Huacun."

"Tourism development? Has Mr. Wang found a way to promote it?" The middle-aged man's eyes lit up instantly after hearing Wang Lei's words.

"Hehe, it's only just started now. All the facilities have not been completed yet, and the publicity has not been carried out yet." Wang Lei smiled heartily at the middle-aged man and said truthfully.

But when he felt the emotional fluctuations emanating from the other party, Wang Lei was slightly taken aback, and then laughed, "Are you doing publicity and planning?"

"Yeah." The middle-aged man hurriedly nodded in response, fearing that if he was a second late, Wang Lei would stop paying attention to himself.

"Mr. Wang, this is my business card. If you want to publicize it, I can help you." While speaking, the middle-aged man hurriedly handed over a postcard.

(End of this chapter)

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